Thursday, August 6, 2009

Firefox Director Talks Firefox 3.6, Tasks, and Competing with Chrome and more...

Thu Aug 06 2009
Firefox Director Talks Firefox 3.6, Tasks, and Competing with Chrome

We were eager to know what's happening with Firefox. Mike Beltzner, the open-source browser's director, was glad to tell us. Here's what he had to say about future features, competition with Chrome, and keeping all of Firefox contributors in sync. MORE >>

POSTED: Wed Aug 05 2009 20:00

SmillaEnlarger Enlarges Your Images without Artifacts

Windows/Mac OS X: Enlarging images, especially from lower resolution source images, can be dicey business. Want to enlarge an image and you don't want it to look like an 8-bit video game sprite? SmillaEnlarger can keep things smooth and artifact free. MORE >>

POSTED: Wed Aug 05 2009 15:00

Massacre Gmail Ads with These Two Sentences (and Some Tragic Words)

Those "Sponsored Ads" in e-mails are an annoyance to both sender and recipient and they seem to escape blocking. Until now. These two (so far) fail-proof sentences at the end of an email will let you enjoy e-mailed rants, ad-free. MORE >>

POSTED: Wed Aug 05 2009 14:00

The Complete Guide to Going Paperless

You already pay your bills online and get electronic statements, but there are even more ways you can stop killing innocent trees and wasting time and money dealing with paper. It's time we went paperless. MORE >>

POSTED: Wed Aug 05 2009 12:00

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