Sunday, August 23, 2009

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HOWTO make a plush cell model

Posted: 23 Aug 2009 03:23 AM PDT

Instructables user ChrysN has a sweet plush cell model HOWTO up on the site. ChrysN suggests that this would be a great project for students assigned to produce a cell model.

Plush Cell Model (via Neatorama)

Bollywood stars celebrating Ganesha festival

Posted: 23 Aug 2009 03:08 AM PDT

The Times of India has a nice photogallery of Bollywood stars celebrating the Ganesha Festival, one of the busiest festivals in India.

Bollywood welcomes Lord Ganesha

What would you do with a Class C IP block?

Posted: 22 Aug 2009 02:22 PM PDT

A reader writes,
Back in the day before ARIN, I obtained a class C license (255 IP numbers) for a network of servers running in my garage. This block hasn't been in official routing for several years. As you well know, class C licenses are in rather short supply.

This is a unique situation. I was talking couple of years ago about this with Clay Shirky, who suggested I crowdsource the question, so here goes:

What's the most creative use that you could imagine for an IP v4 class C license?

Kids' Doctor Who Torchwood video

Posted: 22 Aug 2009 01:32 PM PDT

Little Red Light's kids have produced a followup Doctor Who fan video as a sequel to last summer's lovely effort, this one focused on Torchwood.

UNIT-Torchwood Upgraded: Part 1 (Thanks, littleredlight!)

Fundable rips off Hugo-nominated writer Mary Robinette Kowal

Posted: 23 Aug 2009 02:53 AM PDT

Mary Robinette Kowal sez, "Last January, I tried using to raise money to replace my computer. At the time, their rating online looked good and I didn't see anything to suggest they were a scam. They'd been covered by BBC and Marketplace, so seemed legit. Seven months and $1450 later, I'm ready to say that yes, yes they are a scam."
I've since challenged them for my paypal payment and got that money back. But My dad still hasn't gotten back the $700 he pledged and other people are waiting for theirs. I think they are still holding some $1410. It pisses me off no end. Oh, and yes, Rob and I wound up going into a bit of debt because I'd ordered the computer when the fundraiser completed. Funny thing, I started the fundraiser because we couldn't afford a new computer on our own.
My very bad experience with (Thanks, Mary!)

Update: The negative attention from Mary's post and the followups elsewhere have attracted Fundable's attention and they promise to fix things. Finally.

Today at Boing Boing Gadgets

Posted: 22 Aug 2009 11:50 AM PDT

tim.jpg• Lisa told about her favorite sport headphones for running with. • Steven got hands-on with HTC's MyTouch. • Rob offered a compendium of disturbing British public information films. • Justin Timberlake's new fragrance looks a lot like a music player. • Apple is so inundated with AppStore submissions that its review teams have only minutes to examine each one.

BudgetTravel's "World's Weirdest Hotels"

Posted: 22 Aug 2009 06:49 AM PDT

 Bt-Srv Gallery 0908 Weirdesthotels Plane Exterior-1
 Bt-Srv Gallery 0908 Weirdesthotels Capsule Water BudgetTravel has a slide show of what they've deemed the "World's Weirdest Hotels." No Madonna Inn, but more interesting to me than theme rooms anyway are places where the entire hotel structure is an oddity. Top, the Hotel Costa Verde near Quepos, Costa Rica. Left, at the Capsule Hotel in Den Haag, Netherlands, you can sleep in an escape pod from a 1970s oil rig.
"World's Weirdest Hotels, Part Deux"

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