Tuesday, September 1, 2009

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Fresh Greens: Crazy Excessive Electronics Packaging, Dismembered Rare Tigers, Making Music with the Moon and More!

Posted: 31 Aug 2009 09:02 PM PDT

Each week we're bringing you some of our favorite posts from our friends over at TreeHugger. Enjoy!

Ultra Rare Tiger Dismembered at Zoo and Sold on Chinese Black Market
It's something you'd think would only happen in a movie. But one of only 400 of these rare tigers was literally taken apart at a zoo and sold off on the black market.

Inflatable Solar Panels Zip Together To Power Most Anything
This lightweight, inflatable solar panel concept brings renewable energy access to any building and without that pesky renovation.

First Gray Wolf Hunt in Decades Begins Today
Starting today, the gray wolf is about to be hunted for the first time in decades. Unless a judge steps in, hundreds are likely to be shot, starting in Idaho.

buBle is More than a Tent, Less than a House
Check out this awesome piece of design for a temporary home.

Borneo Tribesmen Armed with Blowpipes Block Roads, Stop Palm Oil Plantations
There's one way to put a halt to harmful production! A very concrete example of how roads into rainforests can bring indigenous people into the firing line.

Weird Solar Device of the Day: Hanging Basket Rotator
Do you need a special solar device to make sure your hanging plants get even sun? Maybe!

Moonbell Lets You Create Music Based on Lunar Topography
It's one thing to get music recommendations from your Pandora radio station. It's a whole other thing to have the moon craft what you're listening to.

A Minneapolis Couple Celebrates Their 50th Anniversary By Installing Rain Gardens For Their Block
Most couples toast to 50 years with a nice bottle of champagne, flowers, or maybe a weekend away. But not the Wolks!

California Hosts Gigantic Garage Sale to Raise State Funds
Can't balance your state's budget? Is a lack of funds causing hard working employees to take pay cuts and unwanted days off? Tired of sending out IOUs to cover your debts? There's only one thing to do: garage sale!

Wow...This Excessive Electronics Packaging Takes the Trophy!
I think half the people on my block heard me burst out laughing when I saw this image. You'll never guess what is inside this massive box. 10 new laptops? 5 flat panel monitors? Nope! Keep guessing...

Propaganda posters from WWII

Posted: 31 Aug 2009 11:30 PM PDT

Ben Cosgrove says: "As Tuesday's the 70th anniversary of the start of WWII, I decided to put together a gallery of some of the most intense propaganda posters and flyers I could find, just to remind LIFE visitors that, whatever one thinks of the war itself, there's no denying that some of the graphic art that came out of it was AMAZING."

In war and in peace -- but especially in war -- governments everywhere resort to propaganda, which at its simplest and starkest often takes the form of outrageous posters: occasionally beautiful, sometimes racist, and often brutally jarring. This, for example, is how the Nazis wanted occupied Holland to see America and Americans in 1944 -- as a Frankenstein's monster of warmongering racists, jazz-crazed degenerates, and money-mad gangsters.
Propaganda posters from WWII

Parts Nebula: a parts-tracking inventory system for makers

Posted: 31 Aug 2009 10:24 PM PDT

Bre sez,
At MakerBot Industries, we've been selling more and more MakerBots and we needed an inventory tracking system so that we could keep track of all the different parts of the machine and know what we have and where it is. Keeping inventory and making lists of parts for a project turns out to be really important for open source hardware folks because it lets you share what it is you're doing and leaves breadcrumbs for others to build on. It turns out that it's really handy to be able to share lists of parts, part numbers, and suppliers so that other people can build on the shoulders of your accomplishments.

Zach pulled together the Parts Nebula as part of Thingiverse, our digital design and project sharing website. If you're like me, half the time you're making something, you're pretty sure that you've got a certain part but you don't know where it is and so you have to buy another one. Well, this parts management system pretty much fixes that. Go forth and document your parts drawer full of junk and then make something with it and share the project!

Thingiverse: Parts Nebula Discovered (Thanks, Bre!)

Future of Music summit, DC, Oct 4-6

Posted: 31 Aug 2009 10:21 PM PDT

Casey from the Future of Music Coalition sez:

It's been nearly a decade since the digital music genie burst out of its bottle, changing the game for virtually everyone in the music ecosystem. Future of Music Policy Summit 2009 features practical, musician-focused workshops, keynotes from leading artists, managers and policymakers and inspired panel discussions with the sharpest minds in the music/technology/policy space.

Among the ranks of stellar speakers and panelists are:

U.S. Senator Al Franken (D-MN), who will speak about net neutrality.

Daniel Ek, founder of Spotify -- the potentially game-changing music service that's sweeping Europe and generating incredible buzz in America, where the service is expected to launch this year.

Brian Message -- a partner in Courtyard Management, the team that represents Radiohead, Supergrass and the 22-20s.

Throughout the Summit, prominent musicians from a variety of genres will also give their direct thoughts about how they're adapting to an increasingly networked (and noisy) world. Artist participants in Policy Summit 2009 include jazz pianist Vijay Iyer, Wayne Kramer of MC5, Dave Allen of Gang of Four and Mac McCaughan, co-owner of Merge Records and member of Superchunk and Portastatic.

Music, Technology, Policy and Law Go Back to the Future

Computer repair flowcharts - Boing Boing Gadgets

Posted: 31 Aug 2009 10:18 PM PDT

On Boing Boing Gadgets, our Steven's found a goldmine of computer repair flowcharts:

From Morris Rosenthal's Computer Repair with Diagnostic Flowcharts. Bonus: On his site, the charts are interactive, so clicking on a diamond jumps you to the text for each decision step.
Computer Repair Flowchart

Discuss this on Boing Boing Gadgets

Canadian Copyright Consultation submission from Tucows and David Weinberger

Posted: 31 Aug 2009 10:20 PM PDT

Canada's copyright consultations are rapidly drawing to a close (you still have time to get your comments in) and the excellent folks at Canadian Internet giant Tucows (who also own Domain Direct and other tech businesses) have hired David Weinberger (author of Everything is Miscellaneous, Small Pieces, Loosely Joined, and co-author of The Cluetrain Manifesto) to write a plain-language, brilliantly argued submission. Weinberger explains how moderate copyright is better for creativity than the pervasive system favored by the American entertainment cartel.
Even within any one class of incentive, the effect of money on creativity is rarely a straight line. Mordechai Richler would not have written four times as many books if his advances had been four times larger. The Guess Who might be tempted to release more recycled compilations if you pay them enough money, but their songs would not have gotten 1% better for every 1% their revenues went up. Thus, while copyright may provide a financial incentive that enables many creators to create, stronger copyright that results in more money does not necessarily result in more creativity.

In fact, how long would it take you to list the bands that have gotten worse as they've gotten richer?

For the most important creative cultural works, money is an enabler but not the reason the person is putting pen to paper, chisel to stone, or camcorder to eye socket. There are so many other reasons people create -- from G-d whispering to them, to a neurological itch that can't otherwise be scratched, to wanting to get laid. Copyright could do its job -- facilitate an innovative, sustainable culture -- if it aimed merely at enabling creators to create, rather than thinking that the creativity-to-financial-reward curve is a straight line angled at 45 degrees.

Now, there would be no problem with setting up a system of laws that overemphasizes the financial incentives for creators if that system had no other effects. But it does, especially now that culture and economics have slipped the bonds of the old physics. Even if we devised a copyright law that provided the absolutely right amount of incentive for every creator to keep on creating, it takes more than motivated creators to build a creative, innovative culture.

It takes culture. It takes culture to build culture.

Copyright's Creative Disincentive (Thanks, Elliot!)

Disney/Marvel mashups

Posted: 31 Aug 2009 10:07 PM PDT

The Super Punch blog is collecting the inevitable Marvel/Disney mashups that have appeared online since the Disney/Marvel acquisition was announced yesterday. Shown: Serge Kliavaing's Mickey Venom.

More Disney/Marvel mashups, Disney/Marvel mashups (Thanks, John!)

Howie Tsui's Asian/Western horror paintings

Posted: 31 Aug 2009 02:30 PM PDT

Ottawa artist Howie Tsui paints fantastical, evil, and beautiful landscapes of monsters, ghosts, demons, and deities. He tells me that his new large paintings, "Horror Fables," are in the form of Ming Dynasty scrolls and were influenced by "a variety of dark subjects, including Asian ghost stories, Buddhist hell scrolls, Hong Kong vampire films, neo-conservative propaganda, and twentieth-century genocides such as the Nanking massacre." Howie Tsui

Tiny I-SWARM robots

Posted: 31 Aug 2009 02:31 PM PDT

Over at BB Gadgets, Steven has the details on these I-SWARM robugs. They're 4 mm long, wide, and tall and solar-powered. Swarm Bots: Now W/Solar Power, Complex Behaviors!

Did Google Street View spot rapist/kidnapper Garrido?

Posted: 31 Aug 2009 02:43 PM PDT

#9: Garrido's van?

A followup on this earlier BB post about the wacko blog and gadget hallucinations of kidnapper/rapist (now also a murder suspect) Phillip Garrido.

Weighing in on that post, an astute BB commenter noticed that if you do a Google Maps search for 1554 Walnut Avenue, Antioch, CA -- the address of the Antioch home where Garrido detained Jaycee Dugard (and her children, fathered by rape) -- you can see an overhead view of all the tents, tarps and sheds that Garrido's parole officer(s) and local police were too incompetent to bother checking, despite the fact that the guy was a convicted rapist. The overhead view in Google Maps has since been widely reported and blogged, so that's old news 4 days later.

But not this. Check out what another commenter noticed. When you're at that address in Google Maps, switch over to Street View mode. You'll see something chilling. Right in the 1554 Walnut Avenue driveway, you see a beat-up van with a rusty, trashed exterior, and what looks like a man behind the steering wheel. Follow the van. Pull your POV out of that driveway, moving away on Walnut toward Bown, and look backwards toward the house on Street View. For what I think is, like, 6 blocks or more, that guy in that van is following the black Google VW with cameras mounted on it. Was that Garrido in the van? Is it possible he saw the Google van with all the gear on top, freaked out about being surveilled, and followed it for a while with interest and fear?Maybe, maybe not. IANALEO (I am not a law enforcement officer) so I don't know. Maybe I'm imagining this, and I probably need to stop obsessing about this story. But it's the creepiest thing I've ever seen on Google Street View.

Photos: Here's the Flickr set I created of the sequence within Google Maps. The final shot, before the van veers away, is at the top of this post.

Previously on BB: The blog of Philip Garrido, serial rapist and kidnapper: "sound control" gadget hallucinations.

Audio history of the psycograph, automated phrenology machine

Posted: 31 Aug 2009 02:13 PM PDT

 Psycograph Psyco-0 Seen here is the Psycograph, an automated phrenology device from the early 1900s. Of course, phrenology was the idea that you could glean great knowledge about someone's personality based on the shape of their skull. (More Psycograph ad images scanned by John Karp are here.) Over at MindHacks, Vaughan points to this fun audio documentary on the Psycograph, from the podcast series This Week in the History of Psychology.
MP3: David Baker on the psycograph, the 1930s' automatic phrenologist

Profile of skeptical guru James Randi

Posted: 31 Aug 2009 01:54 PM PDT

Saint of Skepticism James Randi is profiled in the current issue of the SF Weekly. The reporter attended Randi's annual Las Vegas conference, the Amazing Meeting, which sounds like a cult revival for unwavering disbelievers and anti-Forteans. From the SF Weekly:
Randidididi Randi has debunked more than 100 psychics and faith healers in a quest to rid the world of hucksters. It also makes him the subject of scorn among purveyors of the paranormal, true believers who say Randi has made himself rich, pulling in nearly $200,000 a year from his foundation, at the expense of others' careers. His foundation has been hemorrhaging money, and Randi, who has spent his career challenging the notion of an afterlife, now faces his own mortality. He has intestinal cancer and may not have long to live. He has been a commanding presence for four decades, but it's unclear who could fill his role as the face of the skeptic community...

The James Randi Foundation put together its first skeptics' conference in 2003. That first year in Fort Lauderdale, the event drew just 150 attendees. In the years since, it has grown to become the largest gathering of critical thinkers, doubters, heretics, and nonbelievers in the world. More than 1,100 conferees paid about $300 each for admission this year. They come to hear some of the most famous voices in critical thinking — Adam Savage, San Francisco–based cohost of the Discovery Channel's MythBusters; Bill Prady, cocreator of CBS' The Big Bang Theory — and to discuss Randi's favorite topic, skeptical inquiry, a discipline devoted to debunking psychics, faith healers, con artists, and ghost whisperers through the holy miracle of old-fashioned science.

The Amazing Meeting attendees are mostly white males with glasses, facial hair, and a healthy appreciation of physics and Monty Python. They come from as far away as Australia and Japan. There are college students, bloggers, and rambunctious computer scientists. In the halls of the conference, they banter about the psychological phenomenon known as "the ideomotor effect," the pseudoscience behind the instant sommelier (a contraption that can supposedly age wine to perfection in 30 minutes), and — a favorite conversation topic — getting wasted at the hotel bar.
"The Demystifying Adventures of the Amazing Randi"

The pleasure of reading stories that don't bore

Posted: 31 Aug 2009 12:01 PM PDT

"A good story is a dirty secret that we all share," Lev Grossman writes in "Good Books Don't Have to Be Hard, his essay in the August 29 edition of The Wall Street Journal. Grossman, the book critic at Time and author of The Magicians and Warp, believes that a strong emphasis on storytelling will once again becoming important in novels, after having been cast aside as being "disgraceful" for the last several decades. That's good news, he says, because novels without a strong plot, for the most part, suck.

Which is probably why millions of adults are cheating on the literary novel with the young-adult novel, where the unblushing embrace of storytelling is allowed, even encouraged. Sales of hardcover young-adult books are up 30.7% so far this year, through June, according to the Association of American Publishers, while adult hardcovers are down 17.8%. Nam Le's The Boat, one of the best-reviewed books of fiction of 2008, has sold 16,000 copies in hardcover and trade paperback, according to Nielsen Bookscan (which admittedly doesn't include all book retailers). In the first quarter of 2009 alone, the author of the Twilight series, Stephenie Meyer, sold eight million books. What are those readers looking for? You'll find critics who say they have bad taste, or that they're lazy and can't hack it in the big leagues. But that's not the case. They need something they're not getting elsewhere. Let's be honest: Why do so many adults read Suzanne Collins's young-adult novel The Hunger Games instead of contemporary literary fiction? Because The Hunger Games doesn't bore them.

All of this is changing. The revolution is under way. The novel is getting entertaining again.

Good Books Don't Have to Be Hard Work

Dick Cheney, proud torturer.

Posted: 31 Aug 2009 11:48 AM PDT

Picture 32.jpg

Former US Vice President Dick Cheney proclaimed once again over the weekend that he believes torture applied to war-on-terror detainees in U.S. custody after 9/11 worked brilliantly to reveal terror plots -- this despite testimony to the contrary from a CIA investigator who looked into the details of these abusive interrogations.

Snip from Washington Post item by John Amick:

Cheney's statements come six days after the release of a 2004 CIA Inspector General report (pdf) that documents a litany of interrogation tactics used on detainees, including waterboarding, "walling," face-slapping and at least one mock execution. Cheney's views, though, contradict those of former CIA inspector general John Helgerson, who wrote in the report that there is no proof that such techniques were responsible for reliable information that helped in foiling terror plans.

"I'm very proud of what we did in terms of defending the nation for the last eight years successfully," Cheney said of the Bush administration's post-9/11 terror strategy on "Fox News Sunday." Cheney says he stands behind the interrogation tactics and is convinced the use of those practices were "directly responsible for keeping America safe for eight years."

Cheney: 'I'm Very Proud of What We Did' (Washington Post via Dan Gillmor)

Read this related NYT article, too: A.C.L.U. Lawyers Mine Documents for Truth

Image: excerpt from the table of contents for the 2004 CIA Inspector General report (PDF).

Notes from Marine embed in Afghanistan: Noah Shachtman of Wired "Danger Room" blog.

Posted: 31 Aug 2009 11:31 AM PDT


Defense technology reporter Noah Shachtman says, "I've just finished a fascinating embed with the marines of 2/8 Echo company in Helmand province. They've been fighting the Taliban nearly non-stop for eight weeks, in one of the war's most active battlegrounds. Here is one of the stories I wrote last week while I was with Echo. It's an inside account of a sniper team's hit on a group of militants -- and the marines' multiple brushes with death, during the mission."

Links to Noah's stories for Wired while on embed in Afghanistan:

* Echo Company in the Eye of the Storm
* The Taliban Push Back
* And related posts by Noah on Afghanistan and Pakistan here.

Related BB post: US military cancels contract with firm that graded journalists' "positiveness"

Cool scene from dance show: Shadowland

Posted: 31 Aug 2009 11:14 AM PDT

Amazing dance scene from Pilobolus's SHADOWLAND: the "Transformation" excerpt.

Pilobolus is a "nonprofit modern dance theater obsessed with experimental digital media."

The show opens in Madrid on September 15. Can't wait until it comes to Los Angeles!

Why the Space Shuttle should always lift off at night

Posted: 31 Aug 2009 11:11 AM PDT


...so we earthlings can gaze at photographs like this. "Billows of smoke and steam rise above Launch Pad 39A at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida alongside space shuttle Discovery as it races toward space on the STS-128 mission."

The Los Angeles fires

Posted: 31 Aug 2009 11:43 AM PDT

Video: Time Lapse Test: Station Fire, a haunting little piece put together by Eric Speigelman.

The "Station Fire" has now spread to nearly 100,000 acres. Fires are a predictable, seasonal, and natural aspect of ecology and life in Southern California. The Onion nailed it here.

I know we say this every year, but the ones blazing out there as I type are particularly large and powerful. All weekend, it really did look (and smell) like a giant atomic bomb had gone off. The air throughout LA county was unsafe to breathe. Two firefighters died yesterday, while battling the blazes. I live and work in LA, nowhere near the flames and not at risk. All best wishes go out to BB friends who are in the danger zone. Be safe.

Below: Anthony Citrano's photo coverage of the Station Fire. There are several fires active right now, but this is the big one threatening Pasadena/Altadena/etc., including the NASA JPL facility. JPL's statement about the fire emergency is here, looks like they're pretty safe now. Citrano's Flickr set is here, with a number of truly stunning and scary shots (CC).

After the jump: WHOAH, BB reader Danimation shot another *incredible* time-lapse of the giant smoke clouds, you really have to see this one. Click ahead to view. Feel free to post other resources of interest in the comments.


Timelapse - Los Angeles Wildfire from Dan B. on Vimeo.

Police Women of Broward County takes reality cop TV to new depths

Posted: 31 Aug 2009 10:24 AM PDT

Radley Balko's crime column for Reason Online this week "criticizes the thinly-veiled S&M fantasy/cop reality show, The Police Women of Broward County."
200908311019The most obvious criticism of these shows is their exploitation and general tackiness. Police work is reduced to clownish pranks, adrenalin-inducing raids, and telegenic lady cops edited to invoke S&M fantasies for the shlubs watching at home. No one expects much dignity from cable networks, but you'd think, for example, that the Broward County Sheriff's Department might object to the sexualization of its female officers, or to a national ad campaign insinuating that they're sporting itchy Taser fingers.

As for the SWAT programs, America has unfortunately grown comfortable with, or at least accustomed to, the idea of using SWAT teams to kick down doors and conduct volatile, confrontational raids for consensual, nonviolent crimes. We've seen a massive increase in these raids, from about 3,000 per year in the early 1980s to some 50,000 per year by the early 2000s. The popularity of SWAT shows didn't cause the problem, but their popularity is sympomatic of it, and they can only further ingrain the troubling notion that there's nothing wrong with sending a unit of cops dressed like soldiers into private homes to arrest nonviolent drug offenders. And of course, we're never going to see the wrong-door raids, or police mistakes that result in fatalities.

Don't Tase Me, Sis: Police Women of Broward County takes reality cop TV to new depths.

Suppressed 60 Minutes piece on est/Landmark cult leader Werner Erhard

Posted: 31 Aug 2009 11:59 PM PDT

Wikileaks has published the video and transcript of an investigative report into "est" (Erhard Seminars Training) guru and Landmark Education Forum godfather Werner Erhard by CBS News, originally broadcast on the program 60 Minutes on March 3, 1991.
Werner_Erhard_The_Transformation_of_a_Man_The_Founding_of_est.jpgBoth, video and transcript, have been published at various points in time, but are not publically available anymore due to legal threats against publishers from Werner Erhard.

The material contains interviews with friends, business associates and family of Werner Erhard making serious claims against him. Erhard is accused by family members of beating his wife and children, and raping a daughter, while still giving seminars on how to have relationships that work. The story also includes interviews with two former staff members of Werner Erhard: Wendy Drucker (a senior manager) and Dr. Bob Larzelere (head of Erhard's counseling staff).

The current incarnation of the est training is now known as Landmark Education, with its course the Landmark Forum. Landmark Education is run by CEO Harry Rosenberg, who is Werner Erhard's brother, and General Counsel and Chairman of the Board of Directors Art Schreiber, who has acted as Werner Erhard's lawyer. Werner Erhard's sister Joan Rosenberg also sits on the Board of Directors of Landmark Education.

Suppressed CBS News 60 Minutes on Landmark cult leader Werner Erhard, 3 Mar 1991 (Wikileaks, thanks Enric)

Related: A number of companies have corporate ties to est/Landmark, for instance: Bay Area vegan restaurant Café Gratitude (See: East Bay Express, and SFGate). And Lululemon Athletica, the company that makes all that trendy yoga gear (see Fast Company, this blog, and the CEO's testimony on the Landmark Forum website). Some former employees at both companies have stated publicly that if you want to become a manager or keep your job, you pretty much better be prepared to join Landmark.

If You Think You're Groovy: The amazing soul rock sound of P.P. Arnold

Posted: 31 Aug 2009 10:13 AM PDT

"Arnold appears alongside the Small Faces for an absolutely ass-kicking version of Tin Soldier on Flemish television from 1968"

On Dangerous Minds, Richard Metzger posted links to a bunch of video and audio tracks of a fantastic singer I've never heard of before, P.P. Arnold.

P.P. Arnold was one of the Ikettes, the backing singers for the Ike and Tina Turner Revue in the 60s, but after a visit to London, Mick Jagger, impressed by her powerful voice and stunning beauty—who wouldn't be???—connected her with Andrew Loog Oldham, who signed her to his Immediate Records label, alongside acts like the Small Faces, Chris Farlowe (recognize that one?) and pre-Velvet Underground Nico (who was then recording songs Dylan had written for her with session musicians like Jimmy Page and John Paul Jones).
The Amazing Soul Rock Sound of P.P. Arnold

US military cancels contract with firm that graded journalists' "positiveness"

Posted: 31 Aug 2009 10:07 AM PDT

Stars and Stripes reports that the U.S. military is terminating a $1.5 million contract with The Rendon Group, a private firm that produced background profiles of reporters who requested military embed access in Afghanistan.

The firm graded journalists' past work as "positive," "negative" or "neutral." Military officials were presumed to be granting access to those whose profiles indicated they'd yield a future "positive" spin on reports from the battleground. Snip:

letter_editor_h.gifThe Bagram Regional Contracting Center intends to execute a termination of the Media Analyst contract," belonging to The Rendon Group, said Col. Wayne Shanks, chief of public affairs for International Security Assistance Forces-Afghanistan.

The announcement follows a week of revelations by Stars and Stripes in which military public affairs officers who served in Afghanistan said that as recently as 2008 they had used reporter profiles compiled by The Rendon Group, a private public relations firm in Washington, D.C., to decide whether to grant permission to embed with troops on the battlefield.

Military terminates Rendon contract (Stars and Stripes, via Poynter/Romenesko)

Also: Read what the Rendon Group has to say about the matter: TRG Comment on Recent Reporting About Our Work in Afghanistan.

Disney buying Marvel

Posted: 31 Aug 2009 08:11 AM PDT

Woah: Disney's buying Marvel:
Under the terms of the agreement and based on the closing price of Disney on August 28, 2009, Marvel shareholders would receive a total of $30 per share in cash plus approximately 0.745 Disney shares for each Marvel share they own. At closing, the amount of cash and stock will be adjusted if necessary so that the total value of the Disney stock issued as merger consideration based on its trading value at that time is not less than 40% of the total merger consideration...

Under the deal, Disney will acquire ownership of Marvel including its more than 5,000 Marvel characters. Mr. Perlmutter will oversee the Marvel properties, and will work directly with Disney's global lines of business to build and further integrate Marvel's properties.

Disney to Acquire Marvel Entertainment (via /.)

London bus with 16 CCTV cameras inside

Posted: 31 Aug 2009 08:04 AM PDT

It's Bank Holiday Monday here in the UK, so this morning we took the kid to the zoo in Regent's Park on the 205 bus. The bus we got was quite a new one, and right by the driver was a screen showing the feed from the sixteen CCTV cameras on this one bus. How much of that footage to they actually archive? For how long? And how much of it do they lose track of?

SIXTEEN cameras on the new London bus, 205, Islington, London, UK.JPG

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