Set Up "Push" Gmail on Your iPhone
Despite iPhone 3.0's push notifications and previously mentioned Google Sync's contacts and calendars syncing chops, push Gmail still hasn't come to the iPhone. But with the Prowl iPhone application, you can now push Gmail notifications—and then some—to your iPhone. MORE >>
Limit Exhaust Fan Usage to Cut Down on Your Air Conditioning Bill
Temperatures are soaring and, if you use an air conditioner, odds are so is your energy bill. Here are some quick tips on how to use your A/C unit without burning a hole through your pocket. MORE >>
Do Stuff For Money Makes Your Requests Sweeter
Sometimes asking for help falls on deaf ears. Until, of course, you make it known that you're willing to pay for said help. Enter new PayPal-sponsored site, Do Stuff for Money. MORE >>
Gmail, Google Calendar, Docs, and Talk Leave Beta
Google today will finally remove the long-standing beta tag from some of its most popular web applications, most notably its wildly popular email application, Gmail. MORE >>
VLC Hits 1.0 with Better Playback and File Support
Windows/Mac/Linux: VLC Media Player, the open-source solution to media players that can't play your media files, reaches the 1.0 milestone today. What's new? Support for HD and other new formats, finer speed controls, customizable toolbars, AirTunes streaming, and much more. MORE >>
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