Saturday, March 28, 2009

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How to Make a Woman Laugh
March 28, 2009 at 3:35 am

Pax Shumway asked:

Humor is one of the best weapons a man can use to win a woman’s heart. When you make a woman laugh you give the impression that you are a sociable, cheerful and attractive man. No woman wants to be around someone who is an uninteresting introvert, who is always in a bad mood and serious all the time. Laughter is the most important component in a successful relationship.

Here are some basic tips to make a woman laugh and fall for you:

Start by making fun of yourself. This way you’ll show your woman that you are not arrogant, you can take criticism and - women will be more honest with you. If you have done something that you think is silly - make a great joke about it.

Experiment on what makes your woman laugh. Try to find the type of humor that fits your personality. Don’t worry if you occasionally run into a woman who doesn’t get your humor.

Remember that it is not just what you say that makes women laugh, it’s also how you say it, and when you say it. ****** expressions and body language can always enhance any joke.

Use fresh material and new jokes. Being a good listener will give you enough material to have fun with.

Don’t make fun with something that is important to her. Also, be sure she is in a laughing mood.

Being funny is a trial and error process and will take some time to learn, but it is interesting to try, even if you are not very talented.

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Birthday & Children Jokes; Funny Baby & Toddlers Humour
March 28, 2009 at 1:15 am

Eren asked:


(Based on author's site

It's quite amazing how humorous a child can be, what satirical even comical situation can arise with kids, in these hilariously funny birthday and children, baby and toddler jokes…

When the little girl returned from her friend’s birthday party, her mother asked if she had thanked the hostess of the party before leaving. “No.” said the little girl, “The person before me did, and my friend’s mother said ‘Don’t mention it’ -so, I didn’t…”

“So, what are we then -boy or girl?” asked one of the baby twins, and “I know how to find out,” said the other and disappeared under the sheets, then reappeared, and declared “I am a boy, and you are a girl.” “O-oh, how clever you are!” exclaimed the girl baby, “How could you tell!?” and boy baby proudly explained, “Oh, it was easy to tell -I am wearing blue booties, and you are wearing pink ones…”

An elderly man asked a young boy if he could see him across the road. The boy crossed the road, stood on the pavement, turned to him and shouted: “Yes.. I can…”

The little girl tossed some pieces of bread to a bird at the zoo, and when the bird looked to her for more, she asked her mother what bird it was. Told that it was a stork, the little girl was so excited: “O-oh.. it must have recognised me!..”

The little boy, came in running and excitedly announced that he had sold the cat for £10,000. “O-o-h…” asked his father, “They paid by cheque?” “No..” replied the boy, ” I got two £5,000 kittens for it…”

“Did you put an ad. in the local paper, about your missing dog..?” asked a boy’s friend. “Don’t be silly..” he said, “My dog can’t read…”

The little girl, before going to bed, said her prayers: “… God, please make bad people good.” She then added: “And good people nice…”

“Yup!” boasted the young boy to her friends: “I jumped on a young girl the other day, lay her down on the ground, pulled up her skirt, tore her stockings off, grabbed hold of her panties.. and tore the elastic out for my catapult!”

“Uncle won’t be arriving today,” announced mum, after she was telephoned the news, “He’s missed the train today and will start at the same time, tomorrow”. “Oh, dear!” remarked the little girl, “He’s going to miss it again then, isn’t he, if he starts at the same time…!?”

An anecdote, about his in childhood rather plump eldest son, of teacher and thinker the late Orhan Seyfi Ari: “Other children grow vertically, mine horizontally!”

“How did you get that black eye!?” exclaimed the little boy’s mother. “You told me good boys don’t fight,” he said, “but one fought back!..”

“You ask so many questions -I can’t know the answers to all of them” exclaimed, rather tired, a parent, “Do you know what might have happened if I had asked my parents as many questions as you do!?” The child thought, then replied “You might’ve known the answers..?”

“Thank you, auntie,” said the little girl as she opened her birthday present, “I always wanted a nice pin cushion.. but not very much…”

The author has a website at:

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Spice Up Your Lives With Online Peppy Humors
March 28, 2009 at 1:10 am

Real Humor
Wain Roy asked:

Humor is the spice of life. Life without fun and humor is simply vain. Thanks to technological advancement in recent years, sources of humor have evolved themselves to new heights. Movies or plays are not the only source of humor of today. In fact, the duration of these stuffs leaves little option for people who can hardly afford to spend even an hour. Quick sources of humor surround our daily lives but we hardly care to look around and feel their presence.

Humor is not restrained to words or enactments. Even pictures possess the capacity to evoke laughter. A hoarding on the roadside can not only attract the attention of the passersby but also bring out smiles if it possesses a fun element. Funny pictures apart, funny videos are also an excellent source of quick humor.

Undoubtedly, funny videos offer moments of quick relief. These light moments are extremely important to cheer one’s spirits and shrug off every stress. In fact, visual sources of humor like videos and pictures create greater impact. Pictures and videos drawn from real life help one to connect to their own experiences. Most of the funny videos available on the Internet are drawn from real-life incidents, which help convey personal elements with a hint of fun.

Funny pictures, on the other hand, may incorporate cartoon sketches of well-known figures as well as real-life pictures. A number of them convey jokes to laugh your belly out. These hilarious stuffs evoke emotions to help our body attain equilibrium of health and happiness.

Physicians and therapists too emphasize on the advantages of humor in one's life. Funny stuffs like pictures or videos can work wonders for people who are prone to depression. Even a five-minute fun break from your hectic schedule can be truly refreshing. Besides, the joy of watching funny videos with your friends or family is a nothing short of a priceless experience. These happy hours are a great way to strengthen your bonds with your near and dear ones.

So make the most of your lives by gorging in little tidbits of humor. The Internet is one platform from where funny stuffs like jokes, pictures or videos can be easily accessible. Take your pick of the jokes, funny pictures or funny videos to bring a fresh lease of life into the dull drudgery of your monotonous lives.

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Mostly Long Jokes Last for Only Some Minute of Laughter
March 27, 2009 at 12:43 pm

Rahul Roy asked:

Good jokes don 't forward is often all that is because, when they must handle with care. Sometimes I ask the people if they heard any good jokes lately? And knowing meet often, "Oh, I can not ever remember the jokes! "In fact, you could tell me the same joke repeatedly? of d? AI do not remember ever punch line until arrivaste. At least I got more than a laugh from it. Mainly long jokes last for only some minute of laughter and went on. Whereas the short jokes are funny and always remember if anyone asks him to tell funny jokes then start it. I also had a big problem for ever remember one joke. So also in some meetings with my friends and family, I was forced to remain silent because I did not have any funny material to crake it out. I felt a little left out. I wanted to tell jokes too. The jokes are a way of manufacturing the smile of the person. Sense of? S.A. of? Itâ in partnership with each other. If you tell a good joke, of the ll? of? they reminded him of with a smile. Then I found a very good recall any short funny jokes and crake them within a few meetings with my friends and families. It was really easy to remember the short jokes, and can even be made better with your own version. Here are some short jokes fun to enjoy: A shuttle stop a drunk man and asks: Where you going? Replies: "? m. of? IA going to listen to the conference about the damage dell'ubriachezza and alcoholism. "The cop says:" At night? And who will give a lecture? "? of? â my wife and the mother-in-law! the? of? â meets the man drunk. ———————– Sam: The punireste for something I didn 't do? Teacher: No, of course not. Sam: Good, because I didn 't is my job. ———————– Teacher: What are some of the Antilles? Learner: I don 't know. Teacher: Of course you do. Where did you get the sugar? Student: I take borrowed from our neighbor. ———————– These were some short funny jokes. There are many websites that provide short funny jokes on the web. You can read some and crake them in your friends and families.

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