Thursday, January 21, 2010

Wyclef Jean: Give the Millions You've Raised to Those Who Can Help Haiti Now and more...

Thu Jan 21 2010
Wyclef Jean: Give the Millions You've Raised to Those Who Can Help Haiti Now

Ego and financial improprieties aside, Wyclef Jean has demonstrated a genuine desire to help the people of Haiti. To do that, it's time he acknowledge his personal foundation isn't equipped to provide disaster relief and donate to those who can. MORE >>

POSTED: Wed Jan 20 2010 18:12

shut up, porn
Porn Parodies We Never, Ever Want to See

First we heard Hustler is making an Avatar porn. Ew. Then we get a release (ha!) saying the people who are making Jersey Whores are also making Not The Hangover. Is nothing sacred anymore? We've got to draw the line! MORE >>

POSTED: Wed Jan 20 2010 16:37

a look back
Happy Birthday, Barack Obama Administration!

Barack Obama was sworn in as our first foreign-born Muslim President one year ago today. He gave a pretty nice speech that everyone has already forgotten. It is too bad he was already a huge failure, one week in! MORE >>

POSTED: Wed Jan 20 2010 14:31

tablet tealeaves
More Evidence 'iPad' Is the Apple Tablet's Name

Deep in the bowels of the Trademark Office is some fresh evidence that Steve Jobs intends to name his messiah machine the "iPad": the company is in a fight with Fujitsu over the trademark. MORE >>

POSTED: Wed Jan 20 2010 14:01

fire island
The King of Gay Paradise Abdicates His Throne

Gossip is already flying about Fire Island, the getaway for New York's A-list gays. Long-time monopolizer Eric von Kuersteiner—who owns practically everything in the community—has sold all his properties to a mysterious 23-year-old gay kid. MORE >>

POSTED: Wed Jan 20 2010 12:00

hand wringing
What's the Matter with Massachusetts?

In which a born-and-raised, dyed-in-the-wool Boston liberal (transplanted to New York) tries to make sense of the big old hulking electoral mess that is his home state right now. MORE >>

POSTED: Wed Jan 20 2010 11:27

The Republican Superminority

With Scott Brown's stunning, come-from-behind victory over the boring lady who hated baseball in Massachusetts, the Democrats must admit defeat. Please welcome our new unstoppable Republican Superminority. MORE >>

POSTED: Wed Jan 20 2010 11:25

late night
As the Late Night Drama Turns: Jokes Get Personal

As the Letterman-Leno rivalry heated up when both hosts took nasty, personal attacks on each other— Conan continued to trash NBC during his limited time left on The Tonight Show. Gawker.TV's Matt Cherette rounded up all the best parts. MORE >>

POSTED: Wed Jan 20 2010 09:00

gossip roundup
John Mayer: Chronic Masturbator

John Mayer: "The phone doesn't pick up because I'm masturbating." Heidi Montag: "If Cleopatra were alive now, I'm sure she'd have triple D's." Kelly Bensimon's Playboy shoot: "What sexy looks like at 41." Wednesday's gossip roundup is highly quotable. MORE >>

POSTED: Wed Jan 20 2010 06:16

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