Sword Canes: The Next Great Airport Security Challenge
Is airport security just a massive prank played on us by our reptilian overlords? The biggest threats to America's airports recently: underpants bombs, wrong-way smoochers and bottles of honey. And now: sword canes. Yes: canes with swords in them. MORE >>
Art, Schooled: Rumormongering with Jeffrey Deitch, Gamechanger
Art! Who goes there? Now: we do. In the second installment of our fortnightly Sunday art column, Kelsey Keith explains what a Jeffrey Deitch is, and why after tomorrow, the entire art world will be watching his every move. MORE >>
Scoring Sunday's Nuptials: Why is there No Eazy-E on the Engagement iPod?
Phyllis Nefler is back up in this! She's well rested from vacation and is in the shotgun position to take on this week's NYT's Weddings & Celebrations, filled with funny hats, Jews, iPods, and a serious lack of N.W.A. Typical. MORE >>
Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg on Your Erased Privacy: "These are the Social Norms, Now."
This is fun. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg made a cameo onstage at the 2010 TechCrunch awards—or "The Crunchies"—yesterday and had a nice little chat with TechCrunch founder Michael Arrington. And—typically—sketchy things about privacy were noted. MORE >>
Of Early Birds and Cavemen: The Two Dumbest Hipster Food Trends You'll Read About This Week
This week's Sunday Styles is working a strong theme on food's frontlines: time, like an episode of Lost, is in flux! Because there are some some among us who are eating like OLDS, and some who are eating like cavemen. MORE >>
12 Scandalous Reasons You Should Care About Scandalous White House Stud Peter Orszag (Which Won't Work)
What a wild few months for Office of Management and Budget stud-cum-nerd Peter Orszag! His lovechild is born! He's engaged to not-the-mama! And he's got the New York Times asking what he's going to do with his life! MORE >>
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