Rip Torn's Bank Robbery Arrest Seals His Reputation for "Most Drunk Prolific Old Actor Alive"
I mean, at what point does anybody think getting drunk and then breaking into banks is a good idea? Once Rip Torn sobers up, he might be able to tell us. Because he got arrested after doing so last night. MORE >>
Why Aren't Conservatives Funny?
The Teabuggers, those pesky kids charged with a federal felony for getting into Louisiana Senator Mary Landrieu's office under false pretences, see themselves as avant-garde Republican activist/humorists. So why aren't they, or any other right-wingers really, funny? MORE >>
Wells Fargo's Awesome Refusal to Waive Haiti Donation Fees: Goalposts of Greed Moved Back
So: Visa and Mastercard—who've helped ensure that your brokeass stays broke after buying things that leave you broke—waived fees on Haiti donation transactions. Wells Fargo didn't. Somebody on the internet bitched about it. Wells Fargo's response is hysterical: MORE >>
Is 'Twelve' the Worst Movie in the History of Sundance?
Nick McDonell was 17 when he wrote 2002's Twelve, about New York's richkids experimenting with new superdrugs. Now it's a Sundance movie, by Joel Schumacher, starring Chace Crawford, Emma Roberts, Keifer Sutherland, and 50 Cent. And it sucks. Terribly. MORE >>
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