Saturday, January 9, 2010

Lessons from the Holocaust Faux-Memoirist's Book Contract, By the Numbers and more...

Sat Jan 09 2010
Lessons from the Holocaust Faux-Memoirist's Book Contract, By the Numbers

Herman Rosenblat is the Holocaust survivor whose Oprah-endorsed story of meeting his wife while in a concentration camp turned out to be fake. When his publisher found out, they demanded their advance back. We've got the documents. MORE >>

POSTED: Fri Jan 08 2010 17:23

Shut Up, Twitter
Twinternet Tweaks Out over Vanity Fair Twilebrity Story

When Vanessa Grigoriadis's Vanity Fair story about female power Twitter users she deemed "Twilebrities" went online the other day, the women in the story freaked out about it. So did their friends. What's the big deal? MORE >>

POSTED: Fri Jan 08 2010 14:14

Jersey Shore: Warfare

The guidos of coastal New Jersey can't really be called a peace-loving tribe, but when battle is done, it is usually for good reason and because one party is provoked. Sometimes it's just cause they're drunk. Either way—fascinating. MORE >>

POSTED: Fri Jan 08 2010 13:21

Real Housewives of Orange County: The Sands of Time

Well, the bleakest season of Orange County yet continues apace, with divorce and bad parenting and vain attempts to redeem a questioned character. Could we be nearing the end of this great sunshiney reality experiment? MORE >>

POSTED: Fri Jan 08 2010 12:56

The Two-Step Monogamy Shuffle Becomes the Relationship-Omission Tango

Didn't that create a little shitstorm! (And not just because I apparently "ruined" two movies that have been out for ages.) The most telling response was one I got from a married guy I know. MORE >>

POSTED: Fri Jan 08 2010 11:43

Reuters Chief Accused of Caving to Hedge Fund; 'Not a Bad Story ... Could Have Run'

Reuters editor-in-chief David Schlesinger told staffers in a conference call Wednesday that an investigation into billionaire hedge fund manager Steven Cohen that he killed last month after Cohen called to complain was "not a bad story" and "could have run." MORE >>

POSTED: Fri Jan 08 2010 10:06

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