The Latest from Boing Boing | ![]() |
- Speaking on privacy at Battle of Ideas London this Sat
- Sega Zippos
- Torture makes you seem guilty
- Afghanistan: Karzai's drug-dealing bro has been on CIA payroll for 8 years, says NYT
- US Chamber of Commerce suing the Yes Men
- Do chimps grieve?
- The Hazards of Lab Work
- Flintstones in stop motion
- Lost paper trail allows borrower to ignore $460,000 mortgage debt
- British couple who blogged sailing trip around the world feared captured by Somali pirates
- Learning Music -- CC music sampler
- EFF launches Hall of Shame for copyright abusers
- Origins of the Haunted Mansion tombstones
- Track where US gov bailout trillions went with augmented reality mobile app
- Chris Ware animation of This American Life story
- Halloween: good excuse for gratuitous "doggies in costumes" blog posts
- Chris Ware's New Yorker cover
- US Department of Defense adopts "open source guidelines"
- Newspaper circulation over last 20 years: the great swandive
- Soviet war painting gallery
- Tasty meat hand
- Machine Project Benefit at Mister Jalopy's personal 4000 square foot studio
- My Parents Were Awesome
- Bruce Schneier/Open Rights Group benefit, London, 4 Dec
- Collecting Solar Power, the Black Hole Way
- Book: Rules for my Unborn Son
- The White House switch to open source: Tim O'Reilly's thoughts
- Off-course pilots were laptopping-while-flying
- Iggy Pop on the Dinah Shore show, 1977
- New Digital Media and Learning research hub
Speaking on privacy at Battle of Ideas London this Sat Posted: 28 Oct 2009 03:10 AM PDT I'm speaking at London's Battle of Ideas this Saturday, Oct 31, on a panel called "Rethinking Privacy in an age of Disclosure and Sharing." The event goes 1:30-3:30 and there are still a few tickets left! The increasing reach of information technology into all areas of life, from social networking websites to data sharing in public services, has thrown up a number of questions about privacy. Information about our medical records, financial circumstances and shopping habits is increasingly likely to be stored in electronic media that are out of our control. Some critics worry more about Tesco's data-gathering than any 'surveillance state'. The controversy about Google Maps' Street View function, which captured thousands of unwitting people walking or standing on the streets, is a reminder that new technology constantly raises new questions about our privacy. So how worried should we be? Does the convenience of easily accessed information outweigh the danger of abuse? How are our conceptions of privacy changing? And following the success of the Pirate Party in Sweden, can we expect privacy to move up the political agenda in the UK too.Rethinking Privacy in an age of Disclosure and Sharing |
Posted: 27 Oct 2009 11:09 PM PDT ![]() These vintage Sega console commemorative Zippos are swell, though possibly not ~$100 worth of swell. セガハードメモリアルジッポーライター (via Wonderland) Previously: |
Posted: 27 Oct 2009 11:06 PM PDT A Harvard psych study published in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology shows that when people are present during torture, they gradually come to believe the torture victim is guilty as a way of assuaging their consciences for their complicity in torture: Participants in the study met a woman suspected of cheating to win money. The woman was then "tortured" by having her hand immersed in ice water while study participants listened to the session over an intercom. She never confessed to anything, but the more she suffered during the torture, the guiltier she was perceived to be...Pain Of Torture Can Make Innocent Seem Guilty Previously:
Afghanistan: Karzai's drug-dealing bro has been on CIA payroll for 8 years, says NYT Posted: 27 Oct 2009 10:20 PM PDT ![]() A related story out in tomorrow's paper covers the push for more US troops in Afghanistan's cities and agricultural areas, where the poppies that support the Taliban are cash crop numero uno. Boing Boing readers: wonder what kind of cellphone he's using in the photo above? Better yet: your caption, please! A brick of CIA-funded heroin to the winner, but you'll have to fly to Bagram to pick it up. [ via Wired Danger Room on Twitter. ] |
US Chamber of Commerce suing the Yes Men Posted: 27 Oct 2009 09:32 PM PDT Mother Jones senior editor Michael Mechanic writes in with this update on the "Yes Men pwn the US Chamber of Commerce" story I blogged about last week, which Cory further updated here. Michael says, Mother Jones stories on the US Chamber (here's an index): * Chamber Sues Yes Men * Chamber Uses Yes Men 'Attack' to Fundraise Here's a related item in the New Yorker. Image: by Wikimedia Commons user Tavis used under a CC License |
Posted: 27 Oct 2009 08:39 PM PDT ![]() Look at this photograph and just try to tell me the answer is no. This incredible image was shot for National Geographic by Monica Szczupider, and shows chimpanzees at the Sanaga-Yong Chimpanzee Rescue Center in Cameroon. They're observing as the body of an elder troop member named Dorothy is taken to burial. She died at 40 years of age, which is pretty old for a chimpanzee. The photo appears in the November issue of National Geographic Magazine, in the "Visions of Earth" section. [ Thanks, Marilyn Terrell ] |
Posted: 27 Oct 2009 05:55 PM PDT Harvard Medical School is beefing up lab security after six researchers got sick off poisoned coffee back in August. The toxicology reports came in recently, according to Bloomberg, and the chemical culprit was sodium azide, which turns into a toxic gas when it's mixed into water. The good news is that none of the six died. The bad news: Nobody seems to know how this stuff got into the communal coffee pot to begin with. And while a whodunnit poisoning mystery is not exactly what Wired had in mind when it listed "Grad Student" as #6 on its top 10 list of Best, Most Dangerous Science Jobs, this incident certainly does nothing to bump that job off the list. Not to mention the fact that, given the lab environment, you have to wonder whether the poisoning was even intentional at all...or whether somebody simply didn't wash their hands well enough before making a fresh pot. From Wired:
Posted: 27 Oct 2009 04:44 PM PDT |
Lost paper trail allows borrower to ignore $460,000 mortgage debt Posted: 27 Oct 2009 02:04 PM PDT A White Plains, NY federal court eliminated a woman's $460,000 mortgage debt because the paper trail was so messy that the mortgage lender couldn't prove that it actually owned the debt. In March, PHH Mortgage filed a proof of claim to the debt noting that it was owed $461,263, which included more than $30,000 in past-due payments. The homeowner's lawyer sought to have the loan modified, but after the bank dragged its feet, as the lawyer described PHH's actions to the [New York] Times, the lawyer asked PHH to prove its claim.Who owns your home? Lost paper trail allows borrower to keep her house |
British couple who blogged sailing trip around the world feared captured by Somali pirates Posted: 27 Oct 2009 09:38 PM PDT ![]() Update: Confirmed, the couple were captured. Their boat is believed to have been spotted. A British couple in their mid-fifties who pretty much live their lives sailing around the world on their boat, "The Lynn Rival," are feared to have been captured by Somali pirates. Above, a screengrab from the blog Paul and Rachel Chandler maintained throughout their travels ( The "thumbtack" icon shows the last spot they registered online before disappearing a few days ago while traveling waters off the coast of East Africa. More on their story in the New York Times, and the UK Times. |
Learning Music -- CC music sampler Posted: 27 Oct 2009 01:13 PM PDT ![]() John from CC-friendly record label Vosotros sez, "Learning Music is a band from Los Angeles - they release an album of CC music every month through a subscription series called Learning Music Monthly. That's a lot of music to keep up with, so we decided to put together a free anthology of songs from the last six albums. Download it for free and see what you've been missing!" CASH Music: Learning Music (Thanks, John!) Previously:
EFF launches Hall of Shame for copyright abusers Posted: 27 Oct 2009 12:47 PM PDT Hugh from the Electronic Frontier Foundation sez, "Today, EFF is launching our new 'Takedown Hall of Shame' project, which collects the worst and most shameful examples of bogus DMCA takedowns. We've got everything from the recent Ralph Lauren takedown to Michael Savage's attempts to silence critics to a video NPR tried to remove just last week!" Takedown Hall of Shame 'Hall of Shame' Calls Out Bogus Internet Censorship (Thanks, Hugh!) Previously:
Origins of the Haunted Mansion tombstones Posted: 27 Oct 2009 12:44 PM PDT Ape Lad sez, "2719 Hyperion, a great blog about Disney parks and imagineering, has been posting a series of photos of gravestones from the Haunted Mansion grounds with an explanation of who each is named after." 13 Tombstones (Thanks, Ape Lad!) |
Track where US gov bailout trillions went with augmented reality mobile app Posted: 27 Oct 2009 12:44 PM PDT ![]() A new augmented reality app from Layar allows Android and iPhone 3GS users to view contract dollars at Image above: an example of what those happy blue bailout bubbles look like, bouncing about on the thoroughly bailed-out streets of Washington, DC. My only criticism so far (I haven't tried the apps): instead of blue circles as representational icons, the designers really should have chosen taxpayers' tears. Snip: Layar is an application that overlays your view of the real world with waypoints representing your favorite coffee place, the movie theatre you're trying to find, or in this case, where some of that $787 billion from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act is going. If you have an iPhone 3GS or Android device you can install the Layar app for free and then search for "recovery" or "sunlight" within Layar to find this layer. The layer works best near large cities where you are most likely to find recovery contracts. Augmented Reality Mashup [Sunlight Labs, via Micah Sifry] Layar Reality Browser [Layar] |
Chris Ware animation of This American Life story Posted: 27 Oct 2009 12:12 PM PDT This is an outstanding cartoon (by Chris Ware) depicting a This American Life story about kids who started a fake TV camera craze at their elementary school. As Graham says, "It's so amazing. Why can't there be more of this? I could watch HOURS of this." |
Halloween: good excuse for gratuitous "doggies in costumes" blog posts Posted: 27 Oct 2009 12:05 PM PDT ![]() Above: a contestant in a "Howl-o-ween" costume contest dressed as Nacho Libre, by Flickr user Gwen (shared under a CC license). More images like this on the Flickr blog today, and you'll want to nose around in the Dogs in Costumes Flickr Group Pool, too. Related BB post: Kfetch |
Posted: 27 Oct 2009 05:00 PM PDT ![]() Chris Ware's incredible (and all-too-real) New Yorker cover. (Full size version). Make sure to read Ware's comic strip in the issue, too! (Via Why, That's Delightful!) |
US Department of Defense adopts "open source guidelines" Posted: 27 Oct 2009 11:32 AM PDT John Scott's been working with the US Department of Defense to develop a set of guidelines for using free/open source software in the US military: As a Marine friend says "Agility is the Capability" - open source software and methods is the enabler of this. The DoD CIO office (or ASD-NII) just has posted new open source software guidance for the whole Department of Defense! Only took about 18 months to get through, so worth it. Hopefully this puts the FUD to bed.DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE NEW GUIDANCE ON OPEN SOURCE SOFTWARE (Thanks, John!) |
Newspaper circulation over last 20 years: the great swandive Posted: 27 Oct 2009 11:33 AM PDT ![]() A Graphic History of Newspaper Circulation Over the Last Two Decades [The Awl] |
Posted: 27 Oct 2009 09:33 PM PDT ![]() "The Knocked Down Ace," by Alexander Deineka Here's a gallery of astounding Soviet WWII-era paintings. Alllie says: These are amazing paintings. I can't think of anything in the west in the same time period that is as moving, as emotionally evocative, except Norman Rockwell. It surprises me that more people don't like them. |
Posted: 27 Oct 2009 10:57 AM PDT ![]() ![]() Who in their right mind could resist a meat dish prepared to resemble a human hand? The complete recipe with lots of photos is available from Not Martha. (Thanks, Caroline!) |
Machine Project Benefit at Mister Jalopy's personal 4000 square foot studio Posted: 27 Oct 2009 05:28 PM PDT I've written about Machine Project on Boing Boing many times before. It's a Los Angeles art/technology space that holds amazing events and workshops. (See the write ups of the Picklefest 2008 and Krautfest 2009 workshops I co-conducted there). My friend Mister Jalopy is also an ardent supporter of Machine Project. On November 7th, he is hosting a lavish benefit for Machine Project at his awe-inspiring Silverlake studio, which is almost never open to the public. From Dinosaurs and Robots:
Machine Project Benefit! Colab with Mister Jalopy x Machine Project |
Posted: 27 Oct 2009 10:46 AM PDT ![]() "Before the fanny packs and Andrea Bocelli concerts, your parents (and grandparents) were once free-wheeling, fashion-forward, and super awesome." [via Dangerous Minds, thanks Tara McGinley!] |
Bruce Schneier/Open Rights Group benefit, London, 4 Dec Posted: 27 Oct 2009 09:31 AM PDT Michael from the Open Rights Group sez, "Open Rights Group has lined up Bruce Schneier for its next fundraiser event on Friday 4 December. The title is 'The Future of Privacy: Rethinking Security Trade-offs' and he'll be explaining why data is the pollution problem of the information age and how we should deal with it." Come see Bruce Schneier talk in London (Thanks, Michael!) Previously:
Collecting Solar Power, the Black Hole Way Posted: 27 Oct 2009 10:48 AM PDT ![]() Not pictured: A convenient terrestrial solar panel. Image from thebadastronomer Flickr stream, via CC. Light can't escape a black hole. Some people look at this fact and get the shudders. Others think, "Hey, that would make a really effective solar panel!" Or, rather, it might if not for that whole "massive, crushing force of gravity" problem. MIT's Technology Review has a neat piece about scientists trying get around that minor hiccup. They're working with light-distorting metamaterials, the stuff you frequently see written up in stories about the coming of futuristic cloaking devices, alongside references to Harry Potter's invisibility cloak. But instead of bending light around the metamaterial, these researchers are focusing on a weirder--and, in my opinion, much cooler--goal.
There you have it: The light-capturing power of a black hole, without the teeny inconvenience of being smooshed. Incorporate the material in solar collectors, and you could end up with a much more efficient way of harnessing the sun for energy. |
Posted: 23 Oct 2009 09:08 AM PDT Here's a video for a new book that I received from the publisher a couple of days ago called Rules for My Unborn Son, by Walker Lamond, based on his entertaining blog 1,001 Rules for my Unborn Son. The Lamond's rules are good advice for sons, as well as anyone else, really. I wish my wife would remember the rule, "Never under any circumstances ask a woman if she is pregnant," which she has broken several times with embarrassing consequences. More of Lamond's rules: After writing an angry email, read it carefully. Then delete it. A few of the rules on his blog I don't recommend (e.g., "All drinking challenges must be accepted") but most of his rules offer specific tips for living a life of kindness, politeness, and preparedness. |
The White House switch to open source: Tim O'Reilly's thoughts Posted: 27 Oct 2009 09:02 AM PDT Over the weekend, the White House new media team announced (via AP) that now runs on the open source content management system Drupal. Tim O'Reilly puts this news into context: Thoughts on the switch to Drupal [] |
Off-course pilots were laptopping-while-flying Posted: 27 Oct 2009 10:57 AM PDT "Each pilot accessed and used his personal laptop computer while they discussed the airline crew flight scheduling procedure," the NTSB report said. More from the New York Times. The pilots told the National Transportation Safety Board that they missed their destination because they had taken out their personal laptops in the cockpit, a violation of airline policy, so the first officer, Richard I. Cole, could tutor the captain, Timothy B. Cheney, in a new scheduling system put in place by Delta Air Lines, which acquired Northwest last fall. |
Iggy Pop on the Dinah Shore show, 1977 Posted: 27 Oct 2009 11:43 AM PDT He reveals to Dinah Shore that his mom worked at a military technology company that made bombs and missiles, and his dad ("Mister Pop") taught media communications at a local high school. At the time, brothers Tony and Hunt Sales, sons of the recently departed comedian Soupy Sales, were playing The clip stops right as Iggy gets ready to launch into a performance, but I believe this is the stupendous performance that followed, with some guy named David Bowie on the keyboards! Looks like this was another performance from the same show. [YouTube, thanks @EuclidAlone, via @bbsuggest] Previously: Alice Cooper on the Soupy Sales show, 1979. |
New Digital Media and Learning research hub Posted: 26 Oct 2009 11:30 PM PDT Mimi Ito sez, "We've just announced a new research hub and web site for the field of digital media and learning, funded by a $2.97 million grant from the MacArthur Foundation. This is a key component of a broader $85 million effort on the part of the foundation to mobilize digital media and online networks to transform learning. The web site will feature a database of resources relevant to the field, as well as a group blog. Contributors include danah boyd, Cathy Davidson, Liz Losh, Howard Rheingold, Raquel Recuero, and Connie Yowell." Mimi is a highly regarded researcher on the sociology of digital networks, and the Digital Youth Project she led is a must-must read for anyone who cares about digital media and young people. I can't wait to see what she and her team do with this project. Digital Media and Learning (Thanks, Mimi!) Previously: |
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