The Latest from Boing Boing | ![]() |
- Energy-recycling artificial foot
- Jogger who gave the finger to South African presidential motorcade is hooded and detained
- 3D printing comes to ceramics
- Keynes and Hayek gangsta rap
- Reporter fired for trying to be objective
- Music industry to musicbloggers: there's no point in obeying the law
- Mechanical Sculpture by Aaron Ristau
- Trash-talking your high school teacher on Facebook is constitutionally protected speech
- Sherman Alexie reads "Ode to My Sharona"
- Obama announces federal loan to build 2 new nuclear reactors
- Sharona, immortalized in Knack's "My Sharona," now sells real estate
- Video: Katamari creator's Noby Boy iPhone app for kindergartners, businessmen alike
- Jabba the Cake
- Makedo: universal connectors that turn everything into tinkertoys
- Hollow spy coins for all your micro-smuggling needs
- Mardi Gras: Big Chief Bo Dollis, Wild Magnolias and Wild Red Flames
- Wolfie Blackheart
- Minimalist posters for TV shows
- Prince rehearsal tape from 1984
- First study of mummy DNA leads to all sorts of discoveries
- The photorealistic paintings of Glennray Tutor
- Trailer for actual proto-Lost TV series from 1969, The New People
- New Orleans Mardi Gras photo gallery: Mar Doré
- RIP Doug Fieger
- Sleep Talkin' Man shares his somniloquies
- Unusual anatomy in fashion magazine?
- Art installation scans plants and prints sculptures of growth
- Ebook checklist from EFF
- Opener for a 1967 version of Lost
- Yoga to reduce prison sentences
Energy-recycling artificial foot Posted: 17 Feb 2010 03:01 AM PST In a PLoS-One paper, Steven H. Collins (Department of Biomechanical Engineering, Delft University of Technology) and Arthur D. Kuo (Departments of Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering, University of Michigan) describe an ingenious new prosthetic foot that uses a microcontroller to guide a device that stores the energy of the downstep and releases it for the upstep, mimicking the natural functioning of unmodified human ankles. Recycling Energy to Restore Impaired Ankle Function during Human Walking (via PhysOrg) Previously:
Jogger who gave the finger to South African presidential motorcade is hooded and detained Posted: 17 Feb 2010 01:33 AM PST Lauren sez, "A 25 year old sociology student at the University of Cape Town gave the finger to the presidential motorcade as they drove past him while he was jogging. President Zuma's bodyguards pulled over, put bundled him into the car and put a bag over his head. Later he was questioned about his political affiliations (just so happens he's a card-carrying member of the ANC) and his house was searched. Democracy Fail." Zuma cops lock up jogger (Thanks, Lauren!) (Image: Smiley middle finger a Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike image from quinn.anya's photostream) Previously: |
Posted: 16 Feb 2010 10:35 PM PST The 3D printing folks at Unfold Fab have managed to get their 3D printer to extrude a complicated volumetric form using ceramic for goop: Unfold Fab: The future's here baby! (first successfully printed ceramic vessel) (via Beyond the Beyond) Previously:
Posted: 16 Feb 2010 10:30 PM PST In "Fear the Boom and Bust," John Maynard Keynes and F. A. Hayek perform a gangsta rap about their competing economic theories: John Maynard Keynes, wrote the book on modern macro"Fear the Boom and Bust" a Hayek vs. Keynes Rap Anthem (Thanks, Dmiff!) Previously: |
Reporter fired for trying to be objective Posted: 16 Feb 2010 10:27 PM PST Jonathan Springston, a senior reporter for the Atlanta Progressive News, was fired from the online news service because, according to an email from the site's editor to Creative Loafing magazine, Springston "held on to the notion that there was an objective reality that could be reported objectively, despite the fact that that was not our editorial policy at Atlanta Progressive News." (Thanks, Jess Hemerly!) |
Music industry to musicbloggers: there's no point in obeying the law Posted: 16 Feb 2010 10:26 PM PST ![]() Last week, several high-profile, much-loved music blogs disappeared from Google's Blogspot service, after they were targetted by the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI -- the international version of the RIAA). IFPI defended its action by saying "Our top priority is to prevent the continued availability of the IFPI Represented Companies' content on the internet." But IFPI didn't target pirate websites here. Among the sites it took down was I Rock Cleveland, a site whose author, Bill Lipold, painstakingly sought and received explicit permission to post every single track and excerpt he put up (though in many cases, he could have relied on fair use rather than going to the effort). By using the law to annihilate labors of love like I Rock Cleveland, sites that obeyed all the rules and sought permission from the copyright holders at every turn, IFPI's message is simple: "Don't bother getting permission. Just take stuff. You're wasting your time trying to obey the law. It all comes out the same in the end -- we don't care whether you obey our rules or not." IFPI will argue that it was just trying to help artists, that everyone makes mistakes, that copyright is complicated. But these are exactly the same arguments that the musicbloggers whose sites were vanished by IFPI's abusive lawyering would have made, if they'd been given a chance. And the artists, the human shields in whose name IFPI is doing all of this? They don't want it, don't need it, and don't understand it. As one band's publicist wrote, "Just so you know, this is none of our doing...apparently, DMCA operate on their own set of odd rules, as they even requested that the (band's) official blog remove the song....What a headache..." Targeted bloggers need to know these details, not only so that they can remove the file if it's indeed infringing, but so that they can file a DMCA counter-notice in the event that the file is not infringing.Music Journalism is the New Piracy Previously:
Mechanical Sculpture by Aaron Ristau Posted: 16 Feb 2010 02:58 PM PST ![]() |
Trash-talking your high school teacher on Facebook is constitutionally protected speech Posted: 16 Feb 2010 02:00 PM PST A federal magistrate today ruled that a former Florida high school student suspended after creating a Facebook page to diss her teacher should receive constitutional protection under the First Amendment. The name of the page? "Ms. Sarah Phelps is the worst teacher I've ever met." |
Sherman Alexie reads "Ode to My Sharona" Posted: 16 Feb 2010 01:26 PM PST I present this video partly in honor of the death of The Knack lead singer Doug Fieger, partly to commemorate the greatest one-hit-wonder song to ever hypnotically compel every single person in a bar to shake their ass on the dance floor, but mostly because I am a giant Sherman Alexie fan girl. Contrary Magazine: Sherman Alexie's "Ode to My Sharona" (Via ellembee) |
Obama announces federal loan to build 2 new nuclear reactors Posted: 16 Feb 2010 01:10 PM PST President Obama today announced approval of an $8.3 billion federal loan guarantee to help the Southern Company build two nuclear reactors in Georgia. "Make no mistake: whether it is nuclear energy, or solar or wind energy," he said, "if we fail to invest in these technologies today, we'll be importing them tomorrow." |
Sharona, immortalized in Knack's "My Sharona," now sells real estate Posted: 16 Feb 2010 01:17 PM PST Sharona Alperin, the woman immortalized at age 17 in the 1979 Knack song "My Sharona" now sells real estate. Related: Earlier today, Mark blogged the sad news that the lead singer of the Knack has died. And here's an interview with Ms. Alperin about the death of her friend. (via Peter Sagal) |
Video: Katamari creator's Noby Boy iPhone app for kindergartners, businessmen alike Posted: 16 Feb 2010 10:16 PM PST What makes Katamari Damacy creator Keita Takahashi so easy to love? It's got a lot to do with stuff like this: a series of videos to promote the iPhone version of his delightfully obscure PS3 downloadable Noby Noby Boy, first announced at GDC 2009 and due for release on the App Store in a matter of days. The videos surely depict exactly what the Noby team's whiteboard meetings must be like, with hand-crafted puppet and cardboard-cutout versions of Noby characters each insisting on new features for the App to attract more than five million users worldwide, targeting diverse demographics of kindergartners, party people, businessmen, planners, and music lovers alike. The first of twelve planned videos is above, with another five below -- keep watching the game's just-relaunched and wildly inventive new Web Web Boy page or iPhone YouTube channel for more as they appear, or join the official Noby Noby Boy Facebook page for new updates. |
Posted: 16 Feb 2010 01:20 PM PST ![]() "Jabba is made of chocolate cake, chocolate fudge, and fondant." Photo series, and more about the person whose birthday this cake celebrated. (via Bonnie Burton) |
Makedo: universal connectors that turn everything into tinkertoys Posted: 16 Feb 2010 12:35 PM PST Makedo is a set of connectors (technically, a connector, a hinge and a construction tool) that allow you to piece together found objects of all description to make everything from art to functional items. Basically, it turns everything into a tinkertoy that you can attach to everything else -- How Katamari Damacy! Makedo (via Wonderland) Previously: |
Hollow spy coins for all your micro-smuggling needs Posted: 16 Feb 2010 10:17 PM PST When does a nickel cost $27? When it's a hollow spy coin made by Brian Dereu. The spy nickel that Dereu sells in our new Boing Boing Bazaar holds a microSD card, but his inspiration is strictly Cold War spy tech: Hollow Spy Coins (Boing Boing Bazaar) |
Mardi Gras: Big Chief Bo Dollis, Wild Magnolias and Wild Red Flames Posted: 16 Feb 2010 12:00 PM PST
Previously: |
Posted: 16 Feb 2010 12:10 PM PST Meet Wolfie Blackheart: a non-neurotypical, animal-identified teen in Texas who finds herself at the center of controversy: allegations of animal torture, mental health, and the wrath of /b/. "I would never kill a canine," the self-described 'wolf woman' said, "I am a canine." (via Julian Dibbell) |
Minimalist posters for TV shows Posted: 16 Feb 2010 12:01 PM PST ![]() ![]() Last week, I blogged about Justin Van Genderen's delightful series of minimalist Star Wars posters. In a similar vein are Austrian designer Albert Exergian's TV show posters "created out of a love for posters, modernism, and television." Prints are for sale at Blanka. Iconic TV (Thanks, Lisa Mumbach, via /Film) |
Prince rehearsal tape from 1984 Posted: 16 Feb 2010 11:51 AM PST |
First study of mummy DNA leads to all sorts of discoveries Posted: 16 Feb 2010 11:26 AM PST ![]() King Tut—plus 10 other royal mummies—recently became the first ancient Egyptians to get their DNA analyzed. The results, published this week in the Journal of the American Medical Association, turned up a treasure trove of new information about the famous boy king, his family and Egyptian royalty in general. Among the discoveries:
National Geographic News: King Tut was disabled, malarial and inbred Image courtesy Flickr user jparise, via CC |
The photorealistic paintings of Glennray Tutor Posted: 16 Feb 2010 11:19 AM PST ![]() Drawn! brought my attention to the paintings of Glennray Tutor. It's easy to dismiss photo-realist work as an exercise in surface obsession, but Glennray Tutor, a Jedi warrior of the style, has to be admired for his dedication to what Yeats called 'the fascination with what's difficult.' |
Trailer for actual proto-Lost TV series from 1969, The New People Posted: 16 Feb 2010 11:00 AM PST In the comments for my post about the 1967 alternate-history version of Lost, Bill Streeter wrote: "They kinda did make Lost in the 1960's. There was a program in 1969 called The New People that looks a lot like Lost." Love the music! |
New Orleans Mardi Gras photo gallery: Mar Doré Posted: 16 Feb 2010 02:11 PM PST ![]() Happy Mardi Gras, y'all! Artist and gallerist Mar DorĂ©, whose mid-century Mardi Gras photographic prints I've blogged before (and featured in this Boing Boing video episode), has been in New Orleans for the past week, for all the parades. She's there now, waiting for the Zulu King. Above and after the jump, snapshots she's sent us from the 2010 revelry. The photo-set includes images from the Thoth, Orpheus, Proteus, Babylon, Mid-City, and Okeanos parades. Enjoy. (All images ©2010, Mar DorĂ©)
Posted: 16 Feb 2010 10:53 AM PST ![]() RIP, Doug Fieger. Douglas Lars Fieger, 57, lead singer of the rock group The Knack and composer of the 1979 #1 hit My Sharona passed away at his home in Woodland Hills, California on February 14, 2010--Valentine's Day. Doug had battled lung cancer for six years. He outlived, for many, many years, his doctors' prognoses.Doug Fieger, August 20, 1952 - February 14, 2010
Sleep Talkin' Man shares his somniloquies Posted: 16 Feb 2010 11:05 AM PST Sleep Talkin' Man is a blog that collects the night-time musings of an Englishman named Adam, as recorded by his wife. The quotes are absolutely priceless, and you can even listen to some of them on streaming audio—which is a very weird experience. A few delightful examples:
The best part, none of this is related to dreaming. As the Sleep Talkin' Man FAQ explains, dreaming and sleep talking actually happen during completely different parts of the sleep cycle. So all that bush-baby paranoia is just a blip on Adam's subconscious. There really is no context to make it make sense. |
Unusual anatomy in fashion magazine? Posted: 16 Feb 2010 10:40 AM PST ![]() |
Art installation scans plants and prints sculptures of growth Posted: 16 Feb 2010 10:47 AM PST ![]() David Bowen created a robotic art installation that laser scans an onion plant every 24 hours and uses a 3D printer to fabricate plastic models illustrating the plant's growth. After each sculpture is completed, it moves ahead on the conveyor belt to make way for the next one. The piece, titled growth modeling device, won a grand prize in the 13th Japan Media Arts Festival. From the artist's statement: growth modeling device (Thanks, Mark Pescovitz) |
Posted: 16 Feb 2010 10:47 AM PST Hugh from the Electronic Frontier Foundation sez, "EFF has released a white paper to help readers of digital books answer questions about privacy, book licenses, DRM and other issues." Digital Books and Your Rights: A Checklist for Readers (Thanks, Hugh!) Previously:
Opener for a 1967 version of Lost Posted: 16 Feb 2010 10:07 AM PST Here's a "What-if? opening from an alternate history where Lost was created and aired in 1967 as a campy sci-fi action series." LOST! Opening Credits (1967) (Thanks, Benjamin!) |
Yoga to reduce prison sentences Posted: 16 Feb 2010 09:32 AM PST Convicts in the Indian state of Madhya Pradesh can get out of jail early if they develop a regular yoga practice. For every three months that a prisoner practices, his prison sentence is reduced by two weeks. The state's inspector general of prisons, Sanjay Mane, said: "Yoga is good for maintaining fitness, calming the behaviour, controlling anger and reducing stress. "When a prisoner attends yoga sessions and fulfils some other conditions, he will be considered for a remission if his jail superintendent recommends his case.""India inmates take yoga to reduce their jail sentences" |
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