Monday, February 15, 2010

The Great Google Buzz Backtrack and more...

Mon Feb 15 2010
social networks
The Great Google Buzz Backtrack

Google Buzz: Well, that didn't go so well! After the Internet erupted into a storm of "Fuck You Google" over privacy concerns, Google has scaled back some of the features that scared people the most. Will it be enough? MORE >>

POSTED: Sun Feb 14 2010 22:43

The Phantom NYT Paterson Story Now Growing via Masturbatory NYT Reacharound

Today, the New York Times' Clark Hoyt used his Public Editor column to address the recent shitshow and rumors surrounding the Times' forthcoming story on New York governor David Patterson. And Bill Keller interestingly called us out in it. MORE >>

POSTED: Sun Feb 14 2010 20:00

Scoring Sunday's Nuptials, V-Day Edition: The Facebook Wedding Crash Investigation

It's Valentine's Day, but what does that mean for the NYT's Weddings & Celebrations? And even more importantly: Gawker Weddings Expert Phyllis Nefler? Nothing but business as usual: a massive hangover, investigative reporting on Facebook, and a Gizmodo writer's wedding. MORE >>

POSTED: Sun Feb 14 2010 17:45

Five of the Most Patently Miserable Valentine's Day Songs, Ever

This one's for the scorned lovers, the newly heartbroken for the first time, the newly heartbroken for the last time, the pissed off, depressed, overeating, oversmoking, stuck-in-bed-all-day, wretching, dry-heaving, sobbing-uncontrollably-in-public-places people for whom we must empathize. MORE >>

POSTED: Sun Feb 14 2010 16:30

Update: The Kevin Smith Southwest Airlines Fat-Flight Tweakout of Epic Proportion

Someone in corporate PR's decidedly not enjoying their Sunday. Yesterday, Kevin Smith started Live-Twittering his experience getting kicked off of a Southwest Airlines flight for being too fat. It was, for the most part, pretty impressive. Update: Southwest responds. MORE >>

POSTED: Sun Feb 14 2010 13:00

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