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New FriendFeed: Simpler, Faster, Better (Maybe Too Fast) Posted: 06 Apr 2009 08:00 AM PDT ![]() FriendFeed cofounder Paul Bucheit was recently asked what it was like to be the R&D department for Facebook. His response was appropriately humble, but you can’t help but wonder how long it will be before Facebook, Twitter and FriendFeed all start to look pretty much identical as the services simply copy the best features from their competitors. One thing is for sure, though: FriendFeed moves the fastest. They were the first to add comments to status updates, the first to bring in third party feeds and the first to realize the value of search. They also experimented with real time streams way before the others. So much of what they’ve done first has been copied by others - even Google has dipped into the well. Now FriendFeed is taking the next step in its evolution with a complete redesign and lots of new features. We were able to see a demo of the new site last week and have been testing it over the weekend. Our opinion: the new FriendFeed, which launches into beta today, is simpler, faster and better than the old FriendFeed. In fact, it may be a little too fast. The first thing you’ll notice is the new look of the site. The left sidebar is gone, and key information is in separate areas on the right. The main part of the page is now just for messages. It actually looks quite a bit like Twitter. The most noticeable new feature is real time streaming. The experiments from last year have now been pushed to every part of the site. FriendFeed’s co-founder Bret Taylor says that by adding this functionality, FriendFeed can be used as a Gmail-like chat interface between one or many friends and is hoping to change the way FriendFeed is being used as a communications tool. Having a real-time feed of your friends’ and contacts’ status updates is really cool but watching the page constantly add updates gets a little annoying. As real time feeds come into your stream, it pushes what you are reading further down, which also can be a little annoying. FriendFeed has a solution for this: a pause button where your can turn the real-time updates off, and when off, the icon will tell you how many real-time updates are waiting to be added to your stream. The new interface also allows you to send direct messages and photos to your friends and lets you post these messages to Twitter. Another significant change to the interface is that service icons (the images that appear next to messages), have been changed from the source of the information (Twitter, RSS, Flickr, etc.) to the profile picture of the person who created the message. It makes it much easier to scan messages for interesting stuff. FriendFeed has added a number of features to promote interactivity between users including sharing features, where you can share a conversation, direct messages, feed, link, etc. to any number of your friends or one friend. The search filters have become more powerful, allowing you to filter searches by keyword or name or restrict searches to certain groups of friends or all of FriendFeed. And the search box will give you suggestions of your friends profiles, helping you to navigate to friend’s feeds easily. FriendFeed has also given you the ability to create a private “chat room” amongst your friends, dubbed “FriendFeed Feedback.” Similar to a group page, the private room feature let’s you create a feed that is restricted to a number of users, can be marked as public or private, and can be used as a communications tool to enable chats in a forum-like environment. These changes are all part of a new beta version of the service that users can opt into starting today. FriendFeed says they launched the interface in a beta format because they want to make adjustments to the interface as they receive feedback from users and plan to change the interface all together after they receive comments. FriendFeed has changed its interface and added new features previously, adding advanced search features earlier this year and creating a neat live blogging tool during the presidential campaigns last fall. Here’s a short version of the demo we saw last week. Robert Scoble has a longer version in HD as well. Crunch Network: MobileCrunch Mobile Gadgets and Applications, Delivered Daily. |
Revolution Money Raises Another $42 Million For Alternative Payment Service Nobody Is Using Posted: 06 Apr 2009 07:59 AM PDT Steve Case’s startup Revolution Money announced a series C funding today of $42 million led by Goldman Sachs. Case and other existing investors (Citigroup, Morgan Stanley, former AOL vice chairman Ted Leonsis, former Charles Schwab CEO David Pottruck, and JP Morgan vie chairman David Golden). That is on top of $50 million the company raised is September, 2007. The company is using the Internet to lower the cost of credit card charges and payment transfers, charging merchants only a 0.5 percent transaction fee instead of credit card fees which can be four to eight times as high. Revolution Money has done a good job signing up banks and merchants to accept its credit card and online payment service, but it is not so clear how good a job it is doing actually signing up customers. In tandem to its regular credit card, it also operates Revolution MoneyExchange, an online payment processing service that is trying to compete with Paypal. MoneyExchange is basically a loss leader to get people to sign up for the credit card. The problem is that nobody is really using MoneyExhange. Only 33,000 people in the U.S. even visited the site in February, down from a marketing-fueled high of 742,000 a year before in March, 2008, according to comScore. Hopefully, it’s found another way to sign up customers, and I’m not talking about Washington Capitols hockey fans (Leonsis owns the hockey team and is trying to get fans to pay for tickets with Revolution Money credit cards). The company must be signing up tons of new cardholders through more traditional marketing techniques. Right? I have an e-mail into Revolution Money asking for more details. Crunch Network: CrunchBase the free database of technology companies, people, and investors |
Amazon No Longer Allows Associates To Bring In Traffic Via Paid Search Posted: 06 Apr 2009 07:45 AM PDT
The change only applies to the Associates programs in North America, and the company is referring Associates based outside the U.S. and Canada to check their respective terms and conditions agreements.
Amazon is not very communicative about the reasoning behind the decision, and the FAQ on its website only cites that it is based on ‘their review of how they invest their advertising resources’. I concur with blogger Gee that paying out these referral fees is probably costing Amazon a lot of money, which is not necessarily a reason to block Associates from using paid search as a way to bring in traffic during normal times, but likely hurts the bottom line in the economic turmoil we’re in now too much to justify continuing to allow it. If that is true, that would mean that in this case paid search underperforms contextual links when it comes to sales referrals. Crunch Network: MobileCrunch Mobile Gadgets and Applications, Delivered Daily. |
Posted: 06 Apr 2009 06:54 AM PDT ![]() |
IBM Changes Its Tune: “Here doesn’t come the sun” Posted: 06 Apr 2009 05:56 AM PDT ![]() The Sun board did not reject the offer outright, but wanted certain guarantees that the I.B.M. side considered "onerous," according to that person.IBM dropped its price to $9.40 and the requirements included changing the management team and the movement/removal of some senior employees. . Sun's stock dropped to $8.49 last Friday. |
Glam Media Lands A $10 Million Round, Its Fifth in 5 Years Posted: 06 Apr 2009 04:51 AM PDT
Not that Glam isn’t putting their funding to good use. In 2008, the company made a couple of strategic acquisitions and keeps on displaying a clear focus on international growth, while at the same time launching interesting side projects like Tinker. Late last year, we reported that Glam Media was slowing down payments to its publishers as well as making significant pay cuts although it self-reported its Q4 to have been ’surprisingly strong’. One month later, ComScore data showed Glam Media was one of the fastest growing websites in the US. It was also the ninth largest publisher of display ads, serving up an estimated 2.1 billion ad impressions per month. It will be interesting to watch how Glam performs the next few quarters. Crunch Network: CrunchBoard because it’s time for you to find a new Job2.0 |
Posted: 06 Apr 2009 03:15 AM PDT
The program will be fairly off-the-cuff this weekend and I encourage those who’d like to speak for about 5 minutes during the event to drop me a line ASAP ( We’ll also have a job hunt portion to the event with colored name tags for networkers, job seekers, and employers. Robin Wauters will dance. If last year is any indication, you’re going to meet the cream of the Prague tech community at this event so if you’re out of work or looking for a crack COBOL programmer, you’ll be in the right place. Finally, special thanks to our amazing sponsors: Wirenode We’ll be breaking out a post for them as we get closer to the even. Until then, if you would like to RSVP, drop us a line at with the subject line “RSVP PRAGUE” or just hit up the Facebook Event. Crunch Network: CrunchBoard because it’s time for you to find a new Job2.0 |
Great Visualization: Web Trends Map 4 (Final Beta) Posted: 06 Apr 2009 02:10 AM PDT This is likely going to spread like wildfire, and it isn’t even finished yet: Information Architects has released the final beta for the fourth iteration of its awesome Web Trends Map series. This is a great visualization of current Internet trends, and how companies and individuals fit into it. The picture that’s embedded above doesn’t do it justice in any way, so be sure to check out the full-sized image hosted on Flickr. Update: better yet, head over to Zoomorama.
Oh, and in case you like it and you want to buy a printed version, they’re only making and selling 1,000 of them, so be quick. Crunch Network: MobileCrunch Mobile Gadgets and Applications, Delivered Daily. |
Facebook Completes Rollout Of Haystack To Stem Losses From Massive Photo Uploads Posted: 06 Apr 2009 01:16 AM PDT
What have they been buying? Stuff to serve up all these massive page views, and photos in particular. In our post last October, when Facebook was fishing for dollars in Dubai, we noted some of their expenses, including a massive ongoing outlay for NetApp storage systems that cost $2 million each:
As we noted in February, Facebook is the largest photo application on the web (forgetting everything else they do). More than 850 million photos uploaded to the site each month, and these things chew up bandwidth and storage like crazy. And it’s even more expensive to serve photos in poorer countries where Facebook is getting all its growth (and little revenue). Enter Haystack Haystack is Facebook’s way of substantially lowering the cost of storing and serving photos, and the rollout of the new internal infrastructure was recently completed. See Niall Kennedy for a technical overview of what Haystack is and why it’s so much more efficient than third party solutions they’ve used to date, as well as this 2008 presentation by Jason Sobel. What isn’t clear is if Haystack will really help Facebook control costs outside of the U.S., particularly in Asia. But it’s a step in the right direction for cost control, and is certainly being factored in Facebook’s estimates of cash flow profitability by next year. Crunch Network: CrunchBase the free database of technology companies, people, and investors |
North Korea Successfully Launches Satellite Into Pacific Ocean Posted: 06 Apr 2009 12:25 AM PDT ![]() North Korea's public portrayal of the event as a complete success was similar in its celebratory tone to the happy note it struck in 1998 after having failed to loft a satellite into orbit. A general rule of engineering is that failures reveal more than successes. If so, North Korea — which has now test-fired three long-range rockets, each time unsuccessfully — is learning a lot about limitations. |
So Now Everything Is Google’s Fault Posted: 05 Apr 2009 04:54 PM PDT
Now he’s back again, this time targeting Google. Thank God the bloggers are here to call bullshit because the journalists, fearing their own looming unemployment, are jumping on board the idiot bandwagon. Last week Bragg pointed his anger at Google, demanding that the company play music videos on YouTube’s UK site and pay the demanded royalty (Google just took the videos down instead of paying). His argument is ridiculous - that Google should literally be forced to play music videos that it no longer wants to play, and then pay a per play fee. Really, this begging for handouts is unbecoming:
The audacity of the letter is staggering. But The Guardian’s Henry Porter uses it as a launchpad to attack Google more generally as an “amoral menace”, adding that “Google is in the final analysis a parasite that creates nothing…” Either he refuses to understand, or just ignores, the fact that Google is the one being bullied here. The company is making a simple profit/loss decision and apparently concluded that it can’t make money on the deal being offered. To suggest that Google must accept the deal is to suggest that Google needs to subsidize the music industry simply because it is a profitable company. It’s ridiculous and only makes sense when Porter moves on his his argument to talk about newspapers, which provide his livelihood (with no discussion of the direct conflict of interest). He then spends paragraphs trying to tie Google’s success with the failure of newspapers. He never really gets there, but does say that Google is “delinquent and sociopathic” near the end, which at least keeps things interesting. Let’s all be clear here. What Porter and Bragg want is a subsidy from Google. A sort of welfare tax on a profitable company so that they can continue to draw the paychecks they’ve become accustomed to. That isn’t going to happen, and all this hand wringing isn’t helping to move their respective industries toward a successful business model. They either need to adapt or die. And they’re choosing a very noisy and annoying death. Crunch Network: CrunchBoard because it’s time for you to find a new Job2.0 |
A Picture Is Worth A Thousands Tweets: Pixim And TweetPhoto Emerge Posted: 05 Apr 2009 01:56 PM PDT There’s been a proliferation of photo sharing apps tied to Twitter, including TwitPic, Twitxr (review), and Yfrog (review), giving users a vast amount of choice when it comes to image sharing on the popular micro-blogging service. But TwitPic seems to have emerged as the leader of the pack. The service took the top spot on our list of the most popular Twitter applications according to Compete and was in the top ten of Twitter clients according to TwitStat. Compete pegs TwitPic to have had close to 1.6 million unique visitors in February, and its traffic doesn’t show any signs of slowing down. TwitStat says TwitPic is now the sixth most popular app used by Twitter clients, rising from being the tenth most popular app when we wrote about TwitStat’s rankings in mid-February. And TwitPic was even used to break news of the plane crash on the Hudson River. Two more competitors to TwitPic have emerged. TweetPhoto and Pixim are both photo sharing applications attempting to challenge its dominance, so we took a closer look. Pixim uses OAuth to integrate with Twitter (so you don’t have to give out your username and password) and lets you adjust privacy settings on sharing pictures, tag friends in uploaded pictures, view stats on how many people and who has seen you pictures and see your friend’s pictures on the site. Pixim is similar to TwitPic in many ways but the latter incorporates a geotagging tool and mobile support, which Pixim doesn’t have on its site. While Pixim is planning to release their API soon, TwitPic has the advantage of already being built into most popular Twitter clients, and users who are interested in photo sharing have a familiarity with TwitPic. TweetPhoto, who plans to launch later this month, also lets you use OAuth to integrate your Twitter account. You are then able to send pics through your mobile phone or upload pics via the site. Like TwitPic, TweetPhoto lets users comment on pictures on-site and tag photos. TweetPhoto will also feature integration with Facebook Connect, which is pretty cool, and something both TwitPic and Pixim lack. Like Pixim, TweetPhoto plans to release its own API, but might confront the same issue with TwitPic’s dominance. Crunch Network: CrunchGear drool over the sexiest new gadgets and hardware. |
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