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Edison's prefab, permutable fireproof concrete houses Posted: 30 Apr 2009 01:33 AM PDT For months now, the Story Spieler podcast (which features readings of public domain texts from Gutenberg Project as well as some CC licensed works) has been working through a 1910 book called Edison, His Life and Inventions by Frank Lewis Dyer and Thomas Commerford Martin, a glowing biography of Edison. I've always thought of Edison as a kind of jerk and a plagiarist who took credit for his juniors' inventions (a narrative familiar to fans of Tesla), but there's some really remarkable stuff in here. Most recently, the podcast included the chapter on Portland cement, and a remarkable account of a prefab, three-storey concrete house that Edison invented, which could be erected for $1200 (as opposed to $30,000 for a comparable cut-stone house). The house-moulds could be varied and permutated so that each house came out differently, and the houses were intended to form industrial suburbs around factories, so that working people could own their own homes. EDISON PORTLAND CEMENT (via Story Spieler podcast) (Image: The Thomas Edison Papers) |
Posted: 29 Apr 2009 10:34 PM PDT ![]() Treasures like these sterling silver Wiimote cufflinks make me wish that t-shirts could somehow be adorned with French cuffs. Alas, I already own about six sets of cool cufflinks, and I wear French cuffs about once a year, if that. Wiimote Cufflinks (via Craft) |
Chunky crapgadget used to conduct the US census (kind of) Posted: 29 Apr 2009 10:26 PM PDT Ethan Zuckerman grilled the census worker who came to his door about the giant, clunky, dysfunctional PDA the US government uses to conduct its census with. It's a crapgadget par excellence. If US government contractors had designed the iPhone |
Ward off pig-death with soaps shaped like baby-hands Posted: 29 Apr 2009 10:23 PM PDT ![]() Now that the Coughing Pig Death has finally legitimized your compulsive handwashing tendencies, there's no better time to revisit Etsy seller Foliage's line of hand-soaps shaped like tiny disembodied baby-hands: "You will get at least 10 hands (at least/about 100 grams of soap). This soap is made from goat's milk and vegetable glycerin with a light scent. Your hands come packaged in a pretty bag...all ready for gifting to a friend with dirty paws!" handsoap set (via Bioephemerma) |
Land of books: 1938 notional map Posted: 29 Apr 2009 10:10 PM PDT ![]() The Bucherland map from Alphons Woelfle (1938) depicts an imaginary and lovely land of books: "The Land consists of about half a dozen distinct territories, most of which are explicitly named: Leserrepublik (Reader's Republic), Vereinigte Buchhandelsstaaten (United States of Booksellers), Recensentia (a realm for Reviewers), Makulaturia (Waste Paper Land), and Poesia (Poetry). The capital of the US of B is the city of Officina (Latin for workshop, and the origin of our 'office'; the name seems remarkably unremarkable. Possibly there is an old reference or a German word-joke here we're not getting)." 373 - A Map of the Land of Books (Thanks, Marilyn!) |
Solitary confinement is torture: psych expert Posted: 29 Apr 2009 10:08 PM PDT Wired Science interviews UCSC's Craig Haney, a psychologist who's an expert on long-term solitary confinement, and concludes that solitary confinement is unequivocally torture. It makes people go insane. And 25,000 Americans are in long-term solitary in the US penal system. First let me note that solitary confinement has historically been a part of torture protocols. It was well-documented in South Africa. It's been used to torture prisoners of war.Solitary Confinement: The Invisible Torture |
Hand-cranked phone charger in a hollow log Posted: 29 Apr 2009 10:02 PM PDT ![]() This hand-cranked cell-phone charger mounted in a hollowed-out log was apparently discovered in Chechen fighters' encampment. Some of the components -- the pull-string, presumably -- are said to come from toy cars. |
The Strange World of your Dreams, 1950s comic book by Jack Kirby and Joe Simon Posted: 29 Apr 2009 04:30 PM PDT ![]() "We will buy your dreams!" About 30 years ago my friend loaned me couple of copies of Simon and Kirby's early 1950s The Strange World of Your Dreams. I hate it when people tell me their dreams, but Kirby and Simon were able to convert reader-submitted dreams into great comic book stories. Download issues 1-4 here. (Via Beware, There's A Crosseyed Cyclops In My Basement!!!) |
GAMA-GO Flagship Store Opening Party Posted: 29 Apr 2009 04:08 PM PDT ![]() On Saturday, May 2nd, from 12noon to 5pm our friends at GAMA-GO will be celebrating the opening of the GAMA-GO flagship store in San Francisco at 335 8th Street (cross street is Folsom). Greg Long says: Indeed, we will delightfully lavish free gifts and effervescent carbonated beverages upon you.GAMA-GO Flagship Store Opening Party |
Posted: 29 Apr 2009 04:45 PM PDT ![]() My friend Julie Wolfson is in Japan, and is sharing some of her photos. This is from a pet store in Roppongi, where the puppy cubicles face the street. UPDATE: Boing Boing reader Goemon has an interesting comment about this place. He says: That pet store runs a scam with the hostesses in the area: |
Posted: 29 Apr 2009 02:37 PM PDT ![]() Will the next Kindle have a color display? Gamma Dynamics has announced a new electrofluidic reflective display (devloped at the Novel Devices Laboratory at the University of Cincinnati) that uses colored pigments. Voltage is used to electromechanically pull the pigment out of the reservoir and spread it as a film directly behind the viewing substrate. As a result, the display takes on color and brightness similar to that of conventional pigments printed on paper. When voltage is removed liquid surface tension causes the pigment dispersion to rapidly recoil into the reservoir.The lennas above compare electrofluidic and electrophoretic displays used in ebooks. |
49 Minutes of Out-of-this-World Entertainment Posted: 29 Apr 2009 01:40 PM PDT Maggie Koerth-Baker is a guest blogger on Boing Boing. A freelance science and health journalist, Maggie lives in Minneapolis, brain dumps on Twitter, and writes quite often for mental_floss magazine. So the best way I've found to bribe myself into exercising regularly is to use the time on the elliptical machine for watching TV shows I otherwise don't have time to catch. Like Nova. For the last couple of days, I've been getting in some sweaty installments of a really fabulous episode called Astrospies---about a U.S. outer-space military spying program so secret, not even the guys recruited for it knew what the hell was going on during their training. Not only does this show feature some great spy-vs-spy back and forth---as Russia and the U.S. vie to be the first country to put secret astronauts on a secret space station, taking secret photos of other countries, secretly---but the story also has some smaller details that are equally (if not more) fascinating than the usual Cold War stuff. For instance, in order for the program, code-named MOL (for Manned Orbiting Laboratory), to take detailed pictures of Russian military installations, the research team had to develop a telescoping camera technology so ahead-of-its-time, that the same basic set-up is still used in modern equipment, including the Hubble Space Telescope. Also amazing: The MOL program was responsible for recruiting Robert Henry Lawrence, Jr., the man who would have been America's first African-American astronaut. Instead, his tragic death ended up marking the beginning of the end for the program. I highly recommend watching this if you get a chance. |
BB Video: Top Chair? Joel Reviews The Herman Miller Embody and Steelcase Leap Posted: 29 Apr 2009 01:29 PM PDT (MP4 Download). Boing Boing Gadgets' Joel Johnson says, Discuss this video in the very busy thread over at BB Gadgets. And Xeni back again with a personal plug: if you fancy buying a new office chair, and the ones featured in this review are too rich for your wallet, ping Mar over at for recommendations on cheaper alternatives, designed with ergonomic support in mind. 800-840-3488, or mar at ambiencedore dot com. RSS feed for new episodes here, YouTube channel here, subscribe on iTunes here. Get Twitter updates every time there's a new ep by following @boingboingvideo, and here are blog post archives for Boing Boing Video. |
Posted: 29 Apr 2009 01:08 PM PDT Mind Hacks wrote about a 2003 study from Epilepsy and Behavior about ecstatic seizures. Patient 1They also ran this quote from Dostoyevsky, who said the following about his own epilepsy seizures: "I would experience such joy as would be inconceivable in ordinary life - such joy that no one else could have any notion of. I would feel the most complete harmony in myself and in the whole world and this feeling was so strong and sweet that for a few seconds of such bliss I would give ten or more years of my life, even my whole life perhaps."A trance of pleasure |
Posted: 29 Apr 2009 01:14 PM PDT Maggie Koerth-Baker is a guest blogger on Boing Boing. A freelance science and health journalist, Maggie lives in Minneapolis, brain dumps on Twitter, and writes quite often for mental_floss magazine. Where will you "get away from it all" this summer? Personally, I'm going to the Bay Area Maker Faire at the end of May. But if you still need ideas, my book, Be Amazing, contains a few interesting--if somewhat impractical--holiday suggestions. All Aboard for Antarctica! Visit the Beautiful Demilitarized Zone! Zdravstvuj From the 101st Kilometer! |
Vote For BB Video TODAY In The Webby "People's Voice" Awards or the Cat Gets It Posted: 29 Apr 2009 12:03 PM PDT ![]() Kittens. Look at him there, the one on the left is Phillip. Until now, he was having a whale of a time. Vote for Boing Boing Video (formerly Boing Boing TV) today in the Webby "People's Voice" Awards, or Phillip gets it. Yes, that's right, this is shameless self-whoring, taken to the proverbial "whole 'nother level," fueled with the power of kittens. Tomorrow's the last day to vote, so I am not messing around. Here is how it works. OK, seriously, there are a lot of great video projects nominated in the People's Voice awards this year, and here's the truth: indie web video is hard work, long long hours, tougher than ever in this economy, doesn't pay well, and I see a lot of dedicated, talented colleagues listed there who are also deserving of your votes. People get excited about this stuff because it makes up for all the late nights in dark studios, subsisting on Red Bull and stale Chex Mix, and it's like the whole world giving your project a friendly pat on the back. So, serious voice here, even if you don't vote for Boing Boing Video, vote for one of the indie web video projects you see here -- it's what Phillip would want. Previously: Boing Boing Video Nominated for Multiple Webby Awards. Hey, Vote for Us! (Special thanks to BB Video hosting partner Episodic, and to everyone at DECA. Thanks for the kitteh pix, R. Stevens.). |
Unicorn Art Car, Free to Loving Home (Craigslist Sign of the Times) Posted: 29 Apr 2009 12:42 PM PDT BB pal Shawn Connally from MAKE passes this along. free art car- runs and drives (berkeley)Update: Andy in New Jersey says it's a hoax. If you Google that phone number... there seem to be lots of strange hits, the most useful talks about pranking some radio show. BTW, areacode 914 is in Westchester County, NY. And while it's possible that someone from NY has moved to Berkeley, or is visiting, in light of the hits above, I still think something else is going on. |
Time-lapse video of mural painting by Phil Lumbang Posted: 29 Apr 2009 09:26 AM PDT My fellow Backwards Beekeepers Club member Russell Bates says, Phil Lumbang is a local graphic designer who works for Obey Giant. He's also an outdoor artist, and he's been painting a series of friendly/polite bears all over the Eastside. |
Mister Jalopy: "$upport Independent Business and Reject the Fakers" Posted: 29 Apr 2009 03:14 PM PDT Mister Jalopy wrote the following at Dinosaurs and Robots. I've reposted it here in its entirety. ![]() Everything you love, everything meaningful with depth and history, all passionate authentic experiences will be appropriated, mishandled, watered down, cheapened, repackaged, marketed and sold to the people you hate.Punk rock was profoundly important to me. The power, the rage and the message. It was authenticity incarnate. A clarity and directness with a political message that was overpowering. As big corporations watched, they started to smell money. They circled and studied. And they aped the aesthetics, but we knew it was fake. Now, I hear The Clash or The Stranglers or The Undertones and I am still amazed. The corporate fakers faded away and the real deal survives. ![]() I believe that punk rock experience is core to the values of a generation. DIY is not a marketing term or a cliche, we know we can do it. We can create it ourselves and form businesses that reflect our personal passions. The Maker Movement, the rise of crafting, the slow food movement - they share a commonality of power through engagement. We, as individuals, are personally awesome and we want to collaborate. ![]() ![]() Is Embroidery Library a giant faceless corporation? No, I don't think so. Seems to be a smallish, long established company that has been cranking out machine embroidery patterns for years. Like the rest of us with independent businesses, I am certain they have stretched their budgets, wondered how to grow and hoped they could compete on a national scale. If it were a major corporation, it would be easier to understand as they operate behind an opacity of scale and lawyers, but how in the whole wide bing-bong world would a smallish company think it would be a good idea to copy Jenny's patterns? Embroidery instructions have existed for hundreds of years, so why would Urban Threads chose to re-word Sublime's instructions? To butcher Jenny's quotes and represent them as their own? That is not a very punk rock thing to do. Urban Threads has so brazenly ripped off Sublime Stitching that I can't help but wonder if Jenny Hart is the only artist that has been ripped off. Please, take a moment to look at the Urban Threads catalog of designs and see if you recognize any other chicanery. Let us know, we will pass it along. Supporting independent businesses means $upporting independent businesses. I bought Sublime Stitching patterns today. I ordered Chinese Acrobats, Handmade Nation (because I like Faythe's movie so much), Garden Variety (because I like bugs) and Zombies and Monsters (because I started one of these at Maker Faire Austin and gave it away before it was done.) Today, send our friends at Sublime Stitching a note of support. And, while you are at it, drop a note to Urban Threads and tell them where to stick it. Hey big companies! Don't rip us off! We want to work with you! Contact us! We value your experience! Let's make this huge! We all win when we collaborate! Rip us off and a thousand blogs will descend on you! |
Art Made From Guitar Effects Pedals: "Cypher" Posted: 29 Apr 2009 08:38 AM PDT ![]() Scott Matthews, whose family runs the guitar effects tech company Electro-Harmonix, featured in this previous Boing Boing Video episode, blogs: Robin Rose is a long-established painter specializing in 'encaustic' works, but back in 1979 he played guitar and synth for new-wave/punk band Urban Verbs (Warner) and regularly performed at clubs like CBGB here in NYC.And Scott shares an extra footnote by email for fans of the band Joy Division: Via email, Robin (the artist) shared this with me: "One of the inspirations for the foot pedal piece was Ian Curtis from the English 1980's band Joy Division. The Urban Verbs were supposed to play with Joy Division in Toronto, Ian killed himself and thus the show was canceled. I always thought that was a tipping point for my band. Ian Curtis wrote a song called 'Isolation'." |
Penguin science fiction covers past and present Posted: 29 Apr 2009 08:45 AM PDT ![]() The Art of Penguin SF is a beautiful thumbnail gallery of the covers of every (?) science fiction novel published by Penguin UK, starting with the 1935 edition of Butler's Erewhon. I grew up on these, and just seeing them there makes me want to tile my bathroom with them. |
Video profile of cigar box guitar maker, Mark Vickroid Posted: 29 Apr 2009 08:29 AM PDT Bill Streeter says: Here is a video profile I made about a cigarbox guitar maker here in St. Louis. Mark Vickroid makes wonderful homemade guitars out of old cigarboxes. Some of them even have an amp built in. I went to his house to see how he made them and talk to him about how he got started. He's pretty funny -- and if you check the sidebar links you will see a related video of him performing.Mr. Vickroids Cigarbox Guitars
Previously: |
Posted: 29 Apr 2009 09:03 AM PDT ![]() |
Doug Rushkoff interviewed by Richard Metzger: Dangerous Minds Posted: 29 Apr 2009 08:37 AM PDT Former BB guestblogger Richard Metzger interviews author and BB pal Doug Rushkoff, in this five-part video on YouTube. They cover a lot of territory in this conversation -- and if you dug Richard's posts here on the blog, you'll dig what they cover here. Much of this is terrain explored in Rushkoff's new book, Life Incorporated: How the World Became a Corporation and How To Take It Back. Here's a blurb from the book introduction: Richard Metzger's DANGEROUS MINDS: Doug Rushkoff interview (video). Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 (YouTube) |
Bettie Page Art Show in LA, curated by Lenora Claire Posted: 29 Apr 2009 08:14 AM PDT ![]() Yes, Dorothy, it is true: the image at the top of this post is none other than the Queen of All Media, the controversialicious Perez Hilton, in drag as Bettie Page (photographer: Austin Young). Click on this link, if you dare, and ye shall see false bewbs exposed in the full, uncropped image (NSFW). The lovely Lenora Claire, whose talent and bodacious curves were introduced to us by recent guestblogger Richard Metzger, shares word of an art show opening this weekend in LA in appreciation of the late Bettie Page. The image above is part of that show. Lenora tells Boing Boing: Below, Lenora spanking herself dressed as Bettie Page. (Thanks, Richard Metzger!) Previously: |
Posted: 29 Apr 2009 08:14 AM PDT Maggie Koerth-Baker is a guest blogger on Boing Boing. A freelance science and health journalist, Maggie lives in Minneapolis, brain dumps on Twitter, and writes quite often for mental_floss magazine. This is generally off from the sort of thing I normally post, but I am completely fascinated by the recent work of German-born photographer Anna Skladmann. "Little Adults" is a series of portraits, featuring the uncomfortably made-up and dead-eyed children of Russian elites. It's like everything that's creepy about those baby beauty pageants, but with (generally) better taste. Which, somehow, manages to make it even more creepy. Skladmann says: The series explores what it feels like to be a privileged child living in Russia, a country where its radical history and social hierarchy still rules their daily lives. It is the exploration of the recently growing society of the "Nouveau-Riche", in which children have been raised to become the "Elite" and to behave like little adults. These portraits express a tension between the natural character and the stereotype of appearance, and how that co-exists in the world of children."
You really must go check out this entire series. It will haunt you. Tip o' the hat to Sami at |
Posted: 29 Apr 2009 10:13 AM PDT The Guardian's Dr Ben Goldacre has published a free ebook to accompany his recent book Bad Science, an expose on the junk science that infects policy and health in the UK. The ebook, "The Doctor Will Sue You Now," contains a chapter that Goldacre had to cut from the printed edition, because its subject, a vitamin salesman named Matthias Rath, tied Goldacre up in £500,000 worth of litigation over its contents. What did Goldacre write about Rath? He told the story of how Rath took out full page adverts promoting vitamin pills as the answer to the Aids epidemic, and deriding antiretroviral medication as a murderous conspiracy by the pharmaceutical industry. He ran clinics reflecting these ideas, and an illegal clinical trial, and he brought these ideas to the right place: South Africa was headed by an "HIV-denialist" government - introduced to these ideas by a man who would later become Rath's employee - who shunned medical treatments in a move that Oxford Journals' African Affairs estimates cost over 340,000 lives. Rath is feted by alternative therapy advocates around the world, and used the not-inconsiderable wealth he amassed selling these vitamins to sue Goldacre and The Guardian when they criticized his work. The Doctor Will Sue You Now is Creative Commons licensed and freely redistributable. Matthias Rath - steal this chapter Bad Science (Thanks, Dave!) |
Posted: 29 Apr 2009 05:33 AM PDT My latest Guardian column, "Transparency means nothing without justice," is up. I wrote this before the G20 debacle (it was delayed due to an administrative problem at the Guardian), but all the points are just as relevant to the G20's climate camp as they are to last summer's version of it. And here's where transparency breaks down. We've known about all this since last August - seven months and more. It was on national news. It was on the web. Anyone who cared about the issue knew everything they needed to know about it. And everyone had the opportunity to find out about it: remember, it was included in national news broadcasts, covered in the major papers - it was everywhere.Transparency means nothing without justice |
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