Wednesday, April 1, 2009

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How Your Beliefs Drive Your Goals In Life
April 1, 2009 at 9:18 am

Human Goals
Adam Khoo asked:

Your belief drive your goals. That belief about what you and other people around you determine what you want in your life. What do you want in your life will determine your strategies, your actions and your beliefs also determine what to do when you come to miss. Triggered as the answer or given up? You see, your beliefs are like the operating system to your brain. Determine how we perceive the world and how we respond to what happens. Determine who or what we do or what to try or not. The belief that we have about a person determines how to interact with that person, if you get out make friends, or avoid a particular person. The belief that you have some kind of food will determine if you eat that side. The belief that you have about the economy will determine the kind of business or career to pursue. You see, belief is one of the most single, most important of the filters that we have at any time, we will have about two million bits of information per second to hit them and for us it is physically impossible to be informed of everything that is happening around us. And that's why two people can watch the same movie, but coming out with the opinions and experiences vary widely about what the entire movie was all about. A person can remember all the long conversations and feel that the film totally boring themselves. The other person may focus on dialogue and feel really moved by the interaction of characters. You see, both people have filtered the same movie so differently. Deleted, wrong and widespread and generated a very different internal representation for the film. Thus, in a way that our brains to cope, our mind filters all the information by deleting, distort and generalize all these data into an internal representation of what really is happening around us. So, that is not the reality we perceive, we perceive a filtered version of reality. Here 's an example of the power of belief. The balustrade of Roger was a long runner from Oxford, somewhere in the 50s, I think that took place in 1954. What did was that he set a goal to run a mile in under 4 minutes. Now, consider that nobody in the world have ever run a mile in under 4 minutes. All tried but failed continually to what many doctors do not leave and say that it was physically impossible for a human being doing work that fast. But, the balustrade of Roger has not decided never to believe that. Did not want to keep the belief back. So, decided to aim for a goal. Now, the difference was more than physical training, he will mentally prepare. The difficulty was he had no evidence, no one could ever make them. So, what did he do? This has generated. Again, the human mind can not tell the difference between what is real and what is imagined in your mind clearly. Thus, in his mind, it was seen to run and beat the best in less than 4 minutes. It was seen again and do it several times. Has created this test as if it was so real, that which has become real for him. So what happened? He beat the best in less than 4 minutes. But that is not the amazing thing. The amazing thing was that the minutes did that in one year, about 37 other runners broke his remark. During a period of about 3 years, about 300 runners broke his remark. Thus, the question is this. Why is it for thousands of years, nobody could run the miles in less than 4 minutes, but the minute someone does, hundreds of people doing this? You see, what was required that the entire back was not their physical skills, it was not their physical potential. Accordingly, it is clear that what is really taking a lot of people back is their own belief. And it is precisely our belief that determines how we think, act and what to do or not in our lives.

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Control Your Brain Waves, Control Your Life
April 1, 2009 at 3:48 am

Human Life Goals
Gregory Frost asked:

I am pretty sure the first question that comes to your mind as you read the title is - what is this about? Well, that was my initial reaction when someone told me that my brainwaves to control was the key to achieving the goals in my life. I examined him, I raised my eyebrows and I scented hard for traces of whiskey. But entirely joking aside, this statement is the new masthead for the personal development industry today. Dragging top of the brain, or the technology or the method of start-up of specific electromagnetic waves from your brain is a reality in today 's society Packed into something so ordinary as a CD or a manual, this is the new Holy Grail of mind control and taken back control of your life like you've never imagined. The rationale behind this explanation is simple. Science has discovered that the conditions of acute internal human abilities can be linked with the specific electromagnetic frequency produced by neurons and chemical reactions within the cerebral cortex. For example, during the period of time just before or after you sleep, your brain produces waves of low frequency have been associated with the conditions of relaxation and an excellent one, where the information can be maintained and the quotient d 'intelligence is at its peak. There are also circumstances in which one can have the best fire, security or even the conditions that invoke the great powers of healing within the body. The study has been well documented. Patients in a hospital, given a placebo but exposed to the consolidation of support staff and an atmosphere that maintains a sense of buoyancy and happiness seem to heal faster than most. When you tilt the brain in a positive perception in really inform about the body 's process of healing Dragging Brainwave was sought on the study reported on the disease with curative and even help patients with amnesia regain their memory, which retains the possibility. Small intelligent men in white coats have found that the beats that have made different frequencies (beyond human hearing) can actually invoke a response and inform cortical neurons up to leave a loose brainwaves for a specific purpose. He received an examination of the med the next day and the look of the manuals as they were written in ancient China? To inform on the alpha frequency of the condition and absorb the information like never before. Feel restless and can 't seem to rest easy? Then invokes just the right amount of the wave frequencies of the brain and face sliding into a condition of deep meditation. These beats are woven into a music file soothing music and enter the brain through your ear transducers. Other methods include biofeed and Autogenic-back or even the use of yoga and traditional music soothe the mind and reprogram your subconscious with positive thinking. The search for the magnetic field can do the wave drag of the brain. The possibilities are endless. If you feel constantly depressed and never need to turn it back to drive for a living and drive to succeed, then just give your brain waves from a place the right direction. The control is the bottom line and be able to control your mind and focus to achieve your goals are something that is truly priceless.

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Having it All: Health, Happiness, Success
April 1, 2009 at 1:02 am

Happy Success
Sandra Prior asked:

This is because lifestyle Bodybuilding is all aboutWhat is it that brings happiness? Your work? Your workouts? Look hot and feel great? Is your house or some other material possession? Just what is that makes you feel truly happy, happy and alive? Many people pass by without ever life take time to think about what it is that brings them happiness. Some think that having a body of ejector or lots of money makes them happy, however, once the gain, still believe that something is missing. Let me compare this situation to resolve. Describe training for years, constantly being the same thing and not the applicant ever time you look at the progress or regress in the mirror. How can you objectively say how? of? of the youâ with reference to at least stop it takes time, observe and make any changes in your program may need to do? The same is true for your personal and emotional well-being. If the? of? of the youâ with reference not satisfied with your life, something must be changed. ? of? the youâ with reference to not just when you might need to change. There are things in all our lives that, if the variable we have raised the greatest fulfillment. Wherever you go, observe around you. If the? s? itâ into the gym, at your workplace, on streets, shopping centers, or anywhere else, you are going to make some sensational discoveries. People have been damaging, and one of? of? of they are reasonable in relation to damage that? t of? wonâ of leave to be happy. The right? s? of That. ? t of? havenâ of time or the measures taken have had to change things in their lives that would have brought as close to having everything. I see many things lacking in the lives of these? s? of peopleâ. Among them is the? of? â character who do not know who really are, but knowing that they want to be someone different. That is, they want to turn into the kind of person who knows is intended to be. Another part is missing? of? â waste of time that the amounts of their precious lives and time on things that? t of? the really donâ brings lasting happiness. A third area is? of? â reports that abandons or deliberately avoids wonderful relationships with others because their work or sports or something else has changed in their lives. A fourth feature is not knowing what success really means to them. And finally, I see an incredible lack of balance in their lives. These important to have everything in your life if you can interest them? of? of the youâ with reference to a physically adjusted or not. The important thing is that thinking to change some areas in your life that may need to change in? Of VE? youâ undertaken of a major action to happiness and balance impressionable. The? s? Leta to consider some of those areas that you want to change. Just who are you? This seems an easy question, but can you answer? You are the kind of person you want to be? Or are you living a life of faa § ade after faa § ade, Speranta discover that no one ever? s? of what under that mask? Look? s? Leta of their connection to this physical form. Why fix? It is for all the incredible positive physical and mental benefits that exercise provides or is it something more? You are interfered into the association of who you are as a person with a sense that your body says? Your body image has been transformed into the image of your car? Your attitude changes based on how frequently your body says to you at any time? Re on top of the world, King of? of? the day of youâ? of? youâ for the next day in the stores? Let go of the monster. Help to develop your self image by developing your character. First, your life is like a triangle. Has three parts: mental, physical and spiritual. All three sides are equal. If any of those parts is missing, then the whole triangle is moving. Ask a question. Features are mental, physical and spirit of my life in balance? Some of the senses you can make the mental functions you are surrounded with those things that help to build them as a person. Being around positive people, optimistic and happy should be your first point. Become like those with whom they associate, in order to choose those people carefully. The next point would be to begin to add activities such as listening to motivational tapes and reading inspirational books and magazines. Get some culture into your life by going to the Museum of Art, games and concerts. Television to make a background on your list. Use your mind and watch develop. Achievement of funny is something that is specific to each of us. What works great for your best friend can not work for you. Born with talents and incredible abilities that are only your and your alone. Happiness is real when shared your gifts with those in the world around you. Secure aid made with witty align your place in life. The final part of the triangle is the physical. This should be easy for you. The? of? the youâ with reference to food probably already training and properly so just put the item in your physical life in perspective and of ll? of? youâ is the end. The? s? Itâ TimeOne some of the most precious resources you have is time. The problem is we think we have continually in the world. It is so much, however many of us do not realize never too late to? s? of itâ. Broken? s? Leta down to it. For all live, there are 1440 minutes in day. For the most successful person to a minimum, each have 1440 minutes in day. Ll of the discovery? of? youâ that of those who are the most successful and happy in life are those who makes the best of their time and of those 1440 minutes each day. That means the design and put your plans into action. Whoever you are or what you do, you are playing chess with time. It is always your next step. The movement quickly and with the wise decision and it will encourage TIME. Is stationary and does not do anything and the time it will clean off the board. So when it comes to timing,? s? itâ of your movement. But remember: You can not have much time. Value of? S.A. of? What for? When you think in that respect, what are most important in life that people? You might say,? of? â which is number one in my own? of? of? or of â? of a successful company? important? the bodybuilding show, or? of? â which has the best? of? of build, or any number of other possibilities. But I say its people. Its people that provides the recognition and attention you want. And the local people? s? itâ of which gives him the love that you need. Your relationship with people is of supreme importance. Think of something. When you hit the big time and made that great? Of VE? of successful youâ worked so hard for,? of? of the youâ with reference to wanting to go there as much people recognize your successes as possible. But where? t of? havenâ of time taken to develop, strengthen and nurture your relationships with your loved, friends, neighbors and other people, you? t of? cana of them to invite him for the time. Let go of this selfish me-me-me trip over. Think of others in your life first and the rewards will be greater? Of VE? of youâ ever imagined. You really have everything? Bet you can. But first decide what it is that it all means to you. Could mean for anyone to have a good job, a wonderful family, solving a few nights a week and an occasional night out on the town. For others, could be career, careers, career, with only a little time to himself. In all our lives, there are probably things that are missing that could bring us more joy, happiness and fulfillment if only we have left. To you, it might be just a matter of requiring little time to think of your life where you are, where? Of VE? the state and where youâ? of? of the youâ with reference to go. You see, when? t of? donâ of living the life that you believe in, of the ll? of? of youâ believe in life you are living and that is what you want? You can have them all. You can have the life that you believe in but rather given up the belief that? t of? cana of you. It all begins with you. Fault? t of? Donate to your work, school or anything else? t of? donâ of what you want. Are you doing things that are keeping them from having everything? of? â because of the choices you have made. Happiness or lack of it in your life is the result of those decisions. Give a new look to your lives. Get a fresh perspective. On your goals and things that are important you. If the? of? of the youâ with reference to believe a certain emptiness inside, despite all your achievements, then you need something. Think of what could be. Perhaps? s? itâ of effecting the registration or a relationship could be that you should focus back on your commitment to fitness and bodybuilding or maybe you should spend more time with your friends and loved those. It can be yours. I want to believe that. I want to experience it. I want to enjoy. There is nothing better of having it all.

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We Have to Understand the Success Stories
March 31, 2009 at 9:23 am

Life Goals Story
Mattson Dave asked:

We can make our life much more? easy if we follow the rule: "learn from the mistakes of others." The other point of view? to forget about this rule, why? only knows exactly no people use it. The rest of us, as usual - learn from our mistakes, who knows, maybe it 'part of the SA of our personal self-improvement? But there? another powerful tool;? referred to as "We need to understand the success Stories". There are thousands of these great success stories and their number is growing daily. What? every man who has reached his goal of life or the financial independence that reached a huge sum of money has its own example of success. And now, the secret? studying what makes these examples so successful, why? with each story Gradica that, you understand the principles of becoming rich, you understand that people are cultivating the sense of their wealth, are really inspired and just accumulated experience, the experience each of us needs above all. Ci? a saying: "we are that we eat." Think of this and you 'll realize the this? very true. Also you can refer this quote to your intellectual and spiritual nourishment which can come from different sources, such as books, good films, discussions with people smarter and smarter. While we're talking about examples of success, you should realize that consuming these meals daily, elasticit? you the spirit of a winner. What happens? perch?, involuntarily, by reading the material we are positive influenzandi in an indirect way, we begin to be amended by our subconsciousness. It 's the best school to become rich and successful in your business. These stories teach that all the best quality? a real businessman should have. Why? Because? people from these beautiful stories already? possesses all of these quality. Just have to read carefully, understand the moral to the story and in turn you in your reality. Do you think it 's easy. Who said you can 't have all these good quality? Just think that everyone is made for people just like you. Images that just puntualit?, Organization, motivation, optimism, wisdom, the desire for money, success - it 'part of the SA you and your life. This great school? Here, it 's free, just go read the study, all depends on you. Let 's see what can you just learn from these examples of success: First of all get inspired and the inspiration? the fuel that gets all the difficulties? that you encountered on your way to wealth. After inspiration comes the motivation: make a program of things you want to own after earning your first million. The following? knowledge, knowledge of the principles of becoming rich and successful. You 'll understand the meaning that the rich man thinks, the effect works, all admit that good quality? that such a man possesses. You 'll find the right way to gain an immediate success. And the most? important? that you 'll get the experience that show? pi? short way to your dreams. The examples of success leave their prints on us. These prints led to the safety of s? and increases security of s? the power of the people and things around us, to attract the things and events that we need to transform what we want to become. Walk, go write on piece of paper your own example of success. You have it all right. Nobody can arrest. Go and become successful, rich and happy.

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