The Latest from Boing Boing | ![]() |
- Aquarius satellite launches today, will measure ocean salinity from space
- Duke Nukem Forever finally available
- NSA whistleblower pleas out, will serve no jail time
- GM Chinese cows express milk with some proteins found in human milk, UK press reports "OMG! Cows give breast milk!"
- After Weiner shot leaks, Breitbart claims setup
- American right upset at report that Thatcher won't meet Palin
- Problematic glass staircase in new courthouse
- You got Les-rolled
- IMF considered harmful
- AT&T lobbies Wisconsin GOP to nuke Wisconsin's best-of-breed co-op ISP for educational institutions
- Raising money to promote Sailor Twain webcomic
- Developmentally disabled man harrassed by TSA at Detroit airport
- Miami cops intimidate citizen journalist who recorded shoot-em-up, smash camera
- NYC cyclist vs. bike lanes - kamikaze law-abiding
- Junkbots made with creepy doll fragments
- Judge to copyright trolls: you are "inexcusable"
- Wah wah crybaby extortionists wah wah
- Antique eye surgery training tool
- Antique Phonograph Music DJ and radio show
- Hand-feeding a great white shark
- Boing Boing Meetup Report: San Francisco
- Dice age: weird dice, wacky rules
- Is the world ready for this jelly?
- Pondering the mathematics of Yog-Sothoth
- Genetics and autism
- Skydiving on Saturn
- The last snow in St. Paul
- BoingBoing Meetup: Twin Cities edition
- Seedbomb vending machine
- Rob Walker on "Dedigitization"
Aquarius satellite launches today, will measure ocean salinity from space Posted: 10 Jun 2011 04:19 AM PDT Eilieen Gunn writes,
NASA: Aquarius Mission Web Site (Thanks, Eileen!) |
Duke Nukem Forever finally available Posted: 10 Jun 2011 04:47 AM PDT ![]() |
NSA whistleblower pleas out, will serve no jail time Posted: 10 Jun 2011 04:18 AM PDT The administration's case against NSA whistleblower Thomas Drake has shriveled to a token charge of "exceeding authorized access to a computer." He will plead guilty to the misdemeanor and serve no jail time, reports Wired's Kim Zetter. Prosecutors had originally filed 35 years worth of felony charges; Drake revealed lawbreaking, incompetence and misconduct at the spy agency. |
Posted: 10 Jun 2011 04:09 AM PDT ![]() The reporting on this in the UK press is textbook bad science. Writing in April, the Telegraph's science reporter Richard Gray describes the cows as "physically identical" to non-transgenic cows (presumably he thinks that DNA exists solely in the realm of pure maths or possibly in the astral plane). He also credulously repeats the claim that because this milk contains proteins found in human breast milk, it will be a suitable substitute, and implies that there is some benefit known to arise from drinking breast milk into adulthood. Much of his story revolves around the European controversy over GM foods. A more recent report on Rupert Murdoch's Sky News is (predictably) much worse than the Telegraph, however. An article by-lined "Holly Williams, Beijing correspondent" describes the cows' milk as "human breast milk" (the leap from "cow's milk with some proteins found in human milk" to "human milk" being rather a large one). Williams cites dairy workers on the farm where the cows live as authorities on the nutritional value of the milk ("It's better for you because it's genetically modified."). Like the Telegraph, the Sky report is mostly a critique of EU rules and conventions on GM food, and has the thinly veiled subtext of "Our Eurocrat lords and lefty loonies are holding back nutrition." Neither report links to the original study or mentions its title. Genetically modified cows produce 'human' milk (Telegraph) Chinese GM Cows Make Human Breast Milk (via JWZ) (Image: Cow, a Creative Commons Attribution (2.0) image from nuskyn's photostream) |
After Weiner shot leaks, Breitbart claims setup Posted: 10 Jun 2011 04:03 AM PDT Commentator Andrew Breitbart, looking good after Rep. Anthony Weiner admitted tweeting inappropriate images, has somehow managed to pluck discredit from the jaws of vindication. During a radio show, he shared the most inappropriate image with his hosts and it soon found its way online. Breitbart claimed he was set up by the producers with secret cameras. Alas, no. [Gawker] |
American right upset at report that Thatcher won't meet Palin Posted: 10 Jun 2011 03:31 AM PDT US right-wing blogs and radio hosts are apparently up in arms at a report in The Guardian stating that Margaret Thatcher won't meet with Sarah Palin. The report quotes Thatcher's "handlers" saying things like "Lady Thatcher will not be seeing Sarah Palin. That would be belittling for Margaret. Sarah Palin is nuts." Sarah Palin snub by Margaret Thatcher aides infuriates US rightwing (Image: Remember Thatcher!, a Creative Commons Attribution (2.0) image from bixentro's photostream) |
Problematic glass staircase in new courthouse Posted: 09 Jun 2011 10:49 PM PDT ![]() Franklin County, Ohio Judge Julie Lynch is advising people in dresses to avoid a staircase with glass risers in the middle of a new $105 million courthouse that opened Monday. From CNN: She speculates that men, who didn't take half the population into account, designed the stairs."Glass staircase not dress friendly" |
Posted: 09 Jun 2011 09:02 PM PDT |
Posted: 09 Jun 2011 08:12 PM PDT In The Independent, Johann Hari describes the IMF's catastrophic pattern of "helping" poor countries by ordering them to abolish programs that help people so that the financial sector can take home more money. Hari suggests that while Dominique Strauss-Kahn's rape accusation needs to be taken seriously, the IMF has been raping whole countries for its whole existence. So when in 2001 the IMF found out the Malawian government had built up large stockpiles of grain in case there was a crop failure, they ordered them to sell it off to private companies at once. They told Malawi to get their priorities straight by using the proceeds to pay off a loan from a large bank the IMF had told them to take out in the first place, at a 56 per cent annual rate of interest. The Malawian president protested and said this was dangerous. But he had little choice. The grain was sold. The banks were paid.Johann Hari: It's not just Dominique Strauss-Kahn. The IMF itself should be on trial (via Making Light) |
AT&T lobbies Wisconsin GOP to nuke Wisconsin's best-of-breed co-op ISP for educational institutions Posted: 09 Jun 2011 07:55 PM PDT Christopher writes, "WiscNet is a co-op network providing ISP services to libraries, schools, local government, and the University of Wisconsin system. AT&T (and incumbent allies) lobbyists have inserted a provision in Wisconsin's budget bill to effectively kill WiscNet (leaving many libaries, etc with only an incumbent provider as ISP). Additionally, the language requires the UW Extension service to return federal stimulus funds that have started building a network that will connect schools, libraries, etc., in four Wisconsin towns where they cannot presently procure those services. Finally, the language is so broad that without being changed, it will require UW to withdraw from Internet2 and other R&E networks. Republicans control the Legislature and are presently deciding just how much they want to defend this absurd provision. Rumors suggest final decisions will be made on Tuesday." Does AT&T Really Own the Wisconsin Legislature? Battle Over WiscNet Continues (Thanks, Christopher!) |
Raising money to promote Sailor Twain webcomic Posted: 09 Jun 2011 07:42 PM PDT Mark Siegel is using Kickstarter to raise money to promote his extraordinary webcomic Sailor Twain (or, The Mermaid in the Hudson), which has been featured here before: "Though Sailor Twain will come out as a printed book in 2012, the work is serializing as a webcomic--free and ad-free.The accompanying blog is filled with historical bits, process snapshots, and the dialog with readers has been extraordinary. A number of them even send their photos and appear as cameos in the story." |
Developmentally disabled man harrassed by TSA at Detroit airport Posted: 09 Jun 2011 07:39 PM PDT A doctor reports that his developmentally disabled son was harrassed and traumatized by the Detroit airport TSA screeners, who wanted to investigate the "puffiness" caused by his adult diaper. They man, who is described as having the mental capacity of a two-year-old, also lost a beloved toy (a plastic hammer) because the TSA claimed it could be used as a weapon. The family was on their way to Walt Disney World. "You have got to be kidding me. I honestly felt that those two agents did not know what they were doing," Mandy told us.Dr. David Mandy: Special Needs Son Harassed by TSA at Detroit Metropolitan Airport (Thanks, lizditz!) |
Miami cops intimidate citizen journalist who recorded shoot-em-up, smash camera Posted: 09 Jun 2011 07:28 PM PDT A man who videoed a guns-blazing Miami cop shoot-em-up that hit four innocent bystanders was dragged out of his car by the officers. The police pointed their weapons at the photographer and his girlfriend, then smashed his cameraphone. Luckily, the man saved his memory card and the video. They also confiscated a news-crew's camera. On Thursday, The Miami Herald spoke to the couple that saw the end of the 4 a.m. police chase on Collins Avenue, then watched and filmed from just a few feet away as a dozen officers fired their guns repeatedly into Raymond Herisse's blue Hyundai. They say the only reason they were able to show the video to a reporter is because they hid a memory card after police allegedly pointed guns at their heads, threw them to the ground and smashed the cell phone that took the video...Witness releases new video of fatal police-involved shooting during Urban Beach Week (via Dispatches from the Culture Wars) |
NYC cyclist vs. bike lanes - kamikaze law-abiding Posted: 09 Jun 2011 07:21 PM PDT A NYC cyclist who received a fine for straying out of the bike-lane recorded this video of his attempt to ride around town without leaving the bike-lane, instead crashing merrily into any obstacle that he encountered, from taxis to construction equipment. Guy Crashes Multiple Times To Make Point About NYPD Ticketing Bicyclists |
Junkbots made with creepy doll fragments Posted: 09 Jun 2011 07:16 PM PDT ![]() Andrea Petrachi (AKA "Himatic") makes beautiful junkbot sculptures that incorporate creepy fragments of discarded dollies and toys. |
Judge to copyright trolls: you are "inexcusable" Posted: 09 Jun 2011 07:12 PM PDT The judge in America's biggest-ever copyright troll mass-litgation campaign has yanked the quickie subpoenas the plaintiffs secured and described their attorneys' behavior as "inexcusable." |
Wah wah crybaby extortionists wah wah Posted: 09 Jun 2011 07:34 PM PDT The law firm behind a strange, extortionate gay-porn copyright shakedown is all sad about the coverage their weird scheme received on TorrentFreak, and they've made sure their judge knows it. |
Antique eye surgery training tool Posted: 09 Jun 2011 04:58 PM PDT ![]() ![]() These are Opthalmophantomes, antique surgical training tools from the early 20th century. Animal eyeballs were clamped into the eye sockets so that budding ophthalmologists could practice their, er, chops. (via Cult of Weird and Live Auctioneers) |
Antique Phonograph Music DJ and radio show Posted: 09 Jun 2011 03:20 PM PDT ![]() If Boing Boing ever throws a big bash in New York City, I'd hire Michael Cumella to DJ. Forget Technics 1200s; When Cumella spins a party, he brings two antique hand-cranked phonographs and a crate of 78s from the beginning of the 20th century. Besides offering his services as the "Crank-Up Phonograph Experience," Cumella is the host of WFMU Radio's "Antique Phonograph Music Program With MAC." If you've never heard the show, I suggest you fire up the Graphophone and get your Old Timey on with a quickness. Michael Cumella's Crank-Up Phonograph Experience Antique Phonograph Music Program with MAC (via The Wire) "The iPhonograph" kit (via Submitterator, thanks angelheaded!) |
Hand-feeding a great white shark Posted: 09 Jun 2011 02:40 PM PDT This fearless lady pets a Great White like a dog as she hand-feeds it fish. [Video link: National Geographic via Metafilter] |
Boing Boing Meetup Report: San Francisco Posted: 09 Jun 2011 02:02 PM PDT ![]() Tuesday's meetup in San Francisco saw more than twenty happy mutants enjoying drinks, pizza and conversation at the gorgeous Orbit Room Cafe. Thanks so much to Amy and Dean, who very generously hooked us up with some pizza and reserved the space for us! Among the many interesting things at the meetup were:
Check out my Flickr set from the event to see a few more photos of the curiosities people brought to the event! |
Dice age: weird dice, wacky rules Posted: 09 Jun 2011 01:24 PM PDT ![]() Nor are we talking about standard six-siders, or even the 8-, 12-, and 20-sided dice familiar to Dungeons & Dragons players. "I went down to the definition of dice," says Convert, "which is an object which can stop on one side or the other, and I went crazy making shapes. Whatever shape is good so long as it stops on one side. So you have dice that have the shape of barrels, volcano, rocket, whatever goes." At last count four other games have been "discovered" by Dice Age players, making it not just one game but an entire system of play. Our duel went by quickly, with the game twisting and turning on each roll. I quickly saw how two players with carefully constructed sets of dice, ala Magic or Warhammer, could find themselves in a tense game of strategy, tactics, and chance.There's 10 days to go on a Kickstarter project to manufacture the set, but it's still got a few bob to go, Dice Age: Rolling up a new way to play [Turnstyle] |
Is the world ready for this jelly? Posted: 09 Jun 2011 12:00 PM PDT ![]() You can't tell from the photo, but this jellyfish is huge. Nomura jellyfish, native to the waters off China and Japan, can grow to be the size of a refrigerator, and weigh up to 400 pounds. And, since the 1990s, there's a lot more of them. Swarms, 500 million jellies strong, have sunk ships, writes Brandon Keim in Wired. It's part of a global increase in jellyfish populations. Right now, nobody's sure whether this is a blip, or a new normal. But everybody would like to know how jellyfish affect ecosystems, and new research offers some sobering analysis.
Nomura jellyfish photo by KENPEI, used via CC |
Pondering the mathematics of Yog-Sothoth Posted: 09 Jun 2011 11:43 AM PDT ![]() We live in a 3-dimensional world. (At least, we're pretty sure we do.) But could worlds with more dimensions exist? And what would a 4- or 5-dimensional world look like? Naturally, Plus magazine turns to mathematics and H.P. Lovecraft to answer these burning questions.
Via Cliff Pickover
Illustration of Yog-Sothoth by Dominique Signoret, used via CC |
Posted: 09 Jun 2011 11:03 AM PDT |
Posted: 09 Jun 2011 10:58 AM PDT ![]() The Oxford Science blog turns some recent research into a nifty thought experiment. If you could skydive on Saturn, what would you see?
Via Phil Plait Image: Saturn and Earth, a Creative Commons Attribution (2.0) image from lunarandplanetaryinstitute's photostream |
Posted: 09 Jun 2011 10:39 AM PDT In the middle of an record-breakingly hot Summer week, The Uptake Blog found snow left over from a record-breakingly snowy Winter. |
BoingBoing Meetup: Twin Cities edition Posted: 09 Jun 2011 10:29 AM PDT ![]() The temperature climbed over 100 on Tuesday, but the Twin Cities BoingBoing Meetup was still a lot of fun. (I refuse to give in to urge to make a "cool" pun.) We had probably close to 25 people who met up at one of Minneapolis' best parks—Minnehaha Falls. On a patio overlooking the waterfall, we drank good beer, had some great conversations, and shared some seriously nifty objects and ideas. In the photo above (taken by Michael Lee, who was kind enough to take some iPhone shots, as my camera is in France with my husband.) you can see Katrina Mundinger demonstrating a drop spindle—the technology that preceded the more-recognizable spinning wheel. Some other cool items: Emily Lloyd brought some local very, very short memoirs that she's collecting as part of the 6 Words Twin Cities project; Scott brought some steampunk goggles he'd made using materials from Ax-Man (The most awesome stores in the Twin Cities. Seriously. The St. Paul location has an iron lung for sale.); musician Jeremy Messersmith brought an intentionally bad poem that he successfully submitted to a vanity music label; and Will brought a 3D film camera. Hopefully, he'll figure out a place to get it developed and we'll have some 3D photos of the Meetup, too! Links to a couple more photos: These shots were taken by Scott, the gentleman who brought the goggles. |
Posted: 09 Jun 2011 03:06 PM PDT I recently spotted this Seedbombs vending machine in Marin. Each bomb -- a little nugget of clay, compost, and seeds -- was 50 cents. It led me to look into the interesting history of "seed bombing." From Wikipedia: Seedbombs by Greenaid Seed bombing (Wikipedia) "On Guerrilla Gardening: A Handbook for Gardening Without Boundaries" by Richard Reynolds (Amazon) "How to Make a Seed Bomb" (Instructables) |
Rob Walker on "Dedigitization" Posted: 09 Jun 2011 10:02 AM PDT ![]() Supersharp design/culture critic Rob Walker, author of Buying In (and also last year's profile of BB in Fast Company), is now writing regularly for the excellent Design Observer site. His first piece is titled "Dedigitization," about iconic digital "things" that have become physicalized. From Design Observer: "Dedigitization" |
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