How to Automatically Clean and Organize Your Desktop, Downloads, and Other Folders [Organization]
Chances are your computer's desktop and other folders aren't cluttered because you like it that way, but because you don't want to spend time organizing every file that hits your hard drive. Automate your file organization and stay clutter-free without the effort. MORE >>
Save Old, Scratched CDs with Vaseline [Clever Uses]
DIY site Instructables highlights an inexpensive method for breathing new life into those old, scratched CDs you're still clinging to. Their solution: a dab of Vaseline or any type of petroleum jelly. MORE >>
Miro Video Converter Easily Converts Video for Your Android, PSP, or Apple Device [Downloads]
Windows and Mac: Miro Video Converter quickly and easily converts video on-the-fly for popular devices, with presets for your PSP, Android phone, or Apple device. MORE >>
The Best Design Tools for Improving Your Home [Home Improvement]
Wandering around Home Depot until inspiration strikes is a terrible idea. If you've got a loose idea for a redesign, re-arrangement, or physical improvement to your house, apartment, or even a dorm room, we recommend these computer planning tools for the job. MORE >>
Partition Wizard Manages and Fixes Your Hard Drive for Free [Downloads]
Windows: Partition Wizard does everything you'd probably need a partition tool to do, and does it on 32 and 64-bit systems. That alone puts it ahead of some other Windows-based partition tools. The bootable CD and simple controls are a nice bonus. MORE >>
Diary of a No-Nonsense Kitchen Clean-Out [Clutter Cleanout]
Lifehacker reader Lionel is a food nerd and less-is-more enthusiast. Inspired by this week's Ultimate Clutter Cleanout, he shared his tips on wiping the slate clean in his kitchen and making it a better place to cook. MORE >>
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