Gwyneth Paltrow Is Gorging Herself On Rage [GOOP]
From time to time on Gawker we stop to look at what Gwyneth Paltrow is eating. It's a lot! Though, like most people who seek comfort in bad foods, it does not cure her problems. She is still very angry. MORE >>
Gossip Girl: Bang Bang You're Dead [Recaps]
In last night's episode there was a violent game of Assassin, while other people warred with each other in their own way, and, inevitably, something died. MORE >>
Close Encounters of the Steve Jobs Kind (Part 3) [Nerdspotting]
It would appear we've giving people flashbacks: Readers are still sending us their Steve Jobs sightings. According to the latest batch, the Apple CEO detests a certain partner company, hangs with Larry Ellison and refuses special hospital blankets. MORE >>
Extreme Makeover: Home Foreclosure Edition [Predatory Building]
Watching Ty Pennington smash old walls and slap coats of lacquer on new home bowling lanes for struggling families was heartwarming. And the family who got to live in a castle… a real fairytale ending! Then the economy crashed. MORE >>
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