No, Every Newspaper Does Not Need to Cover the World Series
There are many reasons to mourn the slow death of the newspaper industry — first and foremost the hordes of people losing their jobs. The disappearance of all-expense-paid journalist conventions masquerading as "major assignments" is not one of them. MORE >>
Is Google Using Pilfered Maps?
The town of Argleton, England doesn't exist, but you can search its white pages, look for nearby chiropractors and map a jog through town, because "Argleton" is on Google Maps. How'd the phantom town get there? Funny you should ask. MORE >>
Gossip Girl: The Cake Walk of Shame
On election day, none of our favorite Upper East Siders were doing anything. It was all about their agents, boyfriends, cousins, neighbors, and other hangers on. Politics is supposed to be all about power, but this was just weak. MORE >>
Yelp Fights Make Leap To Real-World Violence, Says Reviewer
To hear Yelp reviewer "Sean C." tell it, San Francisco's Ocean Avenue Books really didn't appreciate his pan of the "TOTAL MESS" of a store: The owner somehow found his home, he said, and tried to force her way in. MORE >>
In a Terrifying Alternate Universe, Vice President Sarah Palin Claims Victory
On election night, Sarah Palin threatened to "go rogue" by delivering a speech someone else wrote for her, but John McCain refused so she didn't. Now you can read the addresses — both concession and victory — she would've given. MORE >>
The Undefeated Champ-een of the Washington Post Style Desk
Yesterday, 68 year-old Washington Post editor Henry Allen (pictured!) hauled off and popped staff writer Manuel Roig-Franzia right in his grill, like BLAM! The Washington City Paper now has all the details, and we are prepared to make a ruling. MORE >>
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