The Latest from Boing Boing | ![]() |
- Adrian Mole: The Prostrate Years -- Sue Townsend's comic novels of recent history turn dark and sweet
- Video from CC footage of Brisbane Zombie Walk
- Copyright documentary from Australian radio
- History of the IMG tag
- Careless forklift driver brings down the warehouse - video
- EU replaces definition of "open standards" with meaningless drivel
- Anti-Alan Grayson smears in context
- TV admits it was wrong about PVRs
- Adorkable kids' Mario and Luigi costumes
- Abandoned bowling alley becomes furniture
- Odd and lovely PR artifacts for VanderMeer's novel FINCH
- Big Head papercraft Hallowe'en costume
- Newspaper columnist quits over paywall
- 20-year old Iraqi woman dies; father ran her over for being too Westernized
- The Harvest
- Rats on a plane!
- The Secret of Liquid Smoke
- Iran: blogger Hossein "Hoder" Derakshan confirmed in prison, details of treatment emerge.
- The Best Zombie Story of the Year
- Toilet-as-computer comic
- Farewell, it's been real
- Praying mantis in my backyard
- PS22 kids chorus sings The Cure
- Instructions for building an autonomous sentry gun
- Video: Robert Crumb talks about his illustrated Genesis
- Charts showing how much US residents pay for health care compared to people in other countries
- SPIDER'S MOON, short sf story about trade between spacefaring South Seas islanders and Vietnamese factory owners
- Old song about emasculating Castro by giving him a crew cut
- Workpoop: Wacky factoid, or creepy boss micromanagement tool?
- Feature documentary film about psychedelics
Posted: 03 Nov 2009 05:09 AM PST ![]() For the uninitiated, the Adrian Mole books chronicle the life of a young man born near Leicester, whose dysfunctional family, intellectual impulses, gormless bumbling and terrible poetry make for a meaty, multi-volume series that serves as a wicked history of Britain and the world since the 1980s. In the latest volume, Adrian is nearly 40, and is increasingly estranged from his (latest) wife, the mysterious and sexy Daisy, who seduced Adrian in Weapons of Mass Destruction. Their five year old is a High-School Musical-crazed monster, their finances are in tatters, and they're living with Adrian's elderly parents in their converted pigsty. Adrian's mother is writing a fictionalized agony memoir called A Girl Called Shit, and the lovely bookstore Adrian works at is going bust. And there's something wrong with Adrian's prostate, a problem compounded by all the friends and acquaintances who insist on calling it a "prostrate." And yet, there's plenty that's sweet here. Adrian is figuring out fatherhood. His childhood flame, Pandora Braithwaite (now an MP) is back in his life. His half-brother Brett is back, his career as a hedge-fund manager in ruins. His son, Glenn, on deployment in Afghanistan, is shaping up to be a critically minded sharp young man. And Bernard, the alcoholic librophile who's helping out at the store, turns out to have quite a good approach to life that Adrian stands to learn much from. Reading these books every year or two is a magic experience. Townsend recounts and recasts recent history in a way that makes you realize just how funny and tragic it all is. Townsend's vision has recently failed her, but she continues to write these books at an amazing clip. It's a real inspiration, as well as superb entertainment. Adrian Mole: the Prostrate Years Previously:
Video from CC footage of Brisbane Zombie Walk Posted: 03 Nov 2009 03:42 AM PST Pool, the Australian public broadcaster's Creative Commons repository, has spawned a video cut together from Aussies' shots of the epic Brisbane Zombie Walk. Video: Outbreak: Brisbane Zombie Walk 2009 (Thanks, Gary!) |
Copyright documentary from Australian radio Posted: 02 Nov 2009 11:24 PM PST Oscar sez, "I just finished a 48-minute radio documentary for the Australian public broadcaster, the ABC, about remix culture, piracy and copyright. It's got brain-melting copyright education programs aimed at kids, commentary from Lessig, and tomfoolery from the Australian film industry about losses from internet piracy. There's also a history of the Statute of Anne, and the Australian music industry agreeing that amateur remixing at home should be allowed. It includes a cut-up of Johann Strauss' Blue Danube which will hurt your ears and make you laugh, and tracks from Girl Talk, Steinski, Strictly Kev and many others." I've just gotten as far as the woman from the Australian film industry explaining that even though sales of DVD and box-office tickets are up, copyright infringement is still a deadly threat to the movie industry, demanding that the Internet be totally remade to prevent it, just in case. Nice stuff. Adrianne Pecotic: The fact that there is a level of illegitimate consumption of film and television is something that detracts from the revenue that could go back into the industry and could go back into supporting local video stores, local cinemas and online distribution. Theft is not justified because someone is being successful, and that's a really important point in this debate.Internet piracy (Thanks, Oscar!) Previously:
Posted: 02 Nov 2009 10:42 PM PST Mark Pilgrim traces the history of the humble IMG tag and the heated discussion that ensued when graphics were added to the web: I'd like to propose a new, optional HTML tag:Why do we have an IMG element? (via Waxy) |
Careless forklift driver brings down the warehouse - video Posted: 02 Nov 2009 10:40 PM PST In this brief true-life comedy short film, a gentleman who is careless with his forklift in a warehouse full of cases of glass bottles (vodka?) manages to bring the whole lot crashing to the ground with much hilarity! Fork Lift Accident Brings Down The Warehouse Video (Thanks, Fipi Lele!) |
EU replaces definition of "open standards" with meaningless drivel Posted: 02 Nov 2009 10:38 PM PST Lobbyists at the EU have gutted the definition of "open" (part of a proposal to require more open standards and open source tools in European government) to mean "the willingness of persons, organisations or other members of a community of interest to share knowledge." This meaningless drivel replaces a more robust definition that included, "The standard is adopted and will be maintained by a not-for-profit organisation, and its ongoing development occurs on the basis of an open decision-making procedure available to all interested parties (consensus or majority decision etc.)." According to this line of thinking, if everyone were forced to use Microsoft Word for document interchange, then that would provide interoperability. Except that it wouldn't, because interoperability implies at least two *different* things are are operating together: self-interoperability is trivial. Version 2's "homogeneity" is better described as a monopoly and a monoculture - and the last two decades have taught just how dangerous those are.EU Wants to Re-define "Closed" as "Nearly Open" (via /.) Previously: |
Anti-Alan Grayson smears in context Posted: 02 Nov 2009 10:34 PM PST Digby does a great job of rounding up the criticisms of outspoken Democratic Congressman Alan Grayson, who is being pilloried for such rhetorical crimes a calling Enron lobbyists "whores" (yes, it's an insult to whores, but that's not what's got some people upset): You see, it's one thing for Republicans to give speeches on the floor of the House saying that Democrats want to murder the elderly or that they plan to create sex clinics and force teenage girls to have abortions. That is simply folksy language these people use to communicate with their people. When Newt Gingrich blamed Susan Smith's murdering of her own children on liberalism, Lady Frothenberg understood that it was harmless hyperbole. When Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck and the rest of the conservative movement leadership say daily that Barack Obama is a black racist who hates America, it's simply their way, and we all understand that it is just entertainment for the masses who require this type of crude stimulation.Lady Frothenberg Laces Up Her Corset (via Making Light) |
TV admits it was wrong about PVRs Posted: 02 Nov 2009 10:29 PM PST Tim from the Electronic Frontier Foundation sez, "Digital Video Recorders, once considered a mortal threat by the entertainment industry, have now become its new best friend. It's just the latest example of how the industry's constant warnings of the dangers of "piracy" frequently turn out to be baseless hysteria..." A mystified NBC President Of Research called the situation "completely counterintuitive." But the reason behind the revenue isn't counterintuitive at all -- it's obvious: When consumers are granted the ability to watch television whenever and however they want, they watch more TV -- not less. That's a simple result which could only be "counterintuitive" to an industry that all too frequently treats its own best customers like criminals.DVR is TV's New BFF (Thanks, Tim!) Previously: |
Adorkable kids' Mario and Luigi costumes Posted: 02 Nov 2009 10:20 PM PST Jim sez, "In a fit of creativity, my wife dressed our son and daughter as the Mario Brothers. Throw together a few simple items, and one hat pattern later and you have a simple sibling costume set." Halloween 2009: Making Mario (Thanks, Jim!) Previously: |
Abandoned bowling alley becomes furniture Posted: 02 Nov 2009 10:16 PM PST Ape Lad sez, "The bowling alley I once enjoyed as a child (in Riverside CA), is now furniture." Recycled Bowling Lane Furniture is Right up Our Alley (Thanks, Ape Lad!) |
Odd and lovely PR artifacts for VanderMeer's novel FINCH Posted: 02 Nov 2009 10:13 PM PST ![]() Jeff VanderMeer sez, "Finch, the final novel in my Ambergris series, is now out, and I'm offering online posters, slogans, icons, and other cool stuff, including the Murder by Death soundtrack for the novel on a new page just for readers. I totally believe in and love the idea of 'PR artifacts'--creations that stand on their own as works of art. Does it support the publication of the novel? Maybe, but the main point is to have fun putting out some really neat stuff. Case in point: readers can take one 'Wanted Dead' web poster that's supposedly created by the rebels in my story and add their own headshot. " Previously:
Big Head papercraft Hallowe'en costume Posted: 02 Nov 2009 10:10 PM PST ![]() Eric made this smashing papercraft "Big Head" costume for Hallowe'en this year, based on the Big Head mode from classic video games. Head (Flickr) (Thanks, Eric!) |
Newspaper columnist quits over paywall Posted: 02 Nov 2009 10:06 PM PST Saul Friedman, a long-standing Newsday columnist, has quit the paper over its decision to implement a paywall, pointing out that by charging $5/week for readers, they'll drastically cut his audience size (and, presumably, the present and future opportunities that having a large audience afford to a working writer). I doubt he'll be the last. Last month at the O'Reilly Tools of Change conference at the Frankfurt Book Fair, someone asked a representative from The Guardian newspaper (for whom I write a column) if they would consider charging for access to the site, and I pointed out that I would no longer offer The Guardian such a hefty discount off my normal word-rate if this were the case. It's worth it to me to write for lower fees in exchange for the broader reach, but if you eliminate that reach, the benefit to me as a writer starts to dry up. I wonder if newspaper strategists grasp that they get a lot of work on the cheap in exchange for the reach they provide to their writers, and that intentionally limiting that reach will raise their costs. I also wonder at newspaper strategists who, having decided that they can't monetize fame, have opted to monetize obscurity instead, seemingly in the belief that this will somehow be easier. That did not sit well with Mr. Friedman, a freelancer who wrote Gray Matters, a weekly column on aging. He explained his departure in a note to Jim Romenesko's media blog. In an interview, Mr. Friedman said, "My column has been popular around the country, but now it was really going to be impossible for people outside Long Island to read it." That includes him; living outside Washington, he is not a subscriber to Newsday or Cablevision.Columnist Quits After Newsday Starts Charging for Its Web Site (via /.) Previously:
20-year old Iraqi woman dies; father ran her over for being too Westernized Posted: 02 Nov 2009 11:07 PM PST ![]() |
Posted: 02 Nov 2009 07:29 PM PST ![]() Our friends at Good have a post up with striking images by photographer Mathieu Young. These photos were shot during harvest time (last year) in California's Mendocino County region, where an awful lot of marijuana is grown. "On the one hand it seems like an illicit activity," Young told Good. "But on the other hand, you have a bunch of people who are living off the land, which is beautiful." Picture Show: The Harvest [GOOD] |
Posted: 02 Nov 2009 07:26 PM PST You think you got problems, huh? Air India got real problems. One of them being rats on a plane. You know what I say? Enough is enough! I have had it with these motherfucking rats on this motherfucking plane! The struggling government-owned carrier's already uneven reputation has been further tarnished in recent months by rats on a plane, a strike by senior pilots and a midair fistfight between pilots and flight attendants. In September, a flight to Riyadh was grounded after a passenger saw sparks coming from an engine.Hey, sounds like a party to me. At Air India, Losses, Rats and a Brawl in the Sky [NYT] |
Posted: 02 Nov 2009 06:45 PM PST ![]() The secret: It's not the creepy chemical additive you thought. A couple of weekends ago, I caught an episode of the public radio show "The Splendid Table" with soothingly voiced chef Lynne Rossetto Kasper. The topic was BBQ and I was shocked (Shocked!) to hear Lynne* and her guest recommend liquid smoke as the key to great crockpot pulled pork. In fact, Lynne seemed pretty surprised to hear herself suggest it. But the truth, my friends, is that sometimes there is a little truth in advertising. And liquid smoke is one of those times. *We're on a first-name basis like that. In my imagination. You can be forgiven for wrongfully accusing liquid smoke of nefarious fakey toxic chemicalness. Even chemists have been confused on this one. Back in June, Slashfood interviewed NYU chemistry professor Kent Kirshenbaum, who--like you, me, Lynne Rossetto Kasper and everyone we know--had believed the worst about this cheap, sketchy sounding liquid. Unlike the rest of us, however, Kirshenbaum actually went out and studied liquid smoke. He found that, despite its synthetic 1950's aura, the stuff is perfectly natural.
Knowing is half the battle. The other half: Recipes. Today, I made "The Splendid Table's" Ultimate Cheater Crockpot Pulled Pork, using liquid smoke (hickory smoke, to be precise). It took exactly 15 minutes of my time and 5 hours in the crockpot. And it's freakin' delicious. If you eat meat, and you eat pork, you will hate yourself forever if you don't make this asap. Slashfood, Liquid Smoke: What Is It? Image courtesy Flickr user afiler, via CC. |
Iran: blogger Hossein "Hoder" Derakshan confirmed in prison, details of treatment emerge. Posted: 02 Nov 2009 07:27 PM PST Yesterday marked exactly one year since Iranian blogger Hossein "Hoder" Derakhshan was arrested. Cyrus Farivar has been covering the story on his blog and in various news outlets. He posts an update today, after a Skype chat with Hossein Derakhshan's brother, Hamed Derakhshan (who lives in an undisclosed country). We now know that Hoder is being held in the notorious Evin Prison, where many other political detainees have been taken, and where human rights abuses are commonplace and extreme. "Hossein confirmed the recent Human Rights Activists in Iran reports that claim he had been forced to do squats in cold showers and has been beaten repeatedly," reports Cyrus. His family doesn't know when they'll see him next, and does not know all of the details of his detainment. Hossein Derakhshan's brother, Hamed, speaks out [ ]
The Best Zombie Story of the Year Posted: 02 Nov 2009 04:15 PM PST ![]() Joshuah Bearman says: Proximity to Halloween, and sheer fascination has moved me to highlight this great article I read a little while ago. It is about Zombies, the Haitian kind, and is the best Zombie-related story in recent memory. Of any kind: no comic, game, literary mash up, or blockbuster matches this article in Men's Journal (of all places)! The piece is a detailed look at the elaborate system of secret societies, ritual magic, and pharmacologically-induced human trafficking that is the Haitian zombie culture. |
Posted: 02 Nov 2009 04:07 PM PST ![]() This old, yellowed, photocopy hangs near the bathroom at my favorite burger joint in San Francisco, Joe's Cable Car. I can just see back in time to the late 1980s or so when it was probably a popular faxed gag in corporate America. For some reason, the whole thing, especially imagining it tacked up in break rooms around the nation, really craps me up. |
Posted: 02 Nov 2009 07:42 PM PST ![]() I will be adding "Guest blogged for Boing Boing" to my personal list of Scary and Surprising Things Accomplished in the New Millennium, right under "Gave birth to daughter sans epidural after 46-hour labor" and "Attended county fair." It has indeed been terrifying to produce content for such smart, sassy readers (Yeah, I called you sassy. What of it?). But aside from the whole terrifying aspect, it's been heaps of fun writing here (and reading all your comments), and I'm grateful to have had the chance to contribute to a blog that I love so dearly. Bugs & Fishes, |
Posted: 02 Nov 2009 03:37 PM PST |
PS22 kids chorus sings The Cure Posted: 02 Nov 2009 03:52 PM PST Following in the footsteps of the Langley Schools Music Project, here is the PS22 Chorus. In their repertoire, Lady Gaga, Journey, Survivor, Fleetwood Mac, Styx, Tori Amos, Coldplay, and many others. The video above is the The Cure's "Pictures of You." The PS22 numbers aren't nearly as haunting as the Langley Schools tracks but are still captivating, touching, and weirdly quite lovely. PS22 Chorus (Thanks, Gabe "TuneUp" Adiv!) |
Instructions for building an autonomous sentry gun Posted: 02 Nov 2009 02:26 PM PST Here are complete instructions (software, source code, build manual, hardware) for an autonomous sentry gun that will shoot anything that moves. |
Video: Robert Crumb talks about his illustrated Genesis Posted: 02 Nov 2009 02:01 PM PST Elizabeth says: "Robert Crumb hasn't been doing any TV interviews, and is only doing one radio interview, but we did tape his B&N event in New York last week. It's pretty much the only visual record of what he thinks of Genesis, and is a great look into his creative process. The video of Robert Crumb's dialogue with Francoise Mouly at the Barnes and Noble in Union Square filmed on 10/23 is now available on The 47-minute video features Crumb discussing his childhood, early life, married/family life, and his new book THE BOOK OF GENESIS ILLUSTRATED. |
Charts showing how much US residents pay for health care compared to people in other countries Posted: 02 Nov 2009 01:43 PM PST ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Four graphs created by the International Federation of Health Plans that compare how much US residents and people in other countries pay for health care. As Jay Livingston of the Montclair SocioBlog says, "Our Lipitor must be four to ten times a good as the Lipitor that Canadians take." |
Posted: 02 Nov 2009 01:22 PM PST Lavie Tidhar's story "Spider's Moon" is up on Futurismic, and it's a very rewarding ten-minute read. Futurismic's short-short fiction department publishes some genuinely wonderful science fiction, bite-sized stories that contain actual characters and settings and plots in impossibly small packages. "Spider's Moon" is no exception: a story about spacefaring South Seas Islanders who come to Earth seeking mass-produced Vietnamese technology, and of what transpires; told with an admirable lyricism and poesie. Melkior felt a little lost at Hoi An. He had arrived three days before, taking a room in a small hotel just outside the old town. It was, in many ways, a disconcerting experience. Once, Hoi An had been a trade centre, the meeting place of Chinese and European merchants on the coast of Viet Nam, and the old town had been preserved just as it had been, full of charming little cobbled streets and charming little temples and charming old houses - "Charm," the brochure insisted, "is the defining characteristic of the town". The old town was a bubble out of time, and visiting it was a wilful act of time-travel, or so it seemed to Melkior. The Hoi An lanterns ("Famous for hundreds of years," boasted the brochure) still hung everywhere, and barges still travelled down the river, pushed on long poles - and yet it was a lie, too, for the past was not really there, only its semblance, and who could believe in the past (not less a gentle, charming past) under the full spider's moon?Spider's Moon By Lavie Tidhar |
Old song about emasculating Castro by giving him a crew cut Posted: 02 Nov 2009 01:06 PM PST ![]() Today, I listened to this catchy Tin Pan Alley song called "If Butch the Rough Barber Man Shaves Castro." Why did people in the 1960s think Castro's hair was so magical? "If Butch the Rough Barber Man Shaves Castro" Thanks to WFMU's Bob Purse for finding this 45 and converting it to an MP3! |
Workpoop: Wacky factoid, or creepy boss micromanagement tool? Posted: 02 Nov 2009 12:58 PM PST ![]() How much do you get paid to poop? That's the question asked by, a Web site that will, helpfully, time your restroom breaks and then calculate how much money you make while on the toilet using that time, the number of times you go per week and your hourly salary. I'm torn between three feelings here: First, a childish glee; Second, a childish disappointment that I can't really participate, what with not having an hourly salary; and Third, the creeping sensation that, somewhere, somebody's boss is using this to shorten their break times. Workpoop, your pay-per-poo calculator. Via Barfblog. Previously:
BoingBoing: We have a lot of archived articles about poop. Image from Flickr user lilit, via CC. |
Feature documentary film about psychedelics Posted: 02 Nov 2009 12:18 PM PST Manifesting The Mind is a forthcoming documentary about psychedelic drugs. The trailer features such heads as Dennis McKenna, Alex Grey, and Dr. Rick Strassman. When it comes to laying out a comsic rap about the magic of hallucinogens, these guys are pros. Manifesting The Mind (via Dose Nation) |
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