The City: Lady Chatterly's Brothers
Due to a firey Jitney accident on the Long Island Expressway last night, we were not able to watch The City last night. Thankfully we've pieced together the action thanks to some dispatches from our favorite freelance party reporter. MORE >>
Are You Sufficiently Exploiting Your Child's Looks, For Money?
Raising a child in our modern world can be expensive, what with their constant nagging for new "Gameboys" and "contraception." Fortunately your child's dewy, youthful innocence can be sold off to a modeling agency, for sweet, sweet money. MORE >>
Tom Cruise Controls Books and Bottles With His Mind
Tom Cruise! He is so crazy, what with the Scientology madness. It's been so long since we heard examples of his craziness. Thank god there is a new tell-all book! In which Tom Cruise controls inanimate objects, with brainwaves. MORE >>
Whoops, Barack Obama Forgot to Care About the Gays Again
Congratulations to the National Organization For Marriage, a group dedicated to making sure a large segment of the population cannot get married, on their successful campaign to scare people in Maine. MORE >>
The Spitzer Files: How the New York Times and the Press Serviced Client No. 9
The New York Times broke the story of Eliot Spitzer's hooker habit last year, launching a PR shitstorm of epic proportions. But according to e-mail traffic we've obtained, the Times showed Spitzer's flacks extraordinary deference as the scandal unfolded. MORE >>
The Smell of Death Lingers Over New York Hipster Clubs
Since Beatrice Inn and the Jane Hotel Ballroom closed down hipsters have been in a state of non-ironic panic. Earlier this week both were rumored to be reopening soon. The hipsters were happy! But then bad things and death struck. MORE >>
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