Why Did The Huffington Post Censor The Jewish Obama Hate Speech Video?
So: remember that terrible, shocking video of the awful frat-tards spewing racial epithets, screaming and trashing President Barack Obama in ways so debase, they're really not even worth quoting here? Well, The Huffington Post actually censored it. Why? Max Blumenthal, the filmmaker who took the video, contributed to The Huffington Post previous to this, so it's not a one-off thing, nor a user-submitted video (like the Euna Ling issue at Current TV). He's a contributor. And he notes of his experience: Within a few hours, I received an email from a Huffington Post administrator informing me he had scrubbed my video from the site. "I don't see that it has any real news value," the administrator told me. "For me it only proves that one can find drunk people willing to say just about anything. Especially drunk, moronic people." For the first time, the premier clearinghouse for online news and opinions had suppressed one of my posts. ...Bringing new meaning to the word "clearinghouse," certainly. Any request for comment has had us referred to Blumenthal's post on Phillip Weiss's blog regarding the fiasco, something it now officially is. Much of the outrage over the video - which we've re-posted below - falls in line with what The Huffington Post issued: that the guys in the video are drunk, that the video could be a crafted political set-up used to further an agenda, that the entire thing is too outrage-provoking to consider as anything but outright propaganda. That's ridiculous, especially for The Huffington Post, though. Even though they're mostly just used to aggregating the news of others (or as 30 Rock so nicely put it: telling us what we already know), they're a news site, and this is news, and it's their job to - at the very least - provide some kind of context for this kind of thing. The video's clearly not fake or staged in any regard: why would these very clear faces expose themselves to the world like that? It's the worst kind of "viral" there is. And yes, they're drunk, but as we all well know by now, being drunk doesn't necessarily invalidate the kinds of things you say when you're trashed. Sometimes, in fact: the opposite. If anything, The Huffington Post's deletion of the video looks like a political maneuver on their part. Maybe they just don't want to be a part of something so hot-button as this, or don't want to chance it on any of the risk that this story may or may not hold. Or it could be agenda-based. It's probably none of those things. It's probably the equivalent of some tight-assed S & P person over there who thinks they're taking the initiative with their job. What we want to know: Who is this person censoring things over at the Huffington Post? And what would Ariana think? Censored by the Huffington Post and Imprisoned By The Past [Mondoweiss] MORE >>
Reluctance and Distaste at The Webutante Ball
Last night, the country's media-tech-social scene collided in something called The Webutante Ball. Instead of forging an alternate universe in a Big Bang-esque explosion, it thankfully existed for one evening atop the Empire Hotel. We braved it for you. Held on a rainy Friday under an enclosed rooftop a stone's throw from Lincoln Center, The Webutante Ball was the sordid brainchild of URLesque blogger Jessica Amason and Gawker Media video maven Richard Blakeley, the two of whom are the co-authors of forthcoming blog-to-book-deal staple This Is Why You're Fat and an egregiously, irritatingly cute capitalist couple. It was, for all intents and purposes, a prom for internet, tech, and media dorks. There was a ballot, and there were nominees. There were winners! And there was a rope, with a line. I braved the entire thing with my hot date/cover fire, Gawker Party Crash photog Mo Pitz, who was incidentally - and, at least to her, incredulously - a balloted nominee. "I have absolutely no idea how I ended up on that ballot. I'm decidedly not internet-famous." Oh, honey. You are now. Also on the ballot, former Gawker Mascot Andrew Krucoff, who declined to show for the festivities: "I'm celebrating shabbat," Krucoff noted. "Also, fuck that noise," he added. Onward: to the gallery we go! Former and still-sometimes HuffPo writer, Dan Abrams Kool-Aid Drinker, and author of her upcoming and hotly anticipated book-deal book Jew-ish, Rachel Sklar, gets "man"-handled by her date, the VP of some telecommunicating tech thing called LifeLinks, Ash Kalb. This was staged. Former Flavorpill editor and Double-X contributor, Anna Balkrishna with New York Post writer Justin Rocket Silverman. I asked Rocket - yes, Rocket - about his recent story for the Post in which he covered the meditative art of fingerbanging. Silverman instructed Balkrishna and I on proper performance, which is apparently akin to the "REDRUM" finger painting from The Shining. Webutante Ball co-founder Jessica Amason is the "Yearbook Girl" of this entire enterprise. "Also, make sure you don't credit me as 'Blakeley's girlfriend,' goddamnit." She then grabbed me and hung me over the roof of the Empire in a Suge-Knight esque manner to ensure I understood what she was saying. Point taken. Roger Wu, the founder and president of Klickable.TV, gives us his best entrepreneurial smile. He just gave a bunch of Vimeo kids a curbside beating and left them for dead on the third floor of the Empire. Nerve and ASSME writer Drew Grant conspires with Yalie and Dan Abrams henchman (yes, that is what a Dan Abrams henchman looks like) Andrew Cedotal to feed me information regarding the sexual workings of fired media elites, which they will then use for profit when taken to corporations who could give a shit about the bold line between journalism, market research, and publicity. They are the future. Julia Allison showed up in an Escalade, wearing a crown, and walked around the party as such. I have nothing to add... MORE >>
On Slow News Days, Bill O'Reilly Targets Parents Of Cute Kids
Not that it's news, but jesus, O'Reilly, you're a dick. It's Friday night, everyone's about to enjoy their weekend, and what do you do? You bring on the parent of some cute YouTube sensation kid, and skewer him. As any good editor will tell you, a "slow news day" is never a good excuse for any kind of slacking it, hacking it, or general tomfoolery. Bill O'Reilly sure knows this rule good and true! So: How better to fuck up everyone's fairly nice Friday evening than by trying to humiliate a parent who had fun with his kid? Background: this kid went to the dentist and got wasted on some nitrous. His dad buckled him in the backseat and interviewed him, and it got 22 million YouTube hits (not a joke). The entire thing is hysterical, except, not to the morally outraged. Bill got a little "queasy" himself towards the end there, as you can see. Little does he know that "David After Dentist" is becoming a full-on fashion trend, and soon, drugged-out, gassed-up post-dental-op zombies are going to be roaming the earth, killing, stealing, and raping for their next huff of the can't-get-enough. And they will all be taking! Video! Of it! The revolution will be televised! Except not, because these are just people who left the dentist, being cute, and you're just a guy who has never had a day of fun in his entire life. Or a good laughing gas high. By the way, the 'David' in 'David After Dentist' is fine, and looks to be growing up like a fairly normal, hyperactive tween, as evidenced by the sober cuteness here. I'm sure his babysitters hate him. MORE >>
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