The Latest from Boing Boing | ![]() |
- Monticello's clever windvane
- Great Firewall of Australia to block video games unsuitable for people over 15
- HOWTO ask good skeptical questions
- In praise of Kitchen Aid's customer service
- Wonderful summer events at Toronto's Merril Collection, a science fiction reference library
- My graphic novel for Android and iPhone
- Life with a 100 lb rodent that sounds like a Geiger counter when it's happy
- WaxMP3: a player for Creative Commons music from Magnatune
- Office worker squid
- Health insurance versus health
- Where Tetris blocks come from
- China: State censors block all Google services
- World's Oldest Functioning Planetarium
- DOE loans Tesla $465M to build "Model S" - Ford got $4.9B, Nissan $1.6B under same program
- Chris Anderson responds to plagiarism blog-storm over "Free"
- World War II + Twitter = Propaganda Hilarity
- Schneier: Fix US airport security by making TSA more transparent
- Iran: The White House is Tweeting in Farsi
- The "Whatever" Economy
- Homeless Guy Smashes Other Homeless Guy Upside Head With Skateboard During Quantum Physics Argument
- X-Men Universe Relationship Map
- MASS MoCa harmonic bridge plays traffic in the key of C
- Saving the tasty Mangalica pig from the brink of extinction -- so it can be eaten
- The first MP3 player (1998)
- Documentary about building a steam boiler
- Wacky gilded pyramid house in Illinois
- Waterboarding used on pot suspects, says London police officer
- Compact marble machine
- Giant smoke ring hovers over theme park
- How the Canadian copyright lobby uses fakes, fronts, and circular references to subvert the debate on copyright
Posted: 25 Jun 2009 04:59 AM PDT Joshua Foer is a guest blogger on Boing Boing. Joshua is a freelance science journalist and the co-founder of the Atlas Obscura: A Compendium of the World's Wonders, Curiosities, and Esoterica, with Dylan Thuras. Dylan's post about the Eisinga Planetarium, a 225-year-old ceiling-mounted orrery in Holland, reminded me of the weathervane at Thomas Jefferson's Monticello that made such an impression on me as a child. Jefferson, ever the clever tinkerer, connected the weathervane on his roof directly to a compass rose hanging on the ceiling of Monticello's entrance portico. Instead of having to trudge outside to find out which way the wind was blowing, he could simply look out his front window. Video of the weathervane in action |
Great Firewall of Australia to block video games unsuitable for people over 15 Posted: 25 Jun 2009 05:39 AM PDT Mike sez, "According to the Australian government, video games are worse than porn; they're planning to block web-based games deemed unsuitable for anyone over the age of fifteen. This would be funny if it wasn't so pathetic. Just call us South China from now on." So far, this has only applied to local bricks-and-mortar stores selling physical copies of games, but a spokesman for Senator Conroy confirmed that under the filtering plan, it will be extended to downloadable games, flash-based web games and sites which sell physical copies of games that do not meet the MA15+ standard.Web filters to censor video games |
HOWTO ask good skeptical questions Posted: 25 Jun 2009 02:36 AM PDT In this Richard Dawkins Foundation video, Skeptic Magazine's Michael Shermer explains the ten criteria we can use when confronted with claims about how the world works that serve as a "baloney detection kit." RDF TV - The Baloney Detection Kit - Michael Shermer (via 3 Quarks Daily) |
In praise of Kitchen Aid's customer service Posted: 25 Jun 2009 02:25 AM PDT ![]() The operator asked for my serial number, asked me to describe the problem, then asked if I could be at some address the next day to receive my replacement unit and ship back the defective one. I gave her my office address, and yesterday at around 2PM, a DHL guy showed up with a brand new espresso machine in its package. I lifted it out, replaced it with the defective one, watched as the DHL guy slapped a return sticker on it, and then he left, leaving me a shiny new coffee machine that I brought home in a cab (two people on the street and the cabbie all stopped me and asked me about this beautiful coffee machine and whether it worked as good as it looked and where they could get one of their own). This morning, I enjoyed a perfect cappuccino with breakfast, and ruminated on just how damned good the customer service from Kitchen Aid had been, and I figured, man, that deserves some public approbation.
Wonderful summer events at Toronto's Merril Collection, a science fiction reference library Posted: 24 Jun 2009 10:52 PM PDT Lorna Toolis, head librarian at Toronto's magnificent Merril Collection of Science Fiction, Speculation and Fantasy sez, Toronto Public Library>Unique Collections > Merril - What's New?: |
My graphic novel for Android and iPhone Posted: 24 Jun 2009 10:41 PM PDT ![]() Cory Doctorow's Futuristic Tales of the Here and Now reaches 30,000 downloads Previously: |
Life with a 100 lb rodent that sounds like a Geiger counter when it's happy Posted: 24 Jun 2009 10:34 PM PDT Jeff Vandermeer sez, The Fantastical Capybara: An Interview with Melanie Typaldos About Her Caplin Rous (Thanks, Jeff!) |
WaxMP3: a player for Creative Commons music from Magnatune Posted: 24 Jun 2009 11:39 PM PDT ![]() Magnatune Radio -- Independent music to listen, download, or license |
Posted: 24 Jun 2009 10:27 PM PDT ![]() Previously:
Health insurance versus health Posted: 24 Jun 2009 11:02 PM PDT Ezra Klein's Washington Post column quotes from the Congressional testimony of Wendell Potter, a 20-year exec at Cigna, explaining how the health insurance industry's business model is incompatible with health itself: The industry, Potter says, is driven by "two key figures: earnings per share and the medical-loss ratio, or medical-benefit ratio, as the industry now terms it. That is the ratio between what the company actually pays out in claims and what it has left over to cover sales, marketing, underwriting and other administrative expenses and, of course, profits..."The Truth About the Insurance Industry (via Making Light) Previously: |
Posted: 24 Jun 2009 11:10 PM PDT On Offworld, our Brandon's found out where Tetris blocks come from: Behind the scenes: How Tetris blocks are made |
China: State censors block all Google services Posted: 24 Jun 2009 07:42 PM PDT Spotted via tweets from friends in Tibet and China last night: news that China's government blocked access to Google (and related apps like Google Calendar and Gmail). The broad display of censorship capabilities lasted from one hour to more than a day, depending on who you ask in China and what ISP they're using. Some are reporting that the delay is still ongoing at the time of this blog post. Snip from Guardian: China blocks Google services (Guardian, via @rmack) |
World's Oldest Functioning Planetarium Posted: 24 Jun 2009 06:20 PM PDT Dylan Thuras is a guest blogger on Boing Boing. Dylan is a travel blogger and the co-founder of the Atlas Obscura: A Compendium of the World's Wonders, Curiosities, and Esoterica, with Joshua Foer. ![]() While traveling in Eastern Europe last year I stumbled on the globe museum in Vienna, Austria. It had some beautiful orreries and tellurions (an astronomical instrument depicting the movement of the earth around the sun) but none of them came close to the impressiveness of the Eisinga Planetarium
More on the planetarium here, on the globe museum here, and to the Atlas category "Astounding Timepieces" here. |
DOE loans Tesla $465M to build "Model S" - Ford got $4.9B, Nissan $1.6B under same program Posted: 24 Jun 2009 07:03 PM PDT ![]() Via Wired's Autopia blog: The Obama Administration will lend Tesla Motors $465 million to build an electric sedan and the battery packs needed to propel it. It's one of three loans totaling almost $8 billion that the Department of Energy awarded today to spur the development of fuel-efficient vehicles.Feds Lend Tesla $465 Million to Build Model S (Wired: Autopia, via @timoreilly) More coverage: NYT, SJ Merc, NPR. Related: Tesla's Fantasy Valuation (Reuters) |
Chris Anderson responds to plagiarism blog-storm over "Free" Posted: 24 Jun 2009 05:36 PM PDT Chris Anderson, author and Wired magazine editor-in-chief, responded on his blog to a web-tempest that blew up yesterday after Waldo Jaquith at the VQR rightly pointed out that some passages in his new book "Free" were improperly cited. All the web loves a blogtroversy and a public takedown, and many sites covering the matter invoked the p-word: plagiarism. In my opinion, Anderson handled the situation honorably: he responded directly, candidly, and immediately. He publicly took responsibility for the "screwup" first, and explained what had happened in more detail later, without backtracking on the failure(s) and why they matter. Read the whole thing, but here's one graf of note: Also note the VQR is not saying that all the highlighted text is plagiarism; much of is actually properly cited and quoted excerpts of old NYT times articles and other historical sources. And as you'll see, in most cases I did do a writethrough of the non-quoted Wikipedia text, although clearly I didn't go nearly far enough and too much of the original Wikipedia authors' language remained (in a few cases I missed it entirely, such as that short Catholic church usury example, which was a total oversight). This was sloppy and inexcusable, but the part I feel worst about is that in our failure to find a good way to cite Wikipedia as the source we ended up not crediting it at all. That is, among other things, an injustice to the authors of the Wikipedia entry who had done such fine research in the first place, and I'd like to extend a special apology to them.Corrections in the digital editions of Free ( |
World War II + Twitter = Propaganda Hilarity Posted: 24 Jun 2009 04:12 PM PDT |
Schneier: Fix US airport security by making TSA more transparent Posted: 24 Jun 2009 04:58 PM PDT Bruce Schneier has an extensive, must-read blog post up today about how to fix what's wrong with air security in America. The shortest version of what he recommends to the Obama administration: "Establish accountability and transparency for airport screening." And, in a second sentence: "Airports are one of the places where Americans, and visitors to America, are most likely to interact with a law enforcement officer - and yet no one knows what rights travelers have or how to exercise those rights." Here's more from his essay: Let's start with the no-fly and watch lists. Right now, everything about them is secret: You can't find out if you're on one, or who put you there and why, and you can't clear your name if you're innocent. This Kafkaesque scenario is so un-American it's embarrassing. Obama should make the no-fly list subject to judicial review.Fixing Airport Security (Schneier on Security) |
Iran: The White House is Tweeting in Farsi Posted: 24 Jun 2009 04:03 PM PDT ![]() |
Posted: 24 Jun 2009 03:51 PM PDT ![]() Writer and periodic Boing Boing guest-blogger Susannah Breslin spotted this funny/desperate real estate sign. Whatever. |
Homeless Guy Smashes Other Homeless Guy Upside Head With Skateboard During Quantum Physics Argument Posted: 24 Jun 2009 05:17 PM PDT Bell's Theorem and the Death of Locality? Or the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Argument? We may never know what the beef was, but an argument between two homeless men about the splitting of atoms resulted in the splitting of lip: Physics discussion ends in skateboard attack (SF Gate, image via Computer Science for Fun) Best follow-up line, from Wagner James Au in the BB comments here: "Fava retaliated by tossing mangy alley cat nicknamed Schrödinger at his assailant."Update: BB commenter orangebag identified the perp as none other than "Cosmic Stan." "Where's my cheese? Don't take my rowboat! Got no room!" the lunatic screamed from his regular spot near the Campus Drive bus stop. "I need space! Gimme space! Infinite dimensional separable Hilbert space!" |
X-Men Universe Relationship Map Posted: 24 Jun 2009 03:00 PM PDT ![]() UncannyXMen.Net has a relationship map of the characters in the X-Men universe(s). The color of the lines mean such things as "one sided infatuation" and "single date/kissed/one night stand." A dashed line "signifies one of the parties is from an alternative reality." X-Men Universe Relationship Map (Thanks, COOP!) Previously: |
MASS MoCa harmonic bridge plays traffic in the key of C Posted: 24 Jun 2009 01:56 PM PDT Joshua Foer is a guest blogger on Boing Boing. Joshua is a freelance science journalist and the co-founder of the Atlas Obscura: A Compendium of the World's Wonders, Curiosities, and Esoterica, with Dylan Thuras. ![]() I was at MASS MoCa not long ago, but somehow managed to miss "Harmonic Bridge," an intriguing sound sculpture by the artists Bruce Odland and Sam Auinger. Atlas Obscura user CharlieCoats writes:
MASS MoCa - Bruce Odland & Sam Auinger: Harmonic Bridge |
Saving the tasty Mangalica pig from the brink of extinction -- so it can be eaten Posted: 24 Jun 2009 11:58 AM PDT ![]() After having eaten more than my share of mouth-watering ham during my recent trip to Gijón, Spain (where I gave a presentation about DIY at the fantablulous Foro Internet Meeting Point) I was gratified to read that the Mangalica pig has been saved from the brink of extinction. As Michael Pollan and others have pointed out, one of the best ways a plant or animal species can ensure its survival is to be useful to people. At one time, only 198 purebred pigs remained in the world. Farmers preferred other breeds. "The corpulent Mangalica grows very slowly and cannot be kept in closed quarters. It is therefore poorly suited to modern industrial pig farms, and it has been gradually replaced by modern breeds," according to the Slow Food Foundation for Biodiversity in Florence, Italy. An 8-10 pound leg of Boneless Jamon Mangalica costs $490 at La Teinda. Rare pig breed resurrected for ham lovers |
Posted: 24 Jun 2009 11:42 AM PDT ![]() 11 years ago Eiger Labs introduced the MPMan. It had a storage capcity of 32MB (about 10-20 songs) and sold for $69. World's First MP3 Player (1998): MPMan 32MB (Via Microsiervos) |
Documentary about building a steam boiler Posted: 24 Jun 2009 10:06 AM PDT Patrick Johnson made a great documentary about David Dowling, Dennis Svoronos, and Brady Scott's process of building a steam boiler, which the call Ignatius. |
Wacky gilded pyramid house in Illinois Posted: 24 Jun 2009 09:55 AM PDT Joshua Foer is a guest blogger on Boing Boing. Joshua is a freelance science journalist and the co-founder of the Atlas Obscura: A Compendium of the World's Wonders, Curiosities, and Esoterica, with Dylan Thuras. ![]() Speaking of creepy Midwestern pyramids, check out the Onan Pyramid House in Wadsworth, Illinois: The six-story-tall, 17,000-square-foot Gold Pyramid House in Wadsworth, Illinois has to be one of the most bizarre homes ever constructed. Its builders, Jim and Linda Onan explain in three nouns and two adjectives what their unique home represents: "Power, Gold, Mystery, Exotic, and Impressive." The Onans are subscribers to the seventies cult theory of "pyramid power." Their home is believed to be the largest 24-karat gold-plated object in North America.The home is closed to tours, but I understand you can spy it from I-94, about half-way between Chicago and Milwaukee. If there's an eccentric home like this near you, please consider sharing your local treasure with the Atlas Obscura community. |
Waterboarding used on pot suspects, says London police officer Posted: 24 Jun 2009 09:20 AM PDT London's metropolitan police are waterboarding marijuana suspects, says a police officer. Six members of London's metropolitan police force are the focus of a criminal investigation after a corruption probe revealed allegations by a serving officer that detectives waterboarded suspects allegedly caught with a "large amount" of marijuana...UK cop accuses colleagues of waterboarding pot suspects (Via Dose Nation) |
Posted: 24 Jun 2009 08:30 AM PDT The creator of this enchanting "compact marble machine" claimed to have created it in four hours. It reminds me a bit of the Eames' solar powered Do Nothing Machine from 1958. (Via Cynical-C) |
Giant smoke ring hovers over theme park Posted: 24 Jun 2009 07:38 AM PDT I sure wish I could have been there to see this. This is the weirdest thing I've ever seen. It was a circular formation in the sky that stayed over King's Dominion [Amusement Park in Eastern Virginia] today for about 10 minutes. We looked away for a minute or two and then looked back and it was no longer there.Vortex UFO over King's Dominion |
Posted: 24 Jun 2009 07:34 AM PDT After closely watching the way that the Canadian copyright debate has proceeded (from a new copyright bill drafted in secret and off-limits to input by Canadian artists, librarians, ISPs and scholars; to a plagiarized "independent" report that used faked-up research and US lobby-group talking-points to "prove" Canada's copyright pariah statement), Michael Geist has created this handy chart showing how the copyright lobby in Canada uses a variety of fronts to subvert the legislative process. The whole report is a must-read, untangling the web of circular references -- one organization creates a push poll, a second one inflates its results, and a third points to the second as evidence of a consenus -- and sleazy manipulation that is used to cook the books on copyright in Canada. Unravelling the Canadian Copyright Policy Laundering Strategy |
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