The Latest from Boing Boing | ![]() |
- HOWTO hack your Android phone and turn it into a WiFi access point fed by the 3G modem
- Recently at BBG
- Claw shoes
- Practical joke cocktails: freeze Mentos into the ice-cubes, add to Diet Coke drink
- Ryanair serious about charging to use toilets in-flight, may charge extra "breathing fee" for inhaling during flight
- CARDIAC paper computer emulator
- 1930s Kotex brochure
- Twitter Tracker Twitter Tracker Twitter Tracker!
- Video of Champ the lake monster
- CryptoZoo: new game from Institute for the Future
- Car inverter for your cup-holder -- Boing Boing Gadgets
- Praying man gets tazed by police and escapes
- Causing a Scene: Extraordinary Pranks in Ordinary Places with Improv Everywhere
- Telecom Spy Suits Dismissed / UPDATE: EFF, ACLU Plan Appeal
- BB Video: "Olé Cordobes," a 1966 Scopitone (via Oddball Film + Video)
- Media Matters: O'Reilly falsely claimed he only "reported what groups" were calling Tiller
- Five piece toolkit made by wild chimps
- Abbey Ryan's painting of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich
- Recently at Boing Boing Gadgets
- Fun Things You Didn't Know about Food-Borne Illness
- Miles O'Brien Blogging the Air France Crash: The Search for Black Boxes
- Canadian copyright lobbyists leaned on "independent" researchers to change report on file-sharing
- Roald Dahl on vaccinating your kids
- Deluded Microsoft marketing guy has a new name for netbooks -- Boing Boing Gadgets
- Recently on Offworld
- Exploring Your Own Backyard
- The Art of Living Dangerously
HOWTO hack your Android phone and turn it into a WiFi access point fed by the 3G modem Posted: 04 Jun 2009 03:09 AM PDT If you have an Android phone, you probably have an unlimited data plan or something like it -- but the telcos and Google have done their best to keep you from using the phone as a 3G modem with your laptop (it's "unlimited" provided you don't try to use it with a full-sized computer). The nice thing is that the Android OS is based on free/open Linux, and hackers have extracted the security information necessary to load your own OS on your phone. With an open, hackable OS and an open bootloader, the tethering problem is simple to solve: just install your own OS that includes all the same code as a factory-fresh G1, with the anti-tethering stuff deleted. You can even bridge the 3G to the WiFi in your phone, turning your G1 into a self-contained all-wireless WiFi access point (bring along a USB cable anyway, since you need to keep the damned thing charging or your battery will croak in ten seconds flat). Danny O'Brien describes the moment that drove him to cracking open his G1, and recommends a HOWTO for getting the job done. I know what I'll be doing when I get home! So it was being stuck without wifi in the Library of Congress the other week that finally made me decide to overwrite the T-Mobile firmware on my Android G1 with something with root access. I was talking with the US Copyright and Patent offices about how to improve access to copyrighted material for the reading disabled (in the hopes, partially, to encourage them to support the Treaty for the Visually Impaired at WIPO the following week).How To: Root Your G1 And Install Android 1.5 Cupcake (via Oblomovka) |
Posted: 03 Jun 2009 10:27 PM PDT ![]() • The verdicts are in: we rounded up 15 of the best Palm Pre reviews. • Could the Palm Pre masquerade as an iPhone to circumvent Apple's iTunes locks? • Enter to win an awesome, arty laptop case -- by submitting photos of your tricked out, custom laptop. • An interview with the guy who keeps the World Food Programs phones turned on. • By 2011, iRex says we'll have our mits on the ultimate, "magazine qualtiy" color e-reader. • Microsoft would prefer to call a netbook a "low cost small notebook PC." (not kidding) • The first-gen Peek is now available for $20 (that is not a typo). • The latest digital picture frame from SilverPac reminded us that everything is turning into a PC. • A USB vacuum cleaner for tidying up your workspace (USB maid not included). • We tested a $400 tide watch and tideApp, a free desktop/Android/iPhone app; find out which one we recommend. • Deal Alert: Dell is phasing out its Mini 9 netbook. • Video footage of a programmer riding a Kuka robot as if it were a surfboard. • The Dogfish Head 120 Minute IPA of the camera world is the Sigma DP2. Discuss... • A $95,000 machine that converts printed documents to toilet paper. • A look at the Soma AirBag, an inflatable surfboard carrier. • Answering iPhone calls in the car? Consider the new Belkin Tunebase. |
Posted: 03 Jun 2009 10:29 PM PDT ![]() The latest posting from Ukrainian arts collective Bob Basset (makers of all those wonderful leather steampunk gasmasks) features an intriguing pair of "paw shoes." Got 'em in a 45? paw-shoes. my new project./лапотуфли . Previously: |
Practical joke cocktails: freeze Mentos into the ice-cubes, add to Diet Coke drink Posted: 03 Jun 2009 10:27 PM PDT ![]() Wired's HOWTO wiki suggests freezing Mentos into ice cubes and then serving them in Diet Coke-based cocktails as a kind of timed practical joke (the cubes melt, and the drink turns into a volcano). Diet Coke is recommended "because it isn't sticky." |
Posted: 03 Jun 2009 10:24 PM PDT Ryanair, the discount airline that operates virtual prison-ships in the sky, is serious about installing pay toilets on its aircraft -- it will cost a pound to go wee. They're also reducing the number of toilets on their cramped, miserable planes. What are the odds that this will improve relations between passengers and the surly, angry flight crew? The (very) last time I flew Ryanair, they locked us all in a no-toilets departure area for an hour and a half before the flight, then threatened to have me arrested for using the toilet when I boarded, rather than waiting until we were in the air and levelled off (which turned out to be an hour later). Ryanair's Michael O'Leary defends pay-per-pee fee (via Consumerist) (Image: Ryanair seats, a Creative Commons Attribution photo from Matt From London's Flickr stream) Previously:
CARDIAC paper computer emulator Posted: 03 Jun 2009 10:12 PM PDT ![]() Mark sez, "The recent post of the CARDIAC Unboxing [ed: the CARDIAC being a cardboard teaching computer that Bell Labs released in the late 60s] made me poke my father, who has written a CARDIAC emulator that actually looks like the real CARDIAC, to put together a webpage with the source of it. Both his childhood and mine were definitely influenced by this little wonder out of Bell Labs, so for those who can't get the cardboard variant, here's the software one, along with a scan of the original CARDIAC manual." CARDIAC: (CARDboard Illustrative Aid to Computation) (Thanks, Mark!) Previously: |
Posted: 03 Jun 2009 10:07 PM PDT ![]() Marjorie May's Twelfth Birthday (Thanks, Ben!) |
Twitter Tracker Twitter Tracker Twitter Tracker! Posted: 03 Jun 2009 09:19 PM PDT Newly minted Tonight Show Conan O'Brien did a really funny segment last night about Twitter -- or, more specifically, about the breathless, conspicuous insertion of Twitter into every news and entertainment program everywhere all the time, of late. Twitter Tracker (via @biz, and sadly, Hulu region-blocks folks outside of the USA - this sucks.) |
Video of Champ the lake monster Posted: 03 Jun 2009 05:16 PM PDT ![]() Is that Champ, the mysterious cryptid that supposedly roams Lake Champlain? The image above is a video still from new phonecam footage said to have been taken near Oakledge Park in Burlington, Vermont. BB pal Loren Coleman is all over the story at Cryptomundo. "Media and Others Take Closer Look At 'Champ Video'" |
CryptoZoo: new game from Institute for the Future Posted: 03 Jun 2009 04:41 PM PDT ![]() CryptoZoo is a new real-world game launched by my Institute for the Future colleagues, in partnership with the American Heart Association. There are games scheduled in San Francisco and New York City this weekend and next weekend, but you can play anywhere, anytime. Game designer Jane McGonigal says, "There's an after-dark night chase and a daytime chase in both cities.. Night-time is a bit more adventurous, daytime more playful and family friendly." From the game description: CryptoZoo |
Car inverter for your cup-holder -- Boing Boing Gadgets Posted: 03 Jun 2009 03:42 PM PDT On BBG, our Rob's found a very very clever little DC inverter for the car:
Praying man gets tazed by police and escapes Posted: 04 Jun 2009 12:04 AM PDT Two police officers pin a man to the ground and try to handcuff him. The man wriggles and prays to Yahweh. Eventually, one of the officers shoots him with a Tazer, which instead of subduing the man, gives him the strength to break free and run away. The officers pursue the man half-heartedly, but quickly give up. |
Causing a Scene: Extraordinary Pranks in Ordinary Places with Improv Everywhere Posted: 03 Jun 2009 05:35 PM PDT ![]() Improv Everywhere is the joyful performance art troupe that pulls playful large scale pranks designed to surprise and delight unwitting public audiences. They're the ones behind the frozen people in Grand Central Station, the No Pants! subway ride, the Food Court Musical, the 80 fake uniformed Best Buy employees, the Starbuck's time loop, the McDonald's bathroom attendant prank, and others. Improv Everywhere founder Charlie Todd and his cohort Alex Scordelis have written a book, Causing a Scene: Extraordinary Pranks in Ordinary Places with Improv Everywhere, that reveals the behind-the-scenes stories of 13 of their pre-planned missions, along with tips on how anyone can start their own street theater prank group. Yesterday, Improv Everywhere threw a surprise wedding reception for a random couple getting married at City Clerk's Office in Manhattan. Watch the video here. Causing a Scene: Extraordinary Pranks in Ordinary Places with Improv Everywhere
Telecom Spy Suits Dismissed / UPDATE: EFF, ACLU Plan Appeal Posted: 03 Jun 2009 03:02 PM PDT ![]() Bad news for freedom. Snip from WIRED Threat Level piece by David Kravets: A federal judge on Wednesday dismissed lawsuits targeting the nation's telecommunication companies for their participation in President George W. Bush's once-secret electronic eavesdropping program. In his ruling, U.S. District Judge Vaughn Walker upheld summer legislation protecting the companies from the lawsuits. The legislation, which then-Sen. Barack Obama voted for, also granted the government the authority to monitor American's telecommunications without warrants if the subject was communicating with somebody overseas suspected of terrorism.Full story here. Image courtesy Billboard Liberation Front. UPDATE: EFF and ACLU plan to appeal the ruling: EFF and the ACLU are co-coordinating counsel for all 46 outstanding lawsuits concerning the government's warrantless surveillance program. Additionally, EFF is representing the plaintiffs in Hepting v. AT&T, a class action lawsuit brought on behalf of millions of AT&T customers whose private domestic communications and communications records were illegally handed over to the National Security Agency.
BB Video: "Olé Cordobes," a 1966 Scopitone (via Oddball Film + Video) Posted: 03 Jun 2009 01:22 PM PDT
Today's episode of Boing Boing Video, via Oddball Film + Video, is a 1966 Scopitone that tells the romantic tale of a Spanish bullfighter, with help from an Amy Winehouse lookalike and mustachioed Flamenco dudes bearing overwrought facial expressions. The song is "Olé Cordobes," the credited artist is Miguel Cordoba. Wait -- what's a Scopitone, you ask? Well, basically -- 1960s video jukeboxes. As Pesco blogged earlier this year on Boing Boing, "Scopitones and Cineboxes were first introduced in Europe in 1959-1960 and came to the US a few years later. The coin-operated machines were quite popular but were swept into the dustbin of dead media by the 1970s." More required reading, if you're interested in the history of these primordial music video jukeboxen: * Scopitone Archive The video comes to us as a special courtesy of Oddball Film + Video, a San Francisco stock footage company that maintains a truly amazing and extensive archive of weird old moving images. They do regular screenings in San Francisco. BB Video will be bringing you more from their superbly surreal collections in the weeks to come. Where to Find Boing Boing Video: RSS feed for new episodes here, , subscribe on iTunes here. Get Twitter updates every time there's a new ep by following @boingboingvideo, and here are blog post archives for Boing Boing Video. (Thanks to Boing Boing's video hosting partner Episodic, and to Robert Chehoski and Stephen Parr of Oddball Film + Video) |
Media Matters: O'Reilly falsely claimed he only "reported what groups" were calling Tiller Posted: 03 Jun 2009 01:16 PM PDT Media Matters catches Bill O'Reilly in another lie, this time about Dr. George Tiller, who performed abortions for "women diagnosed with cancer who needed abortions to qualify for chemotherapy, women who learned late in their pregnancies that their wanted babies had fatal illnesses, and rape victims so young they didn't realize they were pregnant for months," as reported by Susan Hill, President of the National Women's Health Foundation. (See Xeni's post.) From The Daily Beast: Finding the truth uncomfortable, Bill O'Reilly has apparently decided just to lie about it: On his show last night, O'Reilly claimed that he could be sure that he did not incite Dr. George Tiller's assassin because he never called him "Tiller the Baby Killer"; he only "reported what groups were calling him." Here's what Media Matters has dug up: * On the May 15 edition of The O'Reilly Factor, O'Reilly stated that Kathleen Sebelius, who was then the governor of Kansas and is now secretary of health and human services, "is the most pro-abortion governor in the United States. Based upon Dr. Tiller, the baby killer in her state, and all of that. All right? So there's no doubt." O'Reilly falsely claimed he only "reported what groups" were calling Tiller |
Five piece toolkit made by wild chimps Posted: 03 Jun 2009 12:18 PM PDT ![]() Chimps built a 5-piece toolkit to help them extract honey from underground bee colonies. The tools consist of pounders, enlargers, collectors, perforators and swabbers. Chimps, suspended in acrobatic positions on branches, might first pull out a thick stick pounder to break open beehive entrances. They then reach for another stick, the enlarger, to perforate and widen different honeybee hive compartments. Next comes the collector, used to dip or scoop out honey.The honey extraction toolkit has been licensed by Home Depot and will be available later this fall, says one of the chimps. |
Abbey Ryan's painting of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich Posted: 03 Jun 2009 11:38 AM PDT ![]() Abbey Ryan creates one painting a day and auctions them on eBay. Other artists do the same thing. What a fun way to make a living! Here's a peanut butter and jelly sandwich she painted (6 x 8 in. oil linen on panel). The current bid is $152.50. It's interesting to watch Abbey paint. Here's a video of her painting a picture of a strawberry and blueberries. |
Recently at Boing Boing Gadgets Posted: 03 Jun 2009 11:06 AM PDT ![]() • Every gadget expands until it becomes a PC. Any gadget that does not so expand is replaced by one that will. • Joel interviewed Dane Novarlic, the United Nations' emergency network admin. He's currently in Pakistan helping people displaced by the Taliban. • Cabledrop holds cables securely, but has the added quality of looking very rude. • TomTom touts "subtle swirls" on its special edition satnav, the world's most glamorous by far. • The H-Bomb is a battery-heated $1,000 wetsuit. • Yes, it was our Surfing theme day! Remember the Waikiki Beach Boys; Predict surf at Mavericks; and learn how to Sell surf wax. • Liquid metal breeching rounds are exactly what they say they are. • Someone put an Atom PC in a vase. But is it ceramic? |
Fun Things You Didn't Know about Food-Borne Illness Posted: 03 Jun 2009 10:22 AM PDT ![]() Former BB guestblogstress Maggie Koerth-Baker has a piece up on MSN today about food-borne illnesses -- a topic near and dear to my gut, having just spent a few weeks on the road in rural Central America, where every food choice one makes as a visitor is not so much, "will this taste good" as "how likely is this to give me a week's worth of the runs"? "Ironically, three days after turning that in, I actually came down with what is likely mild foodborne illness myself," tweeted Maggie, "It's fun!" Here's a snip from the section about Campylobacter (shown above, from Flickr user dokidok's stream): Campy" is the leading cause of bacteria-related diarrhea in the United States, according to the Food and Drug Administration. In fact, experts say it's likely you've had a run-in with Campy before, and just not realized it. So why the low profile?Take a Bite Out of Food-Borne Illnesses This Summer (MSN Health) |
Miles O'Brien Blogging the Air France Crash: The Search for Black Boxes Posted: 03 Jun 2009 10:24 AM PDT Miles O'Brien, whose work we've been featuring recently as a Boing Boing Video guest contributor, has been covering the Air France crash intensively on True Slant and in short bursts on Twitter. Here's a snip from his latest blog post, about the effort to retreive the plane's "black boxes." Long Odds Search for Black Boxes (
Previously: |
Jo Walton on THE SPACE MERCHANTS Posted: 03 Jun 2009 09:47 AM PDT On, Jo Walton has a sharp-eyed review of Frederik Pohl and CM Kornbluth's classic sf novel The Space Merchants. I happen to be in the middle of writing a story called "Chicken Little" that's a tribute to this novel, for an anthology in honor of Fred Pohl, and I've been thinking about it nonstop for weeks -- and Walton nails it. Advertising dystopia: Frederik Pohl and C.M. Kornbluth's The Space Merchants |
Canadian copyright lobbyists leaned on "independent" researchers to change report on file-sharing Posted: 03 Jun 2009 09:36 AM PDT The Conference Board of Canada's sellout on copyright just keeps on getting worse. To recap: the Conference Board is a supposedly neutral research outfit that was asked by the Canadian copyright industries to write a report on file-sharing and piracy in Canada. They hit up the Ontario government for $15,000 to fund an event where the findings of the report would be presented. Then they hired an independent researcher who concluded that there wasn't anything particularly wrong with Canadian file-sharing. They threw away his research. Then they plagiarized dodgy press-materials produced by the leading US copyright lobby group, quoting lengthy passages that were factually wrong. Then they denied any wrongdoing. Then they admitted they'd plagiarized, but insisted that the public money hadn't been spent "on the report" -- it had been spent on the conference about the report, which is a Different Thing Altogether. Then the founder and leader of the Conference Board, Anne Golden, appeared on the TVOntario podcast Search Engine and argued that she didn't really see anything especially egregious about the fact that the plagiarists had copied the talking points of the people who'd hired them to write the "independent" report. She even tried to discredit the distinguished academic who wrote the conflicting report that they discarded by saying that he's a plagiarist for saying that "if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it probably is a duck" (in reference to the Board's apparent bias-for-money position), because someone else said that first. And now, it just got worse. One of the named authors of the plagiarized report has come forward to say that the funders of the report -- Canadian copyright lobbyists -- actively pressured him to come to the conclusions that they wanted to see. He asked to have his name removed from the report prior to publication -- and Anne Golden called him to talk it over and then hung up on him. # # My new work was interrupted in mid-September by my former supervisor at the Conference Board to tell me there had been "push back" from one of the funding clients about the research and inclusion of Mr. deBeer's contribution. I had quit almost two months earlier so this was of no concern to me.Ex-Conference Board Author Speaks Out; Confirms "Push Back" From Copyright Lobby Funders Previously: |
Roald Dahl on vaccinating your kids Posted: 03 Jun 2009 09:25 AM PDT Here's Roald Dahl's impassioned plea to get your kids immunized. I live in East London, where we have live measles afflicting otherwise healthy kids who could have been vaccinated against them, but whose parents have been duped by a falsified claim that vaccinations are linked to autism (here's a non-falsified claim: measles leads to permanent disability and even death). I remember when my daughter got sick and broke out with measle-like spots when she was too young to have had her vaccination against the disease. As I contemplated the possibility that my daughter might be permanently disabled or even killed because gullible people were choosing not to vaccinate their kids, I wanted to start wringing necks. Dahl had a child die from measles, and he was determined that no other child should die needlessly from fear and ignorance. Here in Britain, because so many parents refuse, either out of obstinacy or ignorance or fear, to allow their children to be immunised, we still have a hundred thousand cases of measles every year. Out of those, more than 10,000 will suffer side effects of one kind or another. At least 10,000 will develop ear or chest infections. About 20 will die. LET THAT SINK IN. Every year around 20 children will die in Britain from measles. So what about the risks that your children will run from being immunised? They are almost non-existent. Listen to this. In a district of around 300,000 people, there will be only one child every 250 years who will develop serious side effects from measles immunisation! That is about a million to one chance. I should think there would be more chance of your child choking to death on a chocolate bar than of becoming seriously ill from a measles immunisation. So what on earth are you worrying about? It really is almost a crime to allow your child to go unimmunised. The ideal time to have it done is at 13 months, but it is never too late. All school-children who have not yet had a measles immunisation should beg their parents to arrange for them to have one as soon as possible. Incidentally, I dedicated two of my books to Olivia, the fi rst was James and the Giant Peach'. That was when she was still alive. The second was 'The BFG', dedicated to her memory after she had died from measles. You will see her name at the beginning of each of these books. And I know how happy she would be if only she could know that her death had helped to save a good deal of illness and death among other children.MEASLES: A dangerous illness by ROALD DAHL |
Deluded Microsoft marketing guy has a new name for netbooks -- Boing Boing Gadgets Posted: 03 Jun 2009 09:18 AM PDT I figured our Rob must be kidding when he posted on Boing Boing Gadgets about the frankly insane plan by a very senior Microsoft marketing manager to rebrand "netbooks" as "low cost small notebook PCs." But it's not a joke: Steven Guggenheimer, Microsoft's General Manager of Application Platform and Development Marketing, thinks that the term "netbook" should be abandoned. Instead, he says, such devices should be called "low cost small notebook PCs."Microsoft wants to rename netbooks with absurd five-word phrase |
Posted: 03 Jun 2009 08:56 AM PDT ![]() |
Posted: 03 Jun 2009 03:07 PM PDT (William Gurstelle is Boing Boing's current guest blogger. His new book Absinthe and Flamethrowers: Projects and Ruminations on the Art of Living Dangerously is on sale everywhere. Follow him on Twitter: @wmgurst) "The Net can only teach a boy about trees, but he won't understand them. The information from the net or a book is fragmented and decontextualized. It will never carry the same force as first hand experiences."Yup, I agree. So, I decided to spend some time exploring my own back yard. Is there really anything new and exciting back there? You bet. Recently I was given a new type of handheld digital and optical microscope. The new generation of digital microscopes are wonderful little devices for taking a very, very close look at stuff in the house and garden. I hooked it up to my netbook computer and ran around the neighborhood annoying ants and beetles. I spent the whole afternoon looking at stuff and taking pictures. Skin cells, fabrics, seeds, and of course, bugs, were just part of the wild menagerie of things I examined. Corny, maybe, I found it way cool, and I'm no little kid. While I was observing an ant from my garden, I noticed it seemed have an even smaller insect crawling over its thorax. So I zoomed in for a closer look. Yeow - I guess even ants have their problems! I posted it to YouTube and then used YouTube's simple editing tools to add titles, highlights, and a soundtrack. The whole video probably took less than hour to record, edit, and post.
Posted: 03 Jun 2009 09:54 AM PDT (William Gurstelle is Boing Boing's current guest blogger. His new book Absinthe and Flamethrowers: Projects and Ruminations on the Art of Living Dangerously is on sale everywhere. Follow him on Twitter: @wmgurst) Lately, I've been hard at work writing a book entitled Absinthe and Flamethrowers: Projects and Ruminations on the Art of Living Dangerously, (which not so incidentally, went on sale Monday.) While corresponding and talking with readers of my previous book, Backyard Ballistics, I found that many people enjoy taking technical, physical risks. And it seemed to me that the people who did so seemed to be a bit more intellectual curious, more self aware, and even a bit happier than those who were not. Was this true? Are people who take some well considered physical risks better off than those who do not? |
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