Get Your White House Pool Reports Right Here
The White House Correspondents' Association has started letting lowly blogs participate in the White House pool, and now the real journalists are all upset about it. MORE >>
Meet the Cast of Jersey Shore
These colorful characters will instantly become your new reality show best friends when the MTV show about eight guidos in a summer house starts tonight. It's going to be epic. And yes, we will be live blogging the 10pm debut. MORE >>
Glee: Smile, Though Your Heart Is Breaking
Wow, who ever thought that a show about a band of lovable losers could be so dark? We were crying tears of sadness instead of our usual tears of joy. It still felt pretty good, but damn! MORE >>
Yelp's Holiday Party Way Lustier Than Yours
At Yelp, every review is a chance for free drinks, every email a chance for distasteful punning — and every company party a chance to leer, spank and orgy out. Judging from the pictures, 2009's holiday bash was no exception. MORE >>
A Simple Plan for Tiger Woods: Play Some Golf
It might appear that Tiger Woods has lots of problems these days, but in fact he only has one problem: He is a boring, boring man who finds himself in a non-boring situation. We know how to solve this. MORE >>
Top Chef: Three Chefs and a Little Lady
A rainbow parabolas over the fertile Napa valley. A dream is asphyxiated amongst the vines. Top Chef is nearing its end. I'm Joshua David Stein. I'll take you there. Ain't nobody cryin'. Except the loser. MORE >>
Meet Jasmine Lennard, Casey Johnson Vibrator Victim and Transatlantic Fameball
After moving to L.A., this hypersexual British socialite and reality TV star couldn't land a headline, no matter how many nips she slipped or how much body paint she wore. Then, Casey Johnson planted a sex toy in her bed. MORE >>
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