The Latest from Boing Boing | ![]() |
- Economist waterboards Geithner in effigy
- USA, Canada and the EU attempt to kill treaty to protect blind people's access to written material
- Candyfab 6000: latest rev of 3D sugar-printer
- Goofy British "future of phones" video from way back
- Michael Moorcock answers your questions!
- Group reading of Elizabeth Bear's NEW AMSTERDAM
- Famous Swedish poet explains why he's voting for the Pirate Party
- EFF chairman makes a Downfall remix
- Renonymize, a 21st century verb
- NYC: Hackday around tangible interfaces June 6
- Green-glowing marmosets
- Digital Open: online tech expo for young people
- Collection of airline logos
- Flamed Cars
- Gareth gets magical in London
- East German spy fired notorious shot that changed West German politics
- Rape-camps lurk in the history of your gadgets
- Monkeybrains Can Antenna
- Conference Board of Canada admits that its publicly funded, plagiarized, biased copyright "research" is junk
- BB Video: BIG YANK, a Weird '70s Jeans Ad (Oddball Film)
- Boody Rogers: vintage comic is first-brewed weirdtea, Mark was right!
- Shop Class as Soulcraft
Economist waterboards Geithner in effigy Posted: 29 May 2009 03:55 AM PDT Rogue economist Max Keiser writes, "Max Keiser is on the edge of the financial news where future financial scandals, market crashes and monetary crises begin. Be there before it happens: On the Edge with Max Keiser. I've got Alex Jones lined up for next week - should be pretty interesting Anyone watching the show should get some psychic satisfaction as I symbolically water Timothy Geithner on the show this week. I used a doll dressed up like a pirate or 'banker' as pirates are called in the U.S. The emphasis on prosecuting the harshest criminals in America should really be focused on the Fed and the Treasury. Clearly, they have abandoned any pretense of any sort of system of checks and balances for the banking system and are simply aiding and abetting the continued fleecing of America in ways that Bin Laden could only dream about if he were still alive. "
On the Edge with Max Keiser - Bond crisis? IMF? China? . . . Tune in Previously: |
USA, Canada and the EU attempt to kill treaty to protect blind people's access to written material Posted: 29 May 2009 04:03 AM PDT Right now, in Geneva, at the UN's World Intellectual Property Organization, history is being made. For the first time in WIPO history, the body that creates the world's copyright treaties is attempting to write a copyright treaty dedicated to protecting the interests of copyright users, not just copyright owners. At issue is a treaty to protect the rights of blind people and people with other disabilities that affect reading (people with dyslexia, people who are paralyzed or lack arms or hands for turning pages), introduced by Brazil, Ecuador and Paraguay. This should be a slam dunk: who wouldn't want a harmonized system of copyright exceptions that ensure that it's possible for disabled people to get access to the written word? The USA, that's who. The Obama administration's negotiators have joined with a rogue's gallery of rich country trade representatives to oppose protection for blind people. Other nations and regions opposing the rights of blind people include Canada and the EU. Update: Also opposing rights for disabled people: Australia, New Zealand, the Vatican and Norway. Update 2: Countries that are on the right side of this include, "Latin American and Caribbean region including (Uruguay, Argentina, Chile, Jamaica) as well as Asia and Africa." Update 3: Canada is upset with me. That's fine, I'm upset with Canada. Activists at WIPO are desperate to get the word out. They're tweeting madly from the negotiation (technically called the 18th session of the Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights) publishing editorials on the Huffington Post, etc. Here's where you come in: this has to get wide exposure, to get cast as broadly as possible, so that it will find its way into the ears of the obscure power-brokers who control national trade-negotiators. I don't often ask readers to do things like this, but please, forward this post to people you know in the US, Canada and the EU, and ask them to reblog, tweet, and spread the word, especially to government officials and activists who work on disabled rights. We know that WIPO negotiations can be overwhelmed by citizen activists -- that's how we killed the Broadcast Treaty negotiation a few years back -- and with your help, we can make history, and create a world where copyright law protects the public interest. I am attending a meeting in Geneva of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). This evening the United States government, in combination with other high income countries in "Group B" is seeking to block an agreement to discuss a treaty for persons who are blind or have other reading disabilities.Obama Joins Group to Block Treaty for Blind and Other Reading Disabilities |
Candyfab 6000: latest rev of 3D sugar-printer Posted: 28 May 2009 10:08 PM PDT Evil Mad Scientists Lab has a new iteration of their sugar-based 3D printer, the CandyFab 6000! This is my favorite 3D printing concept, bar none. Demented and sweet! The CandyFab 6000 (via Make) |
Goofy British "future of phones" video from way back Posted: 28 May 2009 09:52 PM PDT Here's a wonderfully goofy old British phone-company video on the future of the phone and teleworking! |
Michael Moorcock answers your questions! Posted: 28 May 2009 09:50 PM PDT ![]() The Best of Michael Moorcock (Thanks, Matt!) |
Group reading of Elizabeth Bear's NEW AMSTERDAM Posted: 28 May 2009 09:45 PM PDT Dead Air sez, "At the Science Fiction Message Board we're preparing for another of our semi-regular "Group Book Reads", which is due to start in just a few days now. For a little bit of fun, we're deviating from the harder SF this time for a bit of alternate history. We've decided to choose the 2008 Hugo Award-winning author Elizabeth Bear - and the book of hers we'll be perusing together is New Amsterdam, a series of linked stories: six novelettes and novellas about Detective Crown Investigator Abigail Irene Garrett and Don Sebastien de Ulloa, who are, respectively, a forensic sorcerer and an amateur detective in a turn of the century contrafactual history set (mostly) on the East Coast of North America. But let the publisher's blurb work its magic on you:" Summer 2009 Group Book Read: New Amsterdam by Elizabeth Bear (Thanks, Dead Air!) |
Famous Swedish poet explains why he's voting for the Pirate Party Posted: 28 May 2009 09:41 PM PDT PaulR sez, "Swedish, poet, novelist and scholar Lars Gustafsson blogged his reasons for voting for the Pirate Party in the next Swedish election to the European Parliament, to be held on 7 June 2009." Intellectual and personal integrity for the citizens, briefly speaking an internet that has not been transformed into a government channel by lobby-marinated courts and EU politicians in leashes, is arguably more important than the needs of a primarily industrial scene of literature and music, which is rapidly crumbling away already within the lifetime of the authors. The need of being read, of influencing, to formulate one's times, may but does not need to get in conflict with the wish to sell many copies. When the both needs are getting in conflict, the industrial interest must be put aside and the great intellectual sphere of the arts must be defended against threats.Lars Gustafsson: "Why my vote goes to the Pirate Party" (English translation of today's text (Thanks, PaulR!) |
EFF chairman makes a Downfall remix Posted: 28 May 2009 11:22 PM PDT Hugh from the Electronic Frontier Foundation sez, "EFF Board Chair Brad Templeton has made a brilliant Downfall remix. The video is interesting not just for being funny, but also for the troubles Brad had creating it. In order to avoid any DMCA violations, he had to make it without circumventing encryption, which naturally led to multiple headaches. We have a short post on the EFF blog about what this says about the need for DMCA exemptions for remix artists" Unfortunately for Brad, he found in making his parody that creating a fair use like this -- and doing so legally -- is not as easy as it ought to be. As a high profile advocate for digital rights, Brad naturally wants to avoid breaking any laws. And while fair use protects his parody from charges of copyright infringement, he wanted to ensure that he didn't accidentally violate other laws -- in particular the DMCA's prohibition on circumventing encryption.When Fair Use Is Fairly Difficult (Thanks, Hugh!) |
Renonymize, a 21st century verb Posted: 28 May 2009 09:25 PM PDT A verb for the 21st century: Re-nonymize, or renonymize, V,. To discover, using data from an "anonymized" data set (a data set from which the explicit identifying data has been removed) which specific individuals generated the data. Usage: ". . . companies claim they're releasing an anonymous dataset, only to discover later that it's not so difficult to re-nomynize it."Word of the Day: renonymize |
NYC: Hackday around tangible interfaces June 6 Posted: 28 May 2009 04:58 PM PDT ![]() If you're in NYC next Saturday, Internet Week New York is hosting a global hackday around tangible interfaces. More info over at the Hackday site. It'll be interesting to see what comes out of this! From Hackday: Hackday in NYC: Tangible Interfaces |
Posted: 28 May 2009 04:39 PM PDT These are the hands of a marmoset, genetically engineered to glow green under ultraviolet light. The transgenic marmosets aren't the first primates to glow but are apparently the first that pass the genetic modification down to their offspring. The green-glowing marmosets, and other transgenic animals that glow, are used by scientists to gain insight into genetic diseases. Of course, some people aren't too thrilled with this kind of genetic engineering. In fact, tech-artist Eduardo Kac explored some of these hot topics with Alba, his "GFP Bunny" created in 2000. From the BBC News: Glowing monkeys 'to aid research' (Thanks, Antinous!) Previously: |
Digital Open: online tech expo for young people Posted: 28 May 2009 04:25 PM PDT ![]() BB pal and Institute for the Future colleague Jess Hemerly sends the following note about the Digital Open, an IFTF project now underway in partnership with Sun and Boing Boing! Jess writes: Last year, Institute for the Future took an in-depth look at DIY culture with the Future of Making project, led by David Pescovitz. Working under the header "The way things are made is being re-made," we explored a dramatic shift in manufacturing and innovation, where we are moving from top-down, proprietary models to bottom-up and open ones. The maker movement grows larger every year, and with MAKE Magazine's Maker Faire in its fourth year, the momentum continues to push society to take a closer look at all things DIY. With President Obama's recent call to re-make America, more people are beginning to think about how they, too, can help to make the future.Digital Open: An Innovation Expo for Global Youth Previously: |
Posted: 28 May 2009 04:01 PM PDT ![]() ![]() The Museum of Flight has a page collecting dozens of airline logos, current and old. Fascinating diversity of designs. Above left, Executive Jet Aviation ; above right, Compagnie Corse Mediterianne. (via Colour Lovers, thanks Tara McGinley!) |
Posted: 28 May 2009 02:09 PM PDT (Rudy Rucker is a guestblogger. His latest novel, Hylozoic, describes a postsingular world in which everything is alive.) I've been fascinated by cars with flames ever since I was a kid poring over my big brother's hot rod magazines.
In 1973 I had a fairly generic white Ford that I painted flames on my myself. Here's a picture of me with the car and my daughter, Georgia, who's now a graphic designer of such books as the best-selling Twilight Movie Companion. I did a hand-painted, amateur job on my flames--- not at all the way the pros do it---but it was fun. And, despite the dire warnings of my friends, I was still able to sell the car when I moved. A couple of weeks ago I went to the Show and Go car show in Riverside, California, which got me excited about flames all over again.
I found a quintessential flame-car photo on the web today, it's this Merc Lead Sled shot, and it appears on John Filiss's "Serious Wheels" site, among other gems in the "Mercury Custom" section...just look under "M".
Today I finished a painting on this theme, "Man in Flame Car." It's hard to pin down the guy's mood. (More info on my paintings page.) |
Posted: 28 May 2009 03:09 PM PDT ![]() Our pal Gareth Branwyn says: Anybody who's been a captive audience of mine for more than a few minutes recently probably knows that I'm writing a novel. I've also mentioned it here on Boing Boing and elsewhere. It explores occult themes and has a main character who's obsessed with the idea of using modern multimedia technologies and ancient ritual techniques to create a theater experience that seriously alters the consciousness of her audience members. She was inspired by Aleister Crowley's attempt at doing ceremonial magick in a theatrical context in his 1910 Rites of Eleusis performances. As part of my research, I've looked at what other people have done in this area of mixing music, theater, ritual and magick. Sadly, most of it is horrible. Cringeworthy. Over time, certain people have captured and sustained my interest, people who seem to be exploring these ideas with a certain degree of rigor, and ya know, talent. And to my surprise and delight, it looks like they've all been rounded up and invited to The Equinox Festival in London the second weekend in June. |
East German spy fired notorious shot that changed West German politics Posted: 28 May 2009 12:31 PM PDT The shot that changed German politics in 1967 was fired by an East German Stasi spy: The killing in 1967 of an unarmed demonstrator by a police officer in West Berlin set off a left-wing protest movement and put conservative West Germany on course to evolve into the progressive country it has become today...Spy Fired Shot That Changed West Germany (Thanks, Bill |
Rape-camps lurk in the history of your gadgets Posted: 28 May 2009 12:28 PM PDT On Boing Boing Gadgets, this wrenching video in which Eve Ensler explains that Congolese militias use rape to enforce discipline among a slave workforce that mines columbite-tantalite ore, a common raw material for many devices. Eve Ensler and "Rape-Free" Gadgets |
Posted: 28 May 2009 09:15 AM PDT (Rudy Rucker is a guestblogger. His latest novel, Hylozoic, describes a postsingular world in which everything is alive.)
My son, Rudy Rucker, Jr., and his business partner Alex Menendez run Monkeybrains, an independent ISP (Internet Service Provider) in San Francisco. As well as more conventional clients, they use their two gigabytes-per-seconds to host such off-beat sites as Rotorbrain's hardware hacking blog, and the site for the Cyclecide Heavy Pedal Bike Rodeo.
Here's a video interview of Rudy and Alex on the tenth anniversary of Monkeybrains..discussing how an indie internet biz can stay afloat.
Rudy's latest project involves building his own wireless can antennas, as described on Dorkbot. |
Posted: 28 May 2009 08:21 AM PDT The Conference Board of Canada, a Canadian think-tank that was caught regurgitating a US lobby-group's press materials in a tax-funded report on the Digital Economy, has withdrawn its copyright-related reports, stating "these reports did not follow the high quality research standards of The Conference Board of Canada." This is a major climb-down for the Conference Board, who refused to admit any wrongdoing after being caught plagiarizing materials from US copyright lobbyists, the International Intellectual Property Alliance, and even stood pat after it was revealed that they'd discarded and suppressed contradictory reports written by their own experts. Statement from The Conference Board of CanadaStatement from The Conference Board of Canada (via Michael Geist) Previously: |
BB Video: BIG YANK, a Weird '70s Jeans Ad (Oddball Film) Posted: 27 May 2009 09:40 PM PDT Today's episode of Boing Boing Video is a vintage 1970s television ad for a brand of jeans called "Big Yank." When I first watched it, I was immediately convinced that this ad was all about the giving of wedgies -- to one's self, to others, no matter! Wedgies, wedgies, wedgies. Or maybe the ad was about something even more inappropriate. At any rate, I thought it was funny. The video comes to us as a special courtesy of Oddball Film and Video, a San Francisco-based firm that maintains a truly amazing and extensive archive of weird old moving images. They do regular screenings, too. BB Video will be bringing you more from their superbly surreal collections in the weeks to come. Where to Find Boing Boing Video: RSS feed for new episodes here, YouTube channel here, subscribe on iTunes here. Get Twitter updates every time there's a new ep by following @boingboingvideo, and here are blog post archives for Boing Boing Video. (Thanks to Boing Boing's video hosting partner Episodic, and to Robert Chehoski and Stephen Parr of Oddball Film + Video) |
Boody Rogers: vintage comic is first-brewed weirdtea, Mark was right! Posted: 27 May 2009 06:03 AM PDT ![]() After reading Mark's review of Boody: The Bizarre Comics of Boody Rogers, I knew I had to read this thing. And I just did. And I'm reeling with it. Boody Rogers, a contemporary of Tex Avery, Harold "Little Orphan Annie" Gray and Chester "Dick Tracy" Gould out-weirded any cartoonist, living or dead, for the bizarre design of his characters and the out-of-control situations he plonks them in. In reading this book, I kept seeing visual echoes of the many who clearly cribbed from Boody, from the characters in Monsters, Inc. to Tex Avery at his oddest. But this tasted like the original brew, first brewed from fresh leaves. Babe is an immensely strong hillbilly lass who is destined to be a pro ball-player, provided her Mammy can keep her in lightning juice. Sparky Watts is a strongman who needs to be refreshed with cosmic rays or he shrinks to bug-size (his pals include a talking hat with feet and a pinhead whose feet have been swollen to immense size by cosmic rays, and naturally they loathe each other), Dudley is a be-bopper whose kid brother wants to use his records for target practice (and whose dialog runs to "Jumpin' Jack from Skaggerac!" and "'Lo from Buffalo! Crowd in, gang -- mom an' dad have gone to a movie -- let's start SLICING CARPETS!"). They all climb new pinnacles of lovable absurdity, as the words and pictures vie to see who can be more madcap. This kind of comic makes me wish I was a time-traveller and could visit the era of its birth and read it every week. Previously: |
Posted: 28 May 2009 07:11 AM PDT The New York Times Magazine ran an excerpt from Matthew B. Crawford's new book, Shop Class as Soul Craft. Crawford has a Ph.D. in political philosophy. He owns and operates a motorcycle repair shop. His book is about the the importance of using your hands to make and repair things. He compares the kind of life many people in developed countries lead -- inside cubicles, working on things that are several levels removed from the physical world -- to a life of skilled labor that requires ingenuity and experience, and provides the kinds of challenges that human beings were made to relish. I'm writing a book about the rewards of DIY, and Crawford's book really resonated with me.
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