Sunday, March 15, 2020

Connecting: Content Partnership


I'm Kylie from the ChangeRoots editorial team. Politics plays a big role in the advancement of economics and greatly impacts the environment, technology, and society in general, and this is why we aim to help the world make a better place starting with encouraging healthy political views and ideals.  With this in mind, our team is in pursuit of possible partner sites that can help us transform Toxic Partisanship to Post Partisanship.

I stumbled upon your site and thought to offer you an article that you can share with your readers: 

3 Ways to Make A Difference: Changing The World With Political Awareness 

We would appreciate it if you could publish/repost this article on your site as additional content or add our link to your existing article as an external resource - you can also edit it as you'd like. 

 In return, our team will share your links/articles across our Twitter channels.

We hope we could work with you changing the way politics works and build a better future for our children. Thank you very much for your time and I look forward to hearing from you!

Many thanks,

Kylie Berger


Kylie Berger

Content Relationship Manager


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