Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Latest from Boing Boing

The Latest from Boing Boing

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Boing Boing

WATCHISMO TIME MACHINES - Timing is Everything...

Study: Bandwidth hogs aren't responsible for peak network congestion
Global Chokepoints: new activist coalition monitors censorship through global copyright enforcement rules
High-status trades indicated by enormous cigars in 1943
Little Printer, custom paper news-ticker for your living room
Imperial Japanese Army acoustic locators: Let loose the tubas of war
Mick Jagger, 15-year-old rock climber
Police hand- and ankle-cuff 5-year-old, charge him with battery on a police officer
Anthology of forgotten Carl Barks' Barney Bear comic books
Hacking carbon emissions into Minecraft
Kidnapper sues victims who escaped for breach of contract
Jesus and Mary Chain, piano duo
Cupcakes made from Coke, Ruffles, Mountain Dew, Doritos, Cheerwine, and Nehi grape soda
How To: Debunk a myth
The best spam I've received in a long time
Senate set to pass bill that redefines America as a "battlefield," authorizes indefinite military detention of US citizens without charge or trial
Battered Tahrir Square protester recounts Monday clashes
Oil company changes its name to "Pixar"
Interactive musical map of Colombia
Crowdfunded journalism + crowdsourced expertise = ?
X is for X-Ray: Cool, interactive kids' app
JWZ: you don't need to sleep under your desk to succeed in a startup, but if you do, it'll make your VCs plenty rich
Brain Rot: I Am The 99%
Introversion releases source code for all its games
Kit-a-day giveaway from MAKE:
OWS and the webcasting revolution: Xeni on The Madeleine Brand Show
Boars, Gore and Swords: 3rd best Game of Thrones podcast
Stross: publishers' insistence on DRM "hands Amazon a stick with which to beat them"
Venn Diagram: "Using a tent is not always just camping."
Neil DeGrasse Tyson interviewed by out-of-character Stephen Colbert
Star Trek Book of Opposites: educational reading for geek babies


Study: Bandwidth hogs aren't responsible for peak network congestion

By Cory Doctorow on Nov 30, 2011 11:35 am

David Weinberger does a great job summarizing a paywalled report by Benoît Felten and Herman Wagter, who investigated ISP usage patterns in five-minute-increments to see if "bandwidth hogs" were really a problem for ISPs. They found that there is indeed a set of users who download a whole lot: "The top 1% of data consumers…account ...
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Global Chokepoints: new activist coalition monitors censorship through global copyright enforcement rules

By Cory Doctorow on Nov 30, 2011 08:57 am

A global coalition of activist groups including the Electronic Frontier Foundation have created "Global Chokepoints," a worldwide initiative to monitor censorship arising from copyright enforcement. Global Chokepoints will document the escalating global efforts to turn Internet intermediaries into chokepoints for online free expression. Internet intermediaries all over the world—from Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to community-driven ...
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High-status trades indicated by enormous cigars in 1943

By Cory Doctorow on Nov 30, 2011 02:23 am

This 1943 ad for humongous cigars enumerates all the high-status trades of the day, a strange mix that includes "metallurgist" "dramatist" and "munitions maker." Who IS that man with the huge ... cigar?
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Little Printer, custom paper news-ticker for your living room

By Cory Doctorow on Nov 30, 2011 01:27 am

Today, London design firm Berg announced Little Printer, a "printer connected to the Web." Little Printer generates a hardcopy, customized news-ticker. It grabs stuff from sites based on your parameters, and you can send it stuff from your phone to read later. When you get home, you tear off the tape and have a little, ...
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Imperial Japanese Army acoustic locators: Let loose the tubas of war

By Cory Doctorow on Nov 30, 2011 12:21 am

Behold, the fearsome Japanese War Tubas, used as "acoustic locators" by the Imperial Army. War Tubas
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Mick Jagger, 15-year-old rock climber

By Mark Frauenfelder on Nov 29, 2011 11:54 pm

[Video Link] Then and now. Go, Mick!
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Police hand- and ankle-cuff 5-year-old, charge him with battery on a police officer

By Mark Frauenfelder on Nov 29, 2011 11:41 pm

Police feel safer in Stockton, California, after they successfully subdued a big, scary 5-year-old boy, cuffing him with cable straps and charging him with "battery on a police officer." In it, the officer, Lt. Frank Gordo, says he placed his hand on Michael's and, "the boy pushed my hand away in a batting motion, pushed ...
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Anthology of forgotten Carl Barks' Barney Bear comic books

By Mark Frauenfelder on Nov 29, 2011 11:00 pm

My friend Craig Yoe (a designer and comic book historian whom I interviewed on Gweek a while back) has has edited over 30 books about comic books and illustration, including Krazy Kat & the Art of George Herriman, Amazing 3-D Comics, Archie: A Celebration Of America's Favorite Teenagers, The Golden Collection Of Klassic Krazy Kool ...
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Hacking carbon emissions into Minecraft

By Cory Doctorow on Nov 29, 2011 10:51 pm

James Smith's entry to the Stockholm Green Hackathon was a Minecraft mod that adds carbon emissions to the game, which revolves around resource extraction and use: When you burn some wood in a furnace, the mod calls out to AMEEconnect to do a calculation, and adds the result to a tracker in-game. As the carbon ...
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Kidnapper sues victims who escaped for breach of contract

By Cory Doctorow on Nov 29, 2011 09:49 pm

Jesse Dimmick is suing Jared and Lindsay Rowley, whom he was convicted of kidnapping, for breach of contract. Dimmick argues that because the two won his trust when he invaded their house at knifepoint (while fleeing a murder charge which led to him driving over a police spike-strip in front of their house), and then ...
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Jesus and Mary Chain, piano duo

By David Pescovitz on Nov 29, 2011 08:47 pm

Here is a lovely cover of The Jesus & Mary Chain's "Just Like Honey" played on two pianos!
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Cupcakes made from Coke, Ruffles, Mountain Dew, Doritos, Cheerwine, and Nehi grape soda

By Cory Doctorow on Nov 29, 2011 08:45 pm

Orlando's new 4River Sweetshop sports dessert-like semi-edible object made by combining iconic junkfood in unthinkable ways, such as "Coke and Ruffles cupcakes, Mountain Dew and Doritos cupcakes, Cheerwine cupcakes and, still in the works, Nehi grape soda cupcakes." Rivers tells us that the baked goods will be available for online purchase – just in time ...
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How To: Debunk a myth

By Maggie Koerth-Baker on Nov 29, 2011 07:33 pm

I'm going to bookmark The Debunking Handbook, a quick-read pdf with all sorts of great advice for effectively countering misinformation. It's put together by the same people behind Skeptical Science, my go-to source for detailed, easy-to-understand debunkings of pretty much every climate-science-related myth you can rattle off.
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The best spam I've received in a long time

By Maggie Koerth-Baker on Nov 29, 2011 06:48 pm

I love unintentionally funny email spam so much. Sadly, it's been a long time—like, years—since I got any that wasn't just a boring re-tread of now-standardized routines. Then, this morning, a wonderful change of pace. In my in-box I found a strange hybrid of the Nigerian prince scam + the foreign lady looking for love ...
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Senate set to pass bill that redefines America as a "battlefield," authorizes indefinite military detention of US citizens without charge or trial

By Cory Doctorow on Nov 29, 2011 06:41 pm

The US Senate's Defense Authorization Bill redefines America as a "battlefield" and authorizes US troops to conduct military arrests of civilians on US soil, and to indefinitely detain citizens without charge or trial. The ACLU wants you to write to your senator and demand that this insanity not pass. The Senate is going to vote ...
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Battered Tahrir Square protester recounts Monday clashes

By Xeni Jardin on Nov 29, 2011 06:39 pm

Alejandro De La Cruz from Turnstyle News tells Boing Boing, Our reporter out of Egypt, Shadi Rahimi, has completed an online post with video on a Tahrir Square protester who was in the middle of Monday's clashes. The demonstrator, whose name is Saleh, says he was battered, arrested and later released. He says he considers ...
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Oil company changes its name to "Pixar"

By Cory Doctorow on Nov 29, 2011 06:24 pm

A Canadian oil company called Paramount Resources has changed its name to Pixar. Seriously. Previously known as Paramount Resources, I guess the executives got tired of being named after one of Hollywood's has-been brands. As far as I can tell, this is not a joke, there's even a serious sounding press release composed without a ...
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Interactive musical map of Colombia

By David Pescovitz on Nov 29, 2011 06:21 pm

The excellent Soundway Records label continues its musical exploration of Colombia with another huge compilation, The Original Sound of Cumbia. To promote the release, they've created a really fantastic interactive "Musical Map of Colombia." Browsing the map is a fascinating experience whether or not you intend to buy the new compilation. That said, I'd wager ...
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Crowdfunded journalism + crowdsourced expertise = ?

By Maggie Koerth-Baker on Nov 29, 2011 06:15 pm

This is a small thing now, but could become more interesting in the future. American Public Media (the people behind a lot of the shows you hear on NPR) have a project called the Public Insight Network, which connects journalists with average people who want to share information about their hobbies, passions, or areas of ...
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X is for X-Ray: Cool, interactive kids' app

By Maggie Koerth-Baker on Nov 29, 2011 06:04 pm

There are lots of alphabet books out there. Matching a letter to an object and pairing them with a little bit of cute poetry is a conceit that goes back to the days when alphabet books were printed on a single sheet of paper protected by a thin layer of animal horn. What makes the ...
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JWZ: you don't need to sleep under your desk to succeed in a startup, but if you do, it'll make your VCs plenty rich

By Cory Doctorow on Nov 29, 2011 05:21 pm

Prompted by his being quoted in Michael Arrington's article on how you should view your work at a startup, Jamie Zawinski opines that the reason that venture capitalists tell you that startups should involve health-destroying, life-destroying, brutal work is because doing this will make them rich, not you. He calls this a con. JWZ, who ...
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Brain Rot: I Am The 99%

By Ed Piskor on Nov 29, 2011 05:08 pm

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Introversion releases source code for all its games

By Rob Beschizza on Nov 29, 2011 05:00 pm

The Humble Introversion Bundle -- a pay-what-you-want compilation of the games Uplink, Darwinia, Defcon and Multiwinia -- gets a huge upgrade today: the source code for every title and a bonus game, Dungeons of Dredmor. Every buyer gets the source, but Dungeons of Dredmor is unlocked only if you beat the average donation, which is ...
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Kit-a-day giveaway from MAKE:

By Cory Doctorow on Nov 29, 2011 04:54 pm

Gareth from MAKE: sez, "To celebrate the release of our special Make: Ultimate Kit Guide, we're running a Kit-A-Day Giveaway between now and Dec 23. We're giving away nearly $9,000 worth of merch from the Maker Shed, including FIVE MakerBots! To be eligible, all you have to do is leave a comment on that day's ...
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OWS and the webcasting revolution: Xeni on The Madeleine Brand Show

By Xeni Jardin on Nov 29, 2011 04:48 pm

A man leans against the wall of City Hall at the Occupy LA encampment after the 12.01am eviction deadline in Los Angeles (Reuters) I joined The Madeleine Brand Show today to talk about independent live-streaming backpack journalists covering Occupy Wall Street. What gear are they using, how and why are they doing what they do, ...
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Boars, Gore and Swords: 3rd best Game of Thrones podcast

By Jason Weisberger on Nov 29, 2011 04:31 pm

When all my friends were talking about George "Rail Road" Martin's 'Game of Thrones' -- I was lost. The show confused me, the books were just not an option; yet a small circle of my friends were completely obsessed. Then I found the Boars, Gore and Swords podcast. Released quasi-weekly, Ivan and Red were just ...
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Stross: publishers' insistence on DRM "hands Amazon a stick with which to beat them"

By Cory Doctorow on Nov 29, 2011 04:13 pm

Charlie Stross unloads both barrels on the big six publishers and their insistence on using DRM in connection with their ebooks, arguing that their demands for DRM lock their customers into Amazon's Kindle platform, "handing Amazon a stick with which to beat them harder." DRM on ebooks gives Amazon a great tool for locking ebook ...
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Venn Diagram: "Using a tent is not always just camping."

By Xeni Jardin on Nov 29, 2011 02:59 pm

Link to larger size, from @punkboyinsf.
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Neil DeGrasse Tyson interviewed by out-of-character Stephen Colbert

By Cory Doctorow on Nov 29, 2011 01:52 pm

The Kimberley Academy in Montclair, New Jersey hosted a fascinating, one-hour chat between Neil DeGrasse Tyson -- Hayden Planetarium director, TV science host, and all-round good guy -- with Stephen Colbert in a rare, out-of-character appearance. Stephen Colbert Interview - Montclair Kimberley Academy (via Kottke)
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Star Trek Book of Opposites: educational reading for geek babies

By Cory Doctorow on Nov 29, 2011 01:31 pm has a gallery of pages from the Star Trek Book of Opposites, a board-book for little happy mutants featuring illustrations from the original Star Trek series. Star Trek Book of Opposites
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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The Latest from Boing Boing

The Latest from Boing Boing

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Boing Boing

WATCHISMO TIME MACHINES - Timing is Everything...

Om Malik reflects on a decade of blogging
Podcast: "Another Time, Another Place," mixing space like time with Harris Burdick in a YA story
23.5-tonne Marmite traffic-jam
Voynich Manuscript online
Daria cosplay
VIDEO: Porcupine really into corn on the cob
Steven Heller reviews Zippy Goes to School
A visit to an unusual bookstore in Quartzsite, Arizona
Secret records of US bank bailout released, over howls of protest
Harry Houdini and Arthur Conan Doyle
One percenter asks: "Have You Ever Heard of Anybody Great That's Come Out of the 99 Percent?"
Elvis Costello to fans: my label is gouging you on my new box set; don't buy it. Buy Louis Armstrong music instead, and download my stuff by "unconventional means"
Little Brother II naming rights up for bid
Representative from Burzynski Clinic sends aggressive legal threats to skeptics who question "antineoplaston" cancer therapy
Parkour-style urban skiing
Why you should be skeptical of evolutionary psychology
New sports stadiums don't improve local economies
Split-second high-speed photos of dogs shaking their jowls
CIA threat-tracking technology is fascinating, creepy
Teenager won't be punished for saying mean things about state governor
Beautiful 1940s rail ads
How the tax code works for billionaires
Fish House parade
WWII "gremlins" safety posters
Twitter buys secure communications company that helped hack the Arab Spring
Gweek 028: The Amazing Adventures of Phoenix Jones
HP Offers a New Movie and Music Experience in Time for the Holidays
UK warns of riots if Euro fails
If Ghostbusters was a Dr Seuss book
Boing Boing Gift Guide 2011


Om Malik reflects on a decade of blogging

By Rob Beschizza on Nov 29, 2011 12:52 pm

"Blogging is not about opinion but it is about viewing the world in a certain way and sharing it with others how you look at things."
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Podcast: "Another Time, Another Place," mixing space like time with Harris Burdick in a YA story

By Cory Doctorow on Nov 29, 2011 12:46 pm

In my podcast this week, I read my story "Another Time, Another Place," recently published in The Chronicles of Harris Burdick, a companion volume to Chris Van Allsburg's classic Mysteries of Harris Burdick, a collection of illustrations and titles from a lost (imaginary) short story collection. I was commissioned to produce a story for the ...
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23.5-tonne Marmite traffic-jam

By Cory Doctorow on Nov 29, 2011 06:57 am

Traffic in Yorkshire is snarled this morning after an overturned lorry dumped 23.5 tonnes of yeast extract on the motorway.
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Voynich Manuscript online

By Cory Doctorow on Nov 29, 2011 04:44 am

Avi sez, "Yale's Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library has put complete high resolution scans of the enigmatic, undeciphered Voynich Manuscript online." Written in Central Europe at the end of the 15th or during the 16th century, the origin, language, and date of the Voynich Manuscript—named after the Polish-American antiquarian bookseller, Wilfrid M. Voynich, who ...
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Daria cosplay

By David Pescovitz on Nov 29, 2011 04:10 am

Over at deviantART, SoDespair shares a small gallery of excellent Daria cosplay! Above, Daria Morgendorffer and Jane Lane. SoDespair's deviantART Gallery (via Neatorama)
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VIDEO: Porcupine really into corn on the cob

By David Pescovitz on Nov 29, 2011 03:41 am

[video link] This porcupine, named Teddy Bear, enjoys corn on the cob. A LOT. (Thanks, UPSO!)
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Steven Heller reviews Zippy Goes to School

By Mark Frauenfelder on Nov 29, 2011 01:43 am

In Print online, Steven Heller reviews Zippy Goes to School: Born in Africa, the real Zippy lived the better part of his life with Bonnie and Lee Ecuyer. Adopted when he was just three months old, he was trained to eat at the dining room table with a spoon and fork (no knives, thank you). ...
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A visit to an unusual bookstore in Quartzsite, Arizona

By Mark Frauenfelder on Nov 28, 2011 09:39 pm

Quartzsite is a town of 3,000 people in western Arizona. It calls itself the Rock Capital of the World and is also known for its spirited police/citizen relations (example 2). But I didn't come to this fine town to meet the police or look for interesting rocks. I came to visit Reader's Oasis, an excellent ...
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Secret records of US bank bailout released, over howls of protest

By Cory Doctorow on Nov 28, 2011 08:54 pm

Bloomberg has won a lengthy Freedom of Inforn battle to get the details of a secretive, no-strings-attached multi-trillion-dollar payout from the Bush administration (continued by the Obama administration) to banks, the details of which were not available to Congress. The documents make it clear that the banks' posture that they were only borrowing the money ...
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Harry Houdini and Arthur Conan Doyle

By David Pescovitz on Nov 28, 2011 08:01 pm

In 1920, Harry Houdini, famed illusionist, met Arthur Conan Doyle, famed creator of Sherlock Holmes. The two became friends even as their complex views on spiritualism and the paranormal often put them on opposite sides of the Skeptic/Fortean coin. Christopher Sandford, biographer of Keith Richards, Kurt Cobain, and Roman Polanski, is the author of a ...
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One percenter asks: "Have You Ever Heard of Anybody Great That's Come Out of the 99 Percent?"

By Cory Doctorow on Nov 28, 2011 07:51 pm

A gentleman in a nice suit who's disgustedly watching an Occupy LA protest proudly identifies himself as "part of the one percent" and asks, "Have you ever heard of anybody great that's come out of the 99 percent?" Proud One Percenter: "Have You Ever Heard of Anybody Great That's Come Out of the 99 Percent?" ...
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Elvis Costello to fans: my label is gouging you on my new box set; don't buy it. Buy Louis Armstrong music instead, and download my stuff by "unconventional means"

By Cory Doctorow on Nov 28, 2011 07:17 pm

Elvis Costello addresses his fans in an editorial called "Steal This Record," in which he notes the absurdity of the price set by his label on "The Return Of The Spectacular Spinning Songbook," a live CD and DVD combination priced at $262.46 ("either a misprint or a satire"). He laments that his label has refused ...
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Little Brother II naming rights up for bid

By Cory Doctorow on Nov 28, 2011 07:12 pm

Fantasy literature doyenne Terri Windling is in the midst of a serious financial and health crisis and her friends are pitching in to run a fundraising auction for her benefit. My contribution: naming rights for a character in the sequel to Little Brother, to be published by Tor Teen in late 2012/early 2013.
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Representative from Burzynski Clinic sends aggressive legal threats to skeptics who question "antineoplaston" cancer therapy

By Cory Doctorow on Nov 28, 2011 06:59 pm

Houston's Burzynski Clinic is a cancer-treatment facility specializing in "antineoplaston therapy," a treatment involving urine developed 34 years ago by the clinic's founder, Stanislaw Burzynski. Mr Burzynski characterizes his treatments as "clinical trials." After 34 years' worth of these trials, I can find no record of randomized double-blind studies demonstrating this treatment's efficacy being published. ...
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Parkour-style urban skiing

By Cory Doctorow on Nov 28, 2011 06:48 pm

Here's a "street skiing" video that crosses street-skating with parkour, driving a long-suffering pair of skis over a series of urban obstacles from stone stairs to snowy hills. Just watching this daredevil makes my heart pound in sympathy. JP Auclair street.avi (via Kottke)
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Why you should be skeptical of evolutionary psychology

By Maggie Koerth-Baker on Nov 28, 2011 06:39 pm

Using the attractiveness of waist-to-hip ratio as an example, psychologist and blogger Sabrina Golonka explains why you have to be skeptical when someone declares a psychological finding to be a universal human truth. It's not universal if it doesn't cross cultures. But we don't have great cross-cultural psychology data, and, where the data does exist, ...
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New sports stadiums don't improve local economies

By Maggie Koerth-Baker on Nov 28, 2011 06:23 pm

As a person whose state is currently embroiled in a debate over whether (and, more likely, how) the public should pay for a private company to build its new facilities, I found this quote from a 2000 issue of the Journal of Economic Perspectives to be particularly interesting: Few fields of empirical economic research offer ...
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Split-second high-speed photos of dogs shaking their jowls

By Cory Doctorow on Nov 28, 2011 05:44 pm

Photographer Carli Davidson catches high-speed frames of dogs shaking their jowls. Insane landscapes of weird and cute. Shake (via Making Light) (Image: downsized thumbnail from Shake6.jpg, by Carli Davidson)
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CIA threat-tracking technology is fascinating, creepy

By Maggie Koerth-Baker on Nov 28, 2011 05:29 pm

Palantir is security software that helps CIA analysts take innocuous events (man comes to U.S. on temporary visa, man takes flight training classes, man buys one-way ticket from Boston to California) and put them into a context where potential threats can become more apparent (the one man is actually several, and they're all on the ...
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Teenager won't be punished for saying mean things about state governor

By Maggie Koerth-Baker on Nov 28, 2011 04:55 pm

Last week, Kansas teenager Emma Sullivan posted a snarky tweet about the state's governor Sam Brownback, which, naturally, led to Brownback's staffers pressuring her principal to make her apologize on threat of punishment. Apparently, at some point during the holiday weekend, the school district noticed this would violate Sullivan's free speech rights. They've announced that ...
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Beautiful 1940s rail ads

By Cory Doctorow on Nov 28, 2011 04:40 pm

From Vintage Ads participant write_light, a triptych of 1940s illustrated rail ads of surpassing loveliness. Sunday Surplus: The Luxury of Rail Travel in the Forties
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How the tax code works for billionaires

By Cory Doctorow on Nov 28, 2011 04:36 pm

The NYT has a long investigative piece explaining the procedures deployed by the Estee Lauder heirs to "shelter" their income from tax, such as donating millions of dollars' worth of art to their own charitable trusts, then taking a gigantic tax write-off. Estée Lauder Companies went public in 1995, and Ronald Lauder and his mother ...
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Fish House parade

By Maggie Koerth-Baker on Nov 28, 2011 04:17 pm

The Aitkin, Minnesota, Fish House Parade is a post-Thanksgiving tradition. People dress up their snowmobiles, Sno-Cats, and fish houses—portable cabins used for ice fishing—in silly costumes and roll them down Aitkin's Main Street to cheering throngs. It's meant to mark the kick-off of the ice fishing season on Mille Lacs, a particularly large lake in ...
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WWII "gremlins" safety posters

By Cory Doctorow on Nov 28, 2011 03:27 pm

Vintage Ads poster Write_light rounds up a collection of WWII "gremlins" safety posters, beauties every one. Sunday Surplus: Back Up Our Battleskies!
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Twitter buys secure communications company that helped hack the Arab Spring

By Cory Doctorow on Nov 28, 2011 03:07 pm

Twitter has bought a company called Whisper Systems, who make a secure version of the Android operating system as well as suites of privacy tools that are intended to protect demonstrators, especially participants in the Arab Spring. Many speculate that the acquisition was driven by the desire to hire CTO Moxie Marlinspike, a somewhat legendary ...
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Gweek 028: The Amazing Adventures of Phoenix Jones

By Mark Frauenfelder on Nov 28, 2011 03:04 pm

In this episode of Gweek, David and I speak with Jon Ronson, a journalist, documentary filmmaker, and the author of the bestselling books, The Psychopath Test: A Journey Through the Madness Industry and The Men Who Stare at Goats. Jon's  latest work is a very short book, or long article, available as an ebook, called ...
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HP Offers a New Movie and Music Experience in Time for the Holidays

By Advertiser on Nov 28, 2011 03:03 pm

ADVERTISEMENT A new laptop for Christmas sounds pretty awesome, right? What if it could play Blu-ray discs and output flawless audio, too? HP can make all of your dreams come true with its new dv6t, the perfect gift for yourself -- or someone else, if you're feeling generous -- this holiday season. As if a ...
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UK warns of riots if Euro fails

By Xeni Jardin on Nov 28, 2011 02:42 pm

Ottawa Citizen: "British embassies in the eurozone have been told to draw up plans to help British expatriates through the collapse of the single currency, amid renewed fears for Italy and Spain."
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If Ghostbusters was a Dr Seuss book

By Cory Doctorow on Nov 28, 2011 02:24 pm

DrFaustusAU, whom you'll remember from this autumn's Dr Seuss meets Cthulhu mashup, is back at the drawing table, with There Goes A Gozerian, Ghostbuster: a reimagining of Ghostbusters as a Dr Seuss book. There Goes A Gozerian, Ghostbuster (via Super Punch)
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Boing Boing Gift Guide 2011

By Boing Boing on Nov 28, 2011 02:20 pm

Though we're delighted to have our own online toystore up this holiday season, there are a thousand things we could recommend from elsewhere. Cutting it down to a couple of hundred, for our fourth annual gift guide, wasn't easy; this year was a fantastic one for books, games, gadgets and much else besides. From stocking stuffers to silly cars, take yer pick.

Boing Boing Gift Guide 2011

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